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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Sound Effects. RIP for the lower pic no idea for the upper one. Posted a response to this in A.S.:
  2. You meant this scene: Makes you wonder if Alto is actually spying for Ozma & the pirates of SMS. IF he is spying for them then he's one magnificent actor. EDIT: For some reason the subtitle disappears when I cap this scene. Anyways this is right after Alto's wingmen ralked about how cool this leader is. Anyways the subs were (according to gg's): "Just as I thought, its nothing but a makeshift machine."
  3. Is just the same color as the blue one in episode 1. It also the same blue color as Machida's back in Episode 14. Screencal from Episode 24:
  4. Here!!!!! here!!!!! So Alto's gonna infiltrate where Grace or Ranka is at using Ex-Gear, then? If that's the case, he still very FAR Away from where Grace and the Dulfin was.
  5. You know its bothered me for sometime, but should'nt it be an very effective offensive tactic to use the discarded islands surrounding Island 1, as weapons. Colony drops, anyone? Yeah its unoriginal, but its a sound military tactic, right? Maybe in the last episode?
  6. Just saw GG's subs and it was awesome. My thoughts: * Ozma and his VF-171. * Also about the apparent "death" of Alto, like some here I'm not buying it as well. Plus I'm also curious why Alto had to go around that destroyed carrier. * BTW...Brera saying something about him and Ranka being the guardians of the Vajra, and calling the Humans/Zentraedis of Fontier as the agressors. Hmmm.....reverse culture FTW? I'm now more interested than ever on how SK is gonna resolve this one, since I feel Humans/Zentraedis of Fontier won't very forgiving towards the Vajra, since they see them more as bugs/insects than anything else. * So baring anymore manipulations by Grace, is it safe to say that Ranka was the cause of the Vajra attack on Global or was that another of Grace's machinations. * Finally Grace is really one scary mofo. I mean talk about going to hell and back. Incidentally was she already a cyborg back then? I get the feeling that she did'nt even feel the flames searing her entire body. LOL that scene reminded me of Terminator as well. * Also I wonder, after all is said and done, if the Humans/Zentraedis of Fontier will ever be able to forgive Ranka for her being an apparent "turncoat," since a freaking huge hologram of her being projected from the Vajra planet is pretty hard to miss. That's also been bothering me. I had thought that back in episode 13 or 12 that ALL data stored in Global's computers were erased. Grace must be slipping then?
  7. CF-18 posted this on the Episode 24 thread and I just wanted to ask about it here, since its Macross Technology-related. My thoughts: So if by 2048 the VF-171 was already a "grunt" unit then would'nt that mean that by 2059, it'd be really OLD, and need of a replacment, yeah I know the VF-25 fulfills that necessity. But this got me wondering what the heck every happened to the VF-19's and VF-22's, I mean the 117th Research Fleet is'nt actually a long distance colonization so they should be equipped with the "latest toys," right?
  8. Senbonsuzakuradite~!! Picked that up from another forum.
  9. If so then who is that beside the word RIP? IMHO, it actually looks like Ranka who's trying to wear something that gets "ripped" while trying to wear it.
  10. You meant the encircled part right? http://i35.tinypic.com/5mbui0.jpg Its nor R.I.P. as in Rest in Peace. Its more "rip" in relation to clothing being torn apart.
  11. After watching the raw I just realized that Frontier could have actually used those discarded "Islands" for a colony drops. Hey wait a minute......I think this is the WRONG ANIME for that. EDIT: Did I just see a VF-171EX do a "Falcon Punch" on a freaking Red Lobster that spectacularly failed?
  12. Even though I didn't understand a single thing from the raw I downloaded, this episode was still AWESOME!!! :ph34r: Man now I can't wait for subs.
  13. If your talking about this pic: http://img161.imageshack.us/my.php?image=i...55666491vb1.jpg I have. Its called an Ex-Gear.
  14. @wolf: Could you change your sig from Michael to for the next 7 days? @Duke Togo: They call it an Ex-Gear.
  15. Symbolic? http://i38.tinypic.com/4pxlp0.jpg ROFL!!! http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j319/bkg9990/ROFL.jpg
  16. Thanks of the pics, azrael. I really enjoined browsing through them. Now waiting for subs. Now for some of my faves:
  17. Thanks for the info.
  18. Just curious are the [GGR] I see in torrents subbbed? Thanks.
  19. "Red Shirts" are ordnance people, right? Anyways, if I was a one of the ordnance people I'd hate more being ordered to arm a squadron of VF-25's with the Armored Pack complete with 4 nukes. I mean that would really be an arduous task, especially the mounting of the two top most nukes in the Armored Pack configuration.
