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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. The plot's thickening by the way as of Episode 24. * Grodek assasinated by the kid during the Ambat opeeartion. * Kid from Ambat operation that kills Grodek, also is killed by mysterious people in suits..probably some feddy faction that Grodek was getting evidence on. * Also, new toys for Asemu to make him equal a X-Rounder? Hmm.......
  2. I was actually hoping for RX-78-2 ==> Zeta ==> Rx-93 or RX-0 especially with the X-Rounder abilities starting to be featured prominently.
  3. Amen brother!!! Amen!!! But I doubt it look goo in anime form. AS for Thundercats never got into it myself. I was more a Centurions, M.A.S.K., Dino Riders kind of kid. But still I'll try to see if I can still watch it just out of curiosity. Edit: Darn!!! After being away from this forum for such a time. I never realized that this is the second time I've quoted Tak. LOL
  4. Same here. Just saw episode 3 and I have to admit that I'm really starting to like the show even with the kiddie like characters.
  5. After two episodes, liking it so far. Please don't kill me. But seriously, I don't know why, the characters designs are actually a bit meh to me, but the story so far seems interesting. BTW, Age Builder FTW!!!
  6. Macross Plus will always remind me of how I developed my love for anime. If it was not for M+ I would not be here as well. BTW, when I first saw Macross Plus (Movie) it was in the WOWOW channel and I could understand a single word the characters were saying, but, that was all it took for me get hooked on anime and eventually wind up here a few years later. DOGFIGHT FTW!!! By the way who composed this instrumental? Kanno?
  7. Something about the women of America, IIRC.
  8. BTW, correct me if I'm wrong here but wasn't Sarah supposed to be Caucasian? http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/14289205/starcraft-ii-zerg-heart-of-the-swarm/images/starcraft-ii-heart-of-the-swarm-20110527025224345.html http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/game/heart-of-the-swarm-preview/ Zerg tan, perhaps?
  9. Nova's "I'll be seeing you sooner or later." comment that was inscribed in the Spectre Killer trophy in the cantina now makes perfect sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was just replaying WOL. Female Overmind, perhaps?
  10. Nova vs. Sarah ???? Hmmm....makes me want to complete playing WOL.
  11. "I need a horse!!!" Most hilarious line I've ever heard in a movie.
  12. She does have that same headclip/thingy that was used to control Brera: So most probably she is. As for "Angers 672" it does kinda remind me of a Meltrandi name like "Milia 639" AS for the human ears probable a half human?
  13. Just saw the third one. A bit spoilerish, but, maaaaannn....Unicorn is one mean machine when that NT-D activates. Now time for the six month wait....again.
  14. WOW!!! I never realized we had a lot of Isamu's on this board. I feel sorry for Guld and Alto though, no one likes them? In any case, my vote goes to Max. WHY? He's a very humble guy and always likes to stay in the background. I still remember when he was first introduced in SDFM as a member of Hikaru's team with all the accolades heaped upon him by his team mates after his performance.
  15. Plus the're very useful during the zombie apocalypse!!!
  16. This recently by someone here: http://edition.cnn.com/video/?/video/tech/2010/02/04/sr.baldwin.mind.control.cnn# Now combine that with this: http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2010/11/12/lawrence.iron.man.suit.cnn?iref=allsearch and Over Technology, we may be on our way Earth's first valk or gundam.
  17. So we're going to have I-Fields and PBB's soon then? On another note: http://theweek.com/article/index/209301/japans-holographic-pop-star ZOMG!!! So are we gonna have Sharon Apple in the near future? BUT what about valks and the SDF-1? Does this mean no one will save us when Sharon takes over?
  18. Interesting. Paint scheme seems a bit different though.
  19. When a alien battle fortress crash lands on this planet of course. And the Hollywood sign still standing.
  20. Was that a Rick DOM? And a transforming Hyaku Shiki with no gold plating? WOOOOOOOOT!!!!
  21. Marines are squaring off with aliens again? It's like 1991 all over again. At any rate, this movie seems to be promising. The title though is a bit B-Movie-ish. By the way, my eyes might be deceiving me, but where these Marines wearing ACU's?
  22. I hear Microsoft Security Essentials is a good free alternative nowadays.
  23. That was FRACKING AWESOME!!!!! Some highlights: * DUAL ROCKET PUNCH!!!!! * I think this is the first Super Robot anime I've seen where the hero unit is used to step on some one as if he was nothing more than a bug. * Like everybody else dual wielding of pistols reminded me of a scene from Equilibrium.
  24. Just saw #2. WOW!!!! Sinanju is one bad ass MS. Also, Overpowered beam rifle for the Unicorn?
  25. What the Frack!? I'm totally speechless right now.
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