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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. You do realize that in VF combat shooting someone in the back is unavoidable. I think azrael should have shot sketchley while the sun was to his back. Like....... ZOMG!!! azrael vs. sketchley BTW, nice episode if the screen caps floating around are to be believed.
  2. Just re-watched Episode 7. AGAIN!!! And I just noticed that when Alto-Hime didtched the Super Pack Parts he used the left control stick. I know its fifty plus years later, but whatever happened to the good old BIG RED Button we see in Macross Zero?
  3. Wait a minute.....I thought it was the Armored Pack that had the chest missles NOT the Super Pack?
  4. BTW.....Graham's gonna love this..... New exit ports for internally carried missles of the VF-25 that's not part of the Super Pack? (click on image for bigger view) As you could clearly see the missles are NOT launching from the Super Pack. So is it safe to assume that the baseline VF-25 (w/o any Fast Packs) has missles of its own?
  5. You mea this: http://i28.tinypic.com/2582ya1.png
  6. Yeah I was talking about the Mysterious Officer that was ordering/commanding Brera to deal with the Vajra nest. Sorry if it was a bit vague. Well anyways I just re-watched certain episodes of Claymore again and it seems the voice of the Mysterious officer is the same voice used by Kikuko Inoue in her Miria character in Claymore. ALSO......It seems the pilot in a Q-Rau is actually flying the mecha like the old Regult battle pods instead of it being a power suit for giant Zentraedi, since if the Q-Rau were really a suit worn by Klan-Klan she would have lost both her arms and legs in this episode.
  7. Just saw AiA-IZ's sub. Once again kudos to them for another execellent episode. Just heard the voice commanding Brera, and I'm pretty sure that that's the voice of Kikuko Inoue, I distinctly remeber her using that voice in her Miria character in "Claymore." I don't know though if grace is this mysterious officer in episode 9 or not. But it might give credit in some way to my earlier comment about Kikuko Inoue voicing two different characters in MF (Grace & Mysterious officer of Brera) just like Houko Kuwashima who is voicing (Kanaria Berstein & Nanase Matsuura)
  8. uhmmmmm...anybody tried the Chihiro subs? Never heard of thi group before. ALSO....Is gg taking over Gattai in subbing Macross Frontier episodes?
  9. @ma2ha3: From reading your comments I thought you were spoiling for a fight with me or something. Anyways........Looks like I need to correct myself here. It seems Alto-Hime is gonna be stuck with "SMS007," since in Episode 4 his VF-25 has an "SMS007" marking and at the same time his VF-25 in episode 9 still has "SMS007" Episode 4 VF-25: Episode 9 VF025:
  10. BTW, why I think this is Alto-Hime's final VF-25, since its "SMS007" jut like the one in the OP: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/image/Macr...0Large%2015.jpg So In guess he wont be blowing up any VF-25 anymore. Episode 9 VF-25:
  11. She also did the voice for Miria in Claymore, which is WAY different than the voice she used for Belldandy. I think she might be voicing the mysterious superior of "Kira Yamato," but it is'nt actually Grace O' Connor character. Just like Hōko Kuwashima who is voicing two different characters in MF: Nanase Matsuura & Kanaria Berstein @Duke Togo: Are you referring to this:
  12. I'd like to point out though that Grace's VA is Kikuko Inoue. A very talented one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kikuko_Inoue Renegade Zentraedi Fleet? I was hoping that they (Mikhail's Sis & C.O.) were fighting the Renegade Power Armour like the one Isamu fought in Macross Plus. IIRC, Isamu even managed to skewer one Renegade PA. Just you wait when he starts re-programming the O.S. of his VF-27 ala Strike Gundam from Gundam Seed.
  13. Is it just me or did the VF-171 in the flashback use a Sniper Gun Pod? So it seems the "Sniper VF" was not a concept that originated from the VF-25. Intersting. Also, according to the pics that "Nexx Stalker" posted at the Episode 9 Thread. It seems like the VF-27 also has a knife. It somewhat integrated to the shield. Hmmm......
  14. Speaking of Macross-Related Technology, I just wanted to post the very interesting comments below from a member at animesuki.com forums. http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php...363#post1617363 Quite an intresting read, especially for people like me who don't have the material this poster (ReddyRedWolf) has.
  15. DARN!!! Never realized that. Nice catch. So does this mean: Ranka = Myung Alto = Isamu Sheryl = Guld
  16. Another Super Pack for the VF-25 Carrying BITS? Anyways...Leon is getting shadier and shadier with all the activities his been doing that are revealed in this episode. Something tells me his agenda is'nt really about the safety of frontier citizens its more like the acquisition of Vajra weapons/technolgy. As for the character voiced by the Kira Yamato VA, I'm at a loss on who he is.
  17. I wonder what VF they are using?
  18. UHmmmm.......... POWER EXTREME!!! Ah those were the days. I really liked this cartoon since the main villain (Doc Terror) reminded me a lot of one of the antagonists in SDFM. ANYWAYS...... did anyone notice that those large lasers on the Ozma's VF-25 w/ Armoured Pack fired in episode 7? I wonder how powerful they are? The way those lasers were designed they seem to be useless in battroid mode.
  19. I think you mean the YF-19 or VF-19, since the VF-17 and the VF-171 are based of the F-117 Nighthawk. Also...I believe the VF-11 is also (well somewhat) reminiscent of the SU-27 nose as well. BTW, I'm surprised. I thought I was gonna see a lot of people raging about the animation quality. Heck I even expected more negative votes in this episode. But, I guess its good to be wrong sometimes.
  20. Episode 7 really had me thinking.......... Why did Alto have to use the Super Pack as a decoy for the incoming Vajra missile thingies. I mean it was already established way back in Macross Plus that chaff can be used. Probabaly because those were alien missles, perhaps? Also, why did the Vajra suddenly loose the ability to throw out those funky/version version of chaff as a defensive measure against the barrage thrown out by Ozma in the VF-25 with Armoured Pack? Speaking of the Armoured Pack, I'm really amazed at the way it fought in episode 7, I mean it was heavyily loaded so it should'nt be able to outrun Alto in his VF-25 with Super Pack, but it did. What's the deal here?
  21. Anyways if events in Macross were to happen the same as ours would'nt it explain the retirement of the F-14's of the U.S. Navy. If the events were to happen then for all we know somewhere in the Pacific the F-14 (modied into the F-14 Kai) could be in service with the U.N. Forces, battling the MiGs of the Anti-U.N. As for the retcon, NO Macross does'nt need it. Its ok the way it is.
  22. That may bound to change, especially with the animation quality of the preview. As early as now, I'm preparing for a lot of negative votes for episode 8.
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