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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. WOW!!! Not only does Pizza hut support "The Rebellion." It now supports the soldiers and citizens of Macross Frontier. Anyways has anybody seen the Pizza Hut product placement ads in the last four episodes? Pizza Hut can't use Ranka, since she already works for NYAN-NYAN.
  2. Oh I see. Never would have realized, since its been a while since I saw either SDFm or DYRL. Anyways was'nt anybody having this weird since of Deja Vu when K.K. defended Zentran Technology. She reminded me a lot of Revy from Black Lagoon, the only thing missing was for her to call Altoh "Rock," and Ozma "Dutch." I'm still a little bit disturbed by the Pixie Squadron carrying around live ordinance in a freaking training exercise. If I was Alto, Mikhail or Luca I'd be shaking in my suit by now. One wrong flick of the switch and its "adios muchachos." EDIT: The V.A. for K.K. is Megumi Toyoguchi, who also voiced Revy in B.L. I'm stuck on stupid.
  3. I just saw it today, and I just wanted to say........Ranka's VF Backpack FTW!!!!! ALSO......Q-Raus pwns!!!! I mean just WOW!!! its already 40+ years old and its still able to give the VF-25 "a run for its money." Just WOW!!! I don'n knwo JBO. It could be the sign of the times I guess. ewwww.......
  4. Did you have the WTF!? feeling when the Graham and Setsuna had their climatic battle? The V.A. is Romi Paku (Theresa in Claymore, Hitsugaya in Bleach, Edward Alric in FMA, yada yada yada). This is just speculation on my part, but based on the V.A. alone I think this female version of Tiera will have a very major role next season. Tiera's replacement, perhaps? @kensei: It reminds me a lot of Strike Freedom. Also since this is supposed Setsuna's new ride will this come with "Fangs" like those on the one that Ali jacked from the Thrones? Or will this still be the close combat type with the big-ass sword?
  5. Already DL'ed it. Now at 75%. Thanks for the heads up, anyway. :-) @Shouta: Thanks again for the wonderful job with the subs. Out of the all the subs (Gattai, AiA, Shinsen, and Menclave???) AiA seems to be the "good stuff" for me. Keep ug the good work.
  6. Damn it Graham!!! Your making me drool and very restless with anticipation for the scans. I've only downloaded 60% of AiA's subs, and now you drop this on us!!!
  7. Sigh. I'm still waiting for AiA's. I'm already at their site at scarywater doing the F5 routine.
  8. BTW, AiA's *.mp4 format can be played under CCCP's MPC. No need to use VLC, unless your using it for the added sound boost. @David Hingtgen: VLC has always had playback issues with the *.MKV format especially the larger ones. Also the subtitles are sometimes bad/awful in an *.MKV file played under VLC. :-( You might wann try CCCP or Storm Codec, which I personally use. AS FOR ME..... I generally install & use "VLC" & "Storm Codec" for all of my video playback needs.I've also used CCCP, but opted for Storm Codec so that I could play Real Media Files as well, which CCCP can't.
  9. Speaking of...... SMS has them as well!!!!
  10. SUPER LMAO! Anyways, I'm dying with all this waiting for the subbed version and as Girli pointed out earlier in the thread...... F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 @Gerli: Nice Avatar. You AND MisaForever have the best avatars in MW.
  11. Warning: Very Spoilerish Question BTW.... Looks like the anime is gonna become quite interesting in the next few months.
  12. The are several "million" dollar questions about these cliffhangers in episode 25 though...... Who's gonna pilot it (GN-0)? Especially with the assumed death of Lockon Stratos. And whose Solar Furnace is used in GN-0's, since Exia's is with the GN-00? AND also what about the three other solar furnaces (Dynames, Kyrios, Virtue/Nadleeh), which were all jettisoned by the pilots of the respective M.S.es? Plus the "fake" solar furnace of Nena's Gundam, which presumably in the custody of the Chinese girl's group?
  13. ^^ I meant THAT name. Also, just curious have you ever watched Gundam 00, Graham?
  14. Ironic, since IIRC, the voice actor of Graham Aker in Gundam 00 (Yuichi Nakamura) is the same one playing Alto-Hime. Now you've done it. I just had a flashback of episode 25 of Gundam 00, and the conversation between Graham and Setsuna. Hint: "LOVE" azrael: Is'nt there anyone we can bribe or torture so that we Mwers can know the name in advance? The wait is killing me.
  15. I've also wondered about that, since "AiA I-Z" is the only one that has so far released Episode 3.
  16. LMAO!!!! @kresphy: DAMN YOU!!! My right hand just went numb from all that "right click and save" mouse action. I'm loving this pics very much. Thanks.
  17. I favor their subs as well. I would have loved to go with Shinsen, but there slow in releasing. Heck, there still stuck with episode 1. Also Canaria is the doctor who tended to Ozma, right? Is she the Monster's pilot (I'm assuming she's also a member of SMS then)? Also is she Zentraedi? I distinctly recall a picture of her and K.K. wearing flight suits and headbands.
  18. You noticed that one, eh? I already think thats the kind of voice he's gonna use for B.S., since IIRC Kira did sound like a girl at odd times in GS and GSD.
  19. Hey could anybody get a higher quality screenshot of this: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Macr...0Large%2023.jpg I had an interesting talk with a poster over at animesuki.com who said that it could be possible that the the picture of the threesome is Ozma, Gilliam and a young Cathy Glass. Its seem intriguing.
  20. When I watched that sequence I thought I was gonna see another "Ozma Knuckle Sandwich," and then Alto gets booted out of the hospital by Mikhail and Luca. No EMOs allowed here Mr. Alto.
  21. I totally agree. So if that was the case, it would be possible for us to still see the VF-19 and and the VF-22 in MF thrust into the role of specialized fighters, then? IIRC, weren't the VF-19 and VF-22 at one point in time in the Macross Universe used as Special Forces-type fighters/Specialized Fighters especially with their use of those darn fold packs? BTW, is that a Shield I see on the left arm of the VF-25? Looks kinda small though to be of any use.
  22. I second that. I myself was pretty curious about our own Duke Togo's avatar. I've seen the animation of this thing and it seems to have a 70s or 80s feel to it. Looks very old (no offense) like the Original Gundam.
  23. Kababayan!!! Anyways about the pics you posted some have speculated he could be alto main opponent, Personally I think he is also the pilot of this VF the flys by the VF-25 in the scene of the OP: http://i32.tinypic.com/jv3jvr.jpg BTW, the VF-25 is the one in the right.
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