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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. What? Your Welcome.
  2. IIRC, there was a blue colored FLAG and Enact that got massacred in one the trailers. EDIT: Check this video out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T7ELrTDmWk At the 0:33 mark you'll see an ENACT, a Flag & a Tieren, all colored blue, get blown to bits by the an unidentified RED mobile suit. That RED mobile suit happens to be the one seen in this video: (The red one in the lead) http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Gundam%2...0Large%2003.jpg http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/09/14...0-series-2-cm5/
  3. http://i34.tinypic.com/1zfqu8p.jpg Just as the missles moves toward the center of the screen you hear some king of "scream" or screeching sound. No purple-pinky lights though.
  4. IIRC, SK has stated that his VF designs for MF won't be based on real world fighter concepts or something like that. Hence why swing-wings in the case of the VF-25 is the "IN" thing again.
  5. I think animesuki is your best bet for those kinds of pics. More can be found here: http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php...702&page=27 There's actually a bit of a difference. Blue higlight on the right side of the paper plane is visible on this one: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2035.jpg While the blue highlight in the right side of the paper plane in this one disappears: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2039.jpg
  6. Psst.....it was actually in episode 22 that Alto and Luca were talking about the new missles. According to gg's subs, Luca was saying "Its because these MDE warheads use fold-ore particles extracted from Vajra carcasses." EDIT: Also the explosions of these supposed MDE warheads was just like run of the mill micro missles. No purple-pink colors during the explosions. Although I could hear what seemed like a Vajra screaming in pain during the explosions.
  7. Psst........ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoshiyuki_Tomino
  8. Anyways.....
  9. Its this eyecatch: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2017.jpg From Episode 20 BTW....I was just bored at work today and did some browsing over at http://randomc.animeblogger.net/ to come up with comparison of paper planes. ;p Sheryl's in Episode 23: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2035.jpg http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...0Large%2039.jpg Ranka's in Episode 21: http://randomc.animeblogger.net:8000/image...0Large%2026.jpg http://randomc.animeblogger.net:8000/image...0Large%2027.jpg
  10. Before this two clips I posted above there was this screenshot on the preview as well: MDE Explosions? Maybe the MDEs only have a small blast radius? Just enough to engulf part or the whole Red Lobster.
  11. You should read his thoughts on Episode 23. http://that.animeblogger.net/2008/09/13/ma...-destory-ranka/ Basically Crusader said....... Alto-Hime performing Sakura-hime Azumu Bunsho to culture shock the Vajra. You know that might just be the surprise ending that Sk was talking about. BTW.... LOLed at the commenst of Haesslich whose a regular poster at http://that.animeblogger.net
  12. Hey you just made me remember that in Episode 10, Grace did order Brera to take down a Vajra nest so as to leave no evidence. This was the WTF moment when Brera used the quantum cannon to take out the nest which was the size of a Uraga carrier or something. So. I'm thnking Grace could have gotten those eggs from the ship in Episode 10.
  13. Here are some pics then. BTW....did anybody get the feeling that the missles fired above seem to be mini-DE missles?
  14. You know this has been really been bothering me for a while....Who really planted that nest in Island 1? Grace or the First Vajras encountered in Episode 1 and 2. IIRC, during Episode 1 & 2 did'nt the Vajra hide in one of the Islands?
  15. ROFL!!!! Nice one Morpheus. BTW...cuould you give me a link to those songs at 4chan or beter yet could you post some of it here? Thanks. Correction without Sumeragi's O.O, we only have Gundam as the title of this series. EDIT: A new trailer for season 2 has been posted, which is mecha eccentric. check: http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/09/14...0-series-2-cm5/
  16. I think basically it all boils down to the way Ranka made her intentions know in Episode 21. I mean, IIRC she never did say that she wanted to stop the fighting. She just said that she wanted to take Ai-kun home. Now IF she had said that she wanted take Ai-kun home AND to stop the fighting in Episode 21, it would be safe to assume that we wont be having the "Ranka HATE" (Ranka is selfish, Ranka is a traitor, yada yada yada). Uhmmm....her "Despairs & Nightmares" seems to have deflated!!!
  17. Don't you mean a Zero Style duel between Alto-Ozma Combo and Grace-Brera Combo? But anyways....is'nt anybody raging at all that in this episode we did'nt see any VF-25? Hope Alto wreaks that VF-171EX of his so he can go back to the VF-25F with Armored Pack as seen in the OP.
  18. No idea though if its MW friendly. Ozma = Man
  19. Help yourselves to this: http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/80actionguide.cfm
  20. I think he's now able to Jam Fold Waves, because of the research LAI/Frontier/SMS did (thanks to Alto and those did Vajra he was towing back towards Frontier in one of the earlier episodes). Remember in Episode 22 they have a new Anti-Vajra Laser (mounted on the VF-171EX) and they put something new into those missiles (in both the VF-25 & VF-171EX) that gave those Red Lobsters a run for their money.
  21. Hmmm...lets see now: Red Dawn Iron Eagle Top Gun Delta Force <=== Last Film of Lee Marvin. Lee Marvin + Chuck Norris = WIN. Missing in Action <=== Back then I thought it was AWESOME to pop out of the water with an M60. My freinds though disagreed they argued that it was better to do splits ala Van Damme. Sorry A1. Invasion U.S.A. <=== Dual mini-uzi wielding Chuck Norris FTW!!!
  22. Now that you mention it the the GN-000 0 Gundam shown in episode 25 reminds me a lot of the RX-178 Gundam Mark-II from Zeta. http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/GN-000_0_Gundam BTW...What happened to Sumeragi's chest?
  23. Uhmmm.....when was this ever mentioned? Source?
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