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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Just saw Episode 1. :-) AND........... Is it just me or does Alto have a problem with authority in the way he disobeyed orders from Mikhail during their gig at the Sheryl concert?
  2. Forgive me but I'm sometime dense......
  3. Just curious about the OP ED. Why am I thinking that the left VF is an enemy VF like those of the varuta in M7? http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Macr...0Large%2014.jpg AND that this person is the pilot (the blonde person in a blue suit): http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Macr...0Large%2013.jpg Take note of the battroid right behind that blonde person in a blue suit could it be the battroid of the enemy VF I was talking about or is that the Macross 25 in battroid mode or something?
  4. So..... @Duke Togo: I have got to watch this episode!!!!!
  5. Uhmmm... is it just me or are these guys behind her packing M41A Pulse Rifles!!??? If so hope we get to se somebody weilding a Smart Gun. Somehow........Cathy Glass reminds me a lot of Lisa Hayase, but I'm not sure why. BTW,
  6. @Graham: Who or what's the name of this giant sized Meltrandi? Never mind. EPIC LOLZ!! Klan Klein??? A captain at that too. :-) BTW, why am I getting the Max-Milia vibes with the banter between Michele and Klan Klein? I hope they will have a knife fight in future with KK micloned of course. LOLZ
  7. WAIT!!! WAIT!!!! WAIT!!!! DAMN!!! Graham's image gives us more reason to speculate about the new baddies. :-(
  8. Hey Graham, was that the only scan of the Mecha-sized knife? You know EDIT: WAIT!!! WAIT!!!! WAIT!!!!
  9. @jet660: I just remembered that scene. SO I guess I must have over reacted on my earlier post here. :-) I'm curious though: Also
  10. I'd love to make an anime series about the Colonial Marines in Aliens. :-) Soo much APC, M41A & Smart Gun Love going around. :-) Plus it should have an added bonus of Japanese translation of such one liners as: "That's it man, game over man, game over!" "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." "All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the corps!" "How do I get out of this chickensh*t outfit?" "Gorman: Apone! Look... we can't have any firing in there. I, uh... I want you to collect magazines from everybody. Hudson: Is he fartin' crazy? Frost: What the hell are we supposed to use man? Harsh language?" "Hudson: Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man? Vasquez: No. Have you?" More of those nostalgic quotes here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090605/quotes
  11. OK. went ahead and saw the pilot episode. It seems ok. :-) But a few questions popped up for me:
  12. Indeed. This might seem like blasphemy, but was'nt that rifle reminiscent of the M41A?
  13. Not me. :-) However, I am re-watching Macross Plus OVA and Macross Zero as of the moment. And whoever said that MWers are over analyzing the first episode, I second that!!!!
  14. @Ali Sama: Credited the Ozma image to you. :-) @Fellow MWers: What's up it all this talk, speculation, arguments or whatever about the first episode? People it's only the frickin first episode!!! Everyone should remember:
  15. Wait a minute. Was'nt Isamu Alva Dyson of M. Zero using a VF-11C? Anyways, another M. Law: The badass character who is also a heavy drinker dies in the middle part of a series. *** cough *** Skull One *** cough ***
  16. ROFL!!!! Man, its nice to be back in the forums after a 1-week haitus. :-) BTW, did anybody notice something weird on Isamu Test Pilot's Ali Sama's screen cap of teh SKULL LEADER? http://www.uploadgeek.com/uploads456/0/ISA...STPILOTOZMA.jpg Ozma's hair can partially block one of his eyes during combat. Does that make him more of a BADASS then? : @aerodrew: Uhmmm....should'nt this be labeled as NWS (Not Work Safe) or am I just having a too vivid imagination. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a254/aer...71230212907.jpg http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a254/aer...71230212932.jpg You mean this: (Credits to AreaSeven, hope you don't mind) But, was'nt that an experimental weapon, and it was sued against an old Monster Destroid (Red Bug could be more heavily armored than even that old Destroid), AND IIRC you need to be in Gerwalk or Battroid mode to use it. One can't actually transform to Fightermode with that thing on. Heh, PPB Punch anyone? :-)
  17. With the VF-171s being fairly established as the new CF-1s. Is it safe to assume that the VF-19 and the VF-22 are going to make an appearance? I certainly hope anf prey that they won't be another bunch of CFs. @BeterHans: Actually the guy in Mac Zero was not a school boy. He was an F-14 pilot with several confirmed kills. :-)
  18. Upon re-watching the episode, YES she does seem like a spoiled b-i-t-c-h with the way she talks to the "Blue Dancer." :-) Also Anybody notice that Mikhail has the Blue trimmings on his suit AND wears glasses. Hmm....... Max 2.0??? I bet he even has a sweet ride colored Blue. Anybody have an idea how long this series will be? 24? 50? :-|
  19. NO PROBLEM!!!! And a Merry X'mas to you to as well as to all other MWers. This is turning out to be the best X'mas for all of us. :-) @moderators: I hope it's not a problem that I included in my sig a link to the 1st Episode of MF.
  20. I just saw episode 1. Seiyan's subbing. Kudos to them. OMGBBQ!!!!! My jaw just dropped with all the visuals. My first impression after viewing it was that I think this show is'nt the kiddie stuff what with all violent sequences remiscent of M0. ALSO, after watcing it I really feel sorry for Graham, since Also the "Skull One"-like dude, On "Tech Stuff" in the series: But overall, a fantastic first episode. Really loved it. :-)
  21. @UN Spacy: @Graham: YOU ARE A GOD!!! Those pics pwn!!!! Thank You very much. Anyways a couple of Q's
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