  20. VF-25 with Super Pack (Alto's, Luca's & Mikhail's) were seen mounting nukes on the wings. Somewhere in Episode 15 to 19, IIRC. Some screencaps from Episode 17:
  21. Interesting point. I for one after seeing the first few episodes of Macross Frontier, decided to watch SDFM, which I never got around to watching, because Robotech was the only Macross-related show that was ever shown here in the Philippines back when I was a little kid. Also just finished last month re-watching DYRL, which was AWESOME. Re-watch every Macross show, until the 50th Anniversary of Macross?
  22. WOW. Thanks sketchley. Stats as per the article: VF-25 Development: Shinsei Industry/ Macross Frontier Arsenal Original Development/ LAI Company technology [technological] support based it on the YF-24 Evolution [evolution from the YF-24]. Overall Length: 18.72 m (fighter configuration) Empty Weight: 8,450 Kg Engine: Shinsei Industry/ P&W/ RR made FF-3001A Stage II thermonuclear reaction turbine engine (in space [the void of space], maximum thrust of 1,620 KN) x2 High manueverability thruster: P&W HMM-9 Maximum atmospheric speed: M 5.0+ ([at] 10,000 m, on account of the fuselage heat-resistance boundary. It is possible to reach satellite orbit with the normal specification(s)) Base weapons: 12.7 mm coaxial beam gun (Mauler ROV-217C) x1 (set in the monitor head), choice of either 25 mm high-speed machine gun [cannon] (Remmington ES-25A) or 25 mm beam machine gun [cannon] (Mauler ROV-25) x2, 58 mm Gattling gun pod (Howard GU-17A). The 25 mm machine gun [cannon] and gun pod are later refit with the anti-Vajra MDE warhead specification. ISC (Inertia Store Converter): Shinsei Industry Macross Frontier Asenal / LAI Company self-development specification ISC/TO21 Special: possible to equip with Super Pack or Armoured Pack Can cope with a fold booster. VF-27 Development: Original Development by the Macross Galaxy Variable Fighter Development Arsenal based on the YF-24 Evolution [evolution from the YF-24]. Overall Length: 18.8 m (fighter configuration) Empty Weight: 12,080 Kg Engine: Shinchuushuu/ P&W/ RR/ MG made FF-3011/ C Stage II thermonuclear reaction turbine engine (in space [the void of space], maximum thrust of 1,377 KN) x4 High manueverability thruster: P&W HMM-9 Maximum atmospheric speed: M 5.2+ ([at] 10,000 m, on account of the fuselage heat-resistance boundary. Possible to do M9+ for brief periods by protecting the fuselage with the pin-point barrier and energy conversion armour. It is possible to reach satellite orbit with the normal specification(s)) Base weapons: 20 mm beam gun (ROV-20) x1, choice of either (Rammington ES-25A) or 25 mm beam machine gun [cannon] (Mauler ROV-25) x2. 35 mm heavy beam machine gun [cannon] (Sentinel HBC/HS-35B) x2, BGP-01 (Greek Symbol for Beta) Beam Gun pod / Beam grenade x1, Internal-type micro-missile launcher (Bifors BML-04B) x4. The 25 mm high-speed machine gun [cannon] and micro-missile warheads are later refit with the anti-Vajra MDE warhead specification. The beam gunpod is refit to MDE particle beam specifications. ISC: MG development IVC/GC 01 (Greek symbol for gamma) Can cope with a super fold booster. WTF!?? 58 mm Gattling gun pod (Howard GU-17A) for the VF-25? AWESOME. IIRC, didn't the VF-1 have a 55mm gunpod?
  23. Well said. I wonder what would happen if we drop this link at Animesuki & Random Curiosity? Maybe he'd got A LOT of Attention from the people over there. j/k But, seriously Captain JLS does seem to have some good points, but at this point in time I don't really care, since the series is almost over. Plus everybody is entitled to their own opinions.
  24. Macross Official Website updated the pics for episode 24: NOTE: Don't open if you don't wanna be spoiled.
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