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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Don't know it doesn't really jive with me. I didn't experience any kind of database error, since I'm browsing MW through an RFV-25's computer with all three ghost drones deployed.
  2. Uhmmmm.... BTW... was browsing through animesuki and one of the members posted some screen shots. Yummy...... http://community.livejournal.com/whatboutmystar/7801.html
  3. Its a long shot, but...... This was posted by Spud387 over at the Episode 21 Thread ==>> http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=650910 I finally saw it. Advertising trucks like that are starting to become all the rave here in Cebu. @UN Spacy: Found some bigger pics at Animesuki.....posted by mikoo ===>> http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p...;postcount=1163
  4. Hey, you just made me realize this would be a win for the Ranka haters IF Brera's actions in taking away Ranka from Frontier was Grace's machinations.
  5. SAAB reference. SAAB = Space: Above & Beyond
  6. Just curious......was'nt the whole "your father is sick" just a ploy by Alto's older brother to get him to go home? BTW...for those berating AND defending Ranka would'nt all those arguments just get thrown out the window when its revealed later on that Brera's actions in taking away Ranka from Frontier was just Grace's plan? BTW....I'm just asking no need to draw your gunpods and blast me to bits for asking.
  7. Anybody posted this here yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVof51xjn3w WOW. Megumi & May'N looking HOT. BTW. posted this earlier in the NEWS Thread above.
  8. Couldn't see it for some reason. Anyways speaking of promotions for the Lion single check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVof51xjn3w BTW...in the video I posted Megumi Nakajima and May'n look HOT. Especially Megumi with that school-type getup and the necktie.
  9. I would just like to point out that Brera's VF-27 was using the new Fold Booster developed by LAI that could go through fold faults. http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2030.jpg Its the same "pink" fold booster that Alto uses to get back to Frontier @ Macross Speed in Episode 14.
  10. I can already see it now..... Random Poster 1: Best Episode EVAR!!!! Random Poster 2: Alto X Sheryl FTW!!!! Random Poster 3: DIE!!! KID!!! DIE!!! Random Poster 4: That's some Fancy Shooting, ALTO!!!! I'm really amazed at all the Ranka hate, I've seen. Those are MANLY tears, right? Uhmmm....weren't Infantrymen in Ex-Gears AND the Destroids with flamethrowers (firebats, anyone?) still doing some mop-up operations in episode 21? I'm thinking not all the bugs were not lured towards Island 3.
  11. I just ripped that from a comment by someone at Animesuki, and I'm starting to think that there might be some truth to this statement. Thoughts, anyone?
  12. I was making a Star Craft reference though. It only flies in Gerwalk in Episode 21.
  13. It could be Alto in the VF-25S. Introducing a new Skull Leader this late in the game doesn't make sense. Hell for all we know it could be KK or Canaria in the VF-25S.
  14. No Idea. I must admit though I never got around to watching SDFM. The only thing I got to watch were Robotech reruns (Please don't hurt me ).
  15. BTW....I'm surprised no one pointed this out earlier: Need a light?
  16. I especially like his comments about Alto's state of mind with regards to the Vajra: I was so amused by Crusader's comments that I just had to do it..........
  17. BTW, I did try CCCP as well on those setups I mentioned in my previous post, and they seem to work for playing back gg's releases. However, ultimately I went with Storm Codec, beacuase of its ability to play Real Media files. Hope it works okay for you.
  18. The episode 21 entry on THAT anime blog is up. I always get a laugh at this blogger's comments about frontier. http://that.animeblogger.net/2008/08/31/ma...-bye-bye-ranka/
  19. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? Yeah. I have seens some of his movies, never watched his wrestling matches though. But I think I get what you meant in your previous post.
  20. To lazy to look for it, but what's your specs anyway? Currently I have the following: P4 2.6 GHZ with HT 1GB DDR400 (2x512MB) 20GB IDE HDD (5,400 rpm) + 80GB IDE HDD (7,200 rpm) Windows XP + Storm Codec 7.01.19 With the setup above I have no problem playing gg's subs. I also played gg's subs with the following: Intel Pentium Dual Core E2140 (1.6Ghz) 2GB DDR400 (2x1GB) 160GB IDE HDD Windows XP + Storm Codec 6.x.x There were no problems as well with this setup.
  21. Noticed that as well. Anyways...just finished watching the episode 10 minutes ago, and...... -- K.K. with Super Pack FTW!!!! Now I want see her use the Armored Pack as well. -- K.K. going bonkers and mumbling Michel's name like a littany was a bit disturbing. It might have been better if once in a while se just shouted DIE BUGS!!!! -- I've said it before and I'll say it again the VF-27 and the VF-25 (in their respective Gerwalk Modes) were really done/animated very well this episode. -- Destroids with flamethrowers? Must some kind of interchangeable weapon seeing that flamethrowers are useless in the vaccum of space. -- Uhmmm...where the heck did those Zentraedi Infantry come from? -- Stampede Valkyrie FTW!!!! Going to re-watch it now.
  22. Forgive me me for asking, but are you raging against my earlier post? Yeah, I really don't understand what you meant by your post. Anyways.....so the EX-Gear can be really used a frontline unit, then? http://i36.tinypic.com/2uzry88.jpg
  23. Are you saying that you're the YING to Keith's YANG?
  24. Where the heck ha you been? As early as the Page 1 of this thread, I was expecting yout to be all over this. You were always the VF-171/VF-17 NUT. I'm also kinda confused on what to call this pack. Actually in my earlier posts on the other episode threads I was expecting for the original VF-171 Super Pack to make an appearance in MF.
  25. It could be the one on the RIGHT side of the VF-171 is a shoulder mounted version of the VF-27's weapon. The one on the LEFT side of the VF-171 could be the DE weaponry, most likely missle launcher for the miniture version of a DE. The wings look like they have a pretty standard load out. ALSO take note it at those two boxes on each side, but just behind the cokpit canopy, are missle launchers? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/Drodius/vlc-26118.png
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