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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. BUMP!!! Anybody seen Episode 123, yet? Hollow Ichigo is INSANE!!! Choking the hollow form of Hiyori is soooo BADASS!!! I did help that Hiyori was scared sh*tless after that.
  2. AKI says "soak me with your semen" Silly Translators!!! http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/8788/akibladeyd7.jpg
  3. WOW!! The Bleach and Naruto figures behind thw woman (jwinges' WIFE?) look really AWESOME. Wish I had one of those, especially one of Zaraki Kenpachi from Bleach. :-)
  4. WHAT??? No mouth-mounted knife for the arbalest???
  5. I have'nt seen trasnformers (animated) in a long time, but did anyone dig the Optimus Prime robot mode? http://i12.tinypic.com/2a98vog.jpg http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/imagehosting...fdb28f33771.jpg Anyways, I'm liking bonecrusher's logo. Now what are the odds that those "Buffalo" operators in Iraq or Afghanistan, who happen to be TF fans, are going to paint this logo on thier vehicle.
  6. "Why are u so calm!?.... Have you done this before?" Priceless moment for me what John McClaine's reaction was. That's I'm sold for this movie. UN Spacy: Well he could be that guy in the helicopter that ate a police car (in the later part of the trailer). BTW, the scene kinda reminds of of Black Lagoon Episode 2. Gunboat v. Helo.
  7. Spoiler pics for ep.21. WARNING: : Don't Fracking Open them if you don't want to be spoiled. Kapesh!? http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1...64155264da4.jpg = Psycho!!!!! http://img88.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1164664237506ag3.jpg http://imagesocket.com/view/blaa0.jpg
  8. Speaking of blue eyes, BL seems to like female charcaters with blue eyes? UN Spacy: Sorry, about that.
  9. Just saw it last week. Man that was one very painful way of extracting information from 007. I'd take to pulling teeth and electrocution over what 007 went through, any day. Thank You.
  10. ARX-7 and M9 Figures....... :wub: :wub: Arbalest though lacks the head mounted knife from FMP1. :-(
  11. 25th Year and nothing special. This sucks.
  12. Amen to that. Eda in Episode 13: But I was shocked though about her origins/background in Ep. 18.
  13. BUMP!! Episode 9 Just came out. BK just released it, so go get em.
  14. In the anime only the lead characted "Masane," current WB wielder has tentacles ( I think this was shown somewhere between episodes 1 to 5). The Clone Blades and even the X-Con's don't have them or is never shown to have tentacles.
  15. Well how about that. One of the first blogs of episode 13!!!! http://aurabolt.wordpress.com/2006/10/02/black-lagoon-13/
  16. e_jacob77: Nothing much. But if you want to check comments about the DVDs head on over to this thread: http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php...100&page=20 NOTE: I'm afraif you have to read through it though starting arounf page 10 I guess. Anyways for the other MWers interested in this series, the show has ended at episode 24. That's for the raws though. :-( For the subs its gonna take a while, since aside from BK no other sub group has picked this series up. So this means we have to wait VERY PATIENTLY, I might add for BK to come out with the subs.
  17. BTW, looks like Byakuya is fighting in one of the episodes in the 90s. Going as far as BANKAI!!!
  18. animesuki.com national-anime.com anistas.com
  19. Looks like ANN has an entry now regarding the second season of BL: Its entitled: Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage (TV) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=6832
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