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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Yeah. Noticed it too. Now that you mention it this is actually the first beut of a FLYING CF-25 a.k.a. Cannon Fodder VF-25. Agreed. I want my DYRL Homage!!! If its colored brown then it must be a Cannon Fodder. AND thus must be designated as the CF-25.
  2. YAY!!!! VF-25S with Armored Pack & NUKES!!! I NOW demand a scene with both Ozma's VF-25S and Alto's VF-25F flying in formation with Armored Pack and NUKES!!!
  3. Thanks, HangPC2.
  4. SIMPLY @ azrael , MisaForever, and Garou Kuroryuu: You people are so lucky. I only get to watch MF on a 17" Dell Monitor made waaaaaaaaaaay back in 1995.
  5. WOW. This anime seems promising. BTW, Random Curiosity already blogged episode 1: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/07/17...st-memories-01/ You mean this: BTW....if that's the female lead, why does she remind me of someone, a character from another anime with the same hair color and facial features. All Hail Duke Togo!!! The Karaoke King!!!
  6. Cornelia...... http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/CODE%20G...review%2001.jpg Ohgi X Villeta FTW!!!! http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/CODE%20G...0Large%2024.jpg Sayoko http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/CODE%20G...0Large%2023.jpg Charles having a WTF!? Moment. http://that.animeblogger.net/wp-content/up.../07/cg15-16.jpg
  7. Thanks for the pic. As they say better late than never. BTW, what episode is this pic of yours from: I wanna take a screen cap of a bigger one of that.
  8. A THIRD SEASON!!! BUT BUT BUT BUT.........I thought the manga was already over. Makes me wonder what the story is gonna be about.
  9. She's a KABABAYAN? That's awesome, but I was wondering were did you get that information, UN Spacy? Never mind, I just did a quick google search and found her wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megumi_Nakajima
  10. Despite that I'm still at odds on which is more bad-ass: Ozma's VF-25S or his car?
  11. The problem though is that those 4,795,122+ Vajra ships don't have an EARTH to bombard (SDFM Homage). Well maybe they could bombard that Jupiter-like planet that's been appearing since the beginning of the series. On the bright side though if those 4,795,122+ Vajra ships do appear are we gonna finally get to see a Vajra version of the: DYRL's Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress. (DYRL Homage) http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossdyrl/go...ilefortress.htm
  12. So could it be that Sheryl is a clone or something? The Fairy 9 call sign makes me wonder about this. I mean the way Grace said that she/he/them was/were discarding Fairy 9 really disturbed me. It was as if Sheryl was some unwanted object that can just be thrown with the garbage.
  13. Notice the pic Nexx Stalker posted earlier: That's not Jamming Birds, that's t3h Sound Force. Anyone got a bigger pic of the one Nexx Stalker posted? BTW, Its been more than 24 hours and a sub is already out but this thread has yet to reach 20 pages. Are Mwers losing interest or something? Anyways, I'm 20 minutes away from completing by download of this episode.
  14. Agreed. Why collect model valks when you can have the real thing THAT has the latest tech on it. Mr. Bilrer = Teh Ultimate Valk Nut BTW, who is credited for voicing Mr. Bilrer, anyways? To give is an AWESOME Macross Plus-type OVA/Movie featuring the YF-24, perhaps? As for the Vajra pet, its probably with Nanase. Uhhmmmm.....resting in her PILLOWS.
  15. WOW. When Duke Togo said tha Bilrer was big dude I was'nt expecting this: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2038.jpg
  16. So I'm guessing that Bilra did'nt utter the lines: "Boy, valkyries don't grow on trees." I'm with Kronnang Dunn on this one: We need those subs NOW!!!!
  17. AHemmm..... [spoiler]SPOILER HERE[/spoiler] Its almost 12 hours and still 6 pages. Does that say a lot about how bad or good this episode is?
  18. Very interesting pics there Master Dex. So.............
  19. Just curious when you mean big.......
  20. Hey I think your on to something here. Episode 14: (VF-171 with said missles.) http://img413.imageshack.us/my.php?image=180768pa9.jpg Macross Zero OVA Vol. 1: (VF-0S with said missles.) BTW, Did anybody notice that Alto's Armored Pack has the Skull Squadron Insignia???? http://i33.tinypic.com/m987k1.jpg
  21. If were to follow Macross Tradition than what will appear next is a..............armada composed of millions of Vajra Motherships and Battleships PLUS a Vajra version of the Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress.
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