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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Don't forget the propaganda.....
  2. BTW, the contrails those two fighters make while flying reminded me a lot of the YF-19 & YF-21 just as they entered Earth's atmosphere. You know the part where "Dogfight" starts to play.
  3. IIRC, there was a comparisson pic of valks and bottle pods posted by a member here in MW. Did a quick google search and these were the two that I came up with:
  4. There's a 640x480 floating around the net if anyone is interested. I was just curious though was that all? I mean I expected something more than just 2:07 minutes. I had posted somes questions in the news thread, but it seem inappropriate, since well its THE "Macross Frontier News Thread III" and I guess ALL THAT VF isn't hot news anymore. AND most of my questions weren't answered as well. MY POST AT: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=637936 BTW, ALSO, according to Master Dex, the music being played is "Welcome to my Fan Club Night" by Sherly/May'n. It is on OST 1. <<=== Thanks for the info Sulendil Ang.
  5. WOW!!! I had no idea that conceptual BFG of the VF-25 was that huge. It even looks a lot bigger than the VF-27's Beam Gun. More to the point whatever happened to that Heavy Weapons Module developed for the YF-19 and seen in Macross Plus? You know the one that blew a Monster Mk. II to smithereens with just one shot.
  6. I don't have the guts to start a new thread about this.....so I was wondering.....I've seen a WMV9 640x480 clip of ALL THAT VF floating around the net, and I was just curious how long is this? Is it really just 2:07 minutes, long? What is the music playing when the VFs do the maunvers? I have other questions as well but I don't want to spoil it for others so I'm using spoiler tags.
  7. What a turn around indeed. It looks like in this episode its the VF-171s that get pwned.
  8. Was'nt there some pic posted here in MW about early sketches of the VF-25 with Armored Pack AND carrying a BFG as long as the one the VF-27? I cant remeber though who posted it.
  9. Could anybody ID the Hand Gun that Ozma was packing. It look suspiciously like a Sig Sauer P-228. BTW, went ahead and watched gg's sub. Its been days and no other group has subbed it yet. No that someone mentioned the scene were Ozma shield's the bridge really reminded me of that scene in DYRL wherein Hikaru nailed that zentraedi going towards the brdige of the sdf-1.
  10. Lulu and Orange-Kun must be into BDSM or something.
  11. Alto can't be SKULL LEADER, because its a very MANLY Title and his not MANLY enough.
  12. @thegunny: A million thanks of the scans. Its deeply appreciated.
  13. Uhmmm, why not use BEAM SABERS? **** Runs Away from the Angry MW Mob ****
  14. BTW, whatever happened to Linux or even OSX in 2059? Don't tell me that M$ was the ONLY one that had a development team in SDF-1, thus allowing it to sruvive in the Zentraedi bombardment of earth.
  15. So does this mean that Micro$oft Corp. survived "The Rain of Death a.k.a Zentraedi Bombardment of Earth" back in SDFM? So what version of Windows is that CF18? M$ Windows 2059?
  16. DEFINITELY!!!! BTW.....that's statement is quite ironic since Ozma's V.A. Here you GO: Or Better YET USE NUKES.
  17. Its more like the Monster is gonna be loaded with armored piercing Speaker Shell. YAKH DEKULCHA!!
  18. Are those Grace's tentacles draped around Sheryl?
  19. BTW.. Grace really looks hot in this scene:
  20. ....
  21. Nice. Except for Guld I can clearly recognized the pilots just from the flight suit they are wearing. Let's see now: VF-25 = Alto YF-19 = Isamu VF-19 Kai = Basara VF-1 = Hikaru VF-0 = Shin EDIT: @GGemini: thanks for the pic.
  22. If your worried about collateral damage, how about sending the VF-25S with Full Armor towards their HQ? Without Nukes of course. Oh yeah......Ultimate Macross Villain: Quamzin Kravshera. HANDS DOWN!!!!
  23. That has bothered me quite a bit. I mean where are the CF-25s that just get blown up. I demand VF-25 and VF-27 PWNAGE SCENES on the NEXT EPISODE!!!
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