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Everything posted by grss1982

  1. Keep in mind though that Frontier's Ghosts that were pwn3d back in episode 1 were "dumbed down" to the point that they had limited to no autonomous capability. They were used more like the present U.S. military "Predator" drones. That's why you had the scene in Episode 25 were Luca tells his three Ghosts that they are releasing them from their "yokes" in essence giving them autnomous capability to go head to head with Galaxy's V9 drones. IMHO, Galaxy's V9 drones seem more agressive in combat than the dumbed to Ghosts of Frontier.
  2. You made me fall off my chair laughing at that one Gubaba.
  3. At the start of episode 25 we saw Luca's VF-171 transforming into Battroid Mode to help KK's Q-Rea, but when it switches to the scene where Ozma is scolding Luca, the VF-171 seems to be in fighter mode.
  4. Just finished downloading the "GG AVI" by veffidas. Thanks for the hard work man. It's actually much better than the Lunar *.avi. and oh yeah to whoever is wondering its the same resolution as the Lunar *.avi (700x400). Enjoy watching.
  5. http://that.animeblogger.net/2008/10/03/su...#comment-274133 Taking some pot shots at Code Geass R2?
  6. It could be Saji or maybe the guys who piloted the GN arms in Episode 25 of Season 1.
  7. Not really complaining, I'm just sad is all. Anyways my connection suddenly improved and it looks like I only need 40 minutes more to complete downloading the *.avi version of GG's sub, which was done by veffidas. ;D
  8. @azrael & veffidas: Could you guys or anyone enlighten us on this video? What resolution is it? I'm asking because the Lunar subs video quality wasn't really good. There were also sync problems. I'm downloading it now, but it still gonna take me a few hours with my slow connection.
  9. Yeah, I also got that faulty scene at the same time, 11:03. Also another sync problem is in the scene with Ranka, the one where she's saying "KIRA," the audio doesn't match with the video.
  10. The worse part though of Lunar's release is the video. Anyone think it would have been better if Lunar used the first RAW that was out [Macross Frontier - 25 End Raw (1280x720 DivX6..avi]?
  11. The OP itself had us all fooled. Especially with Grace looking like this: IMHO, Leon looks more sinister than Grace. Also..about the statement in bold...there was there was this particular scene:
  12. You forgot Alto's "epileptic targeting" moment a.k.a Rapid Eye Targeting first performed by Roy Fokker in Macross Zero. IMHO, I laughed so hard watching that because he looks weird doing it. IIRC, he did the "epileptic targeting" MUCH FASTER than Roy or Ozma Lee.
  13. Nice article, Duke Togo. That was a darn good read. You don't happen to OWN a P.M.C., a transforming aircraft carrier bearing the number "25," some VF's, a 1/1 size train set & a giant ring with a picture of Minmei , do you?
  14. Coincidentally, the VA for Graham also does the voice of Alto Saotome in MF.
  15. Don't forget the actual salute.
  16. Seconded. Thanks to every group who did frontier. IIRC, the groups (for English subs) are: 1) AonE & Gekkostate & Menclave 2) AiA & I-Z 3) Seiyan (Special Mention to them for the Very First Macross Frontier 1 (Preview Version)) 4) Shinsen-Subs 5) Gattai 6) Lunar Anime 7) Chihiro Kei 9) gg Fansubs 10) Anybody I missed? (Note: The list above is based on a quick browse of animesuki.com.)
  17. Time skipped one year after the planet's colonization. ==> What is it with time skips? Gundam 00, Code Geass R2, & now MF? They are suddenly attacked by a familiar voice from the past during the discovery of a long lost vessel. ==> Megaroad?
  18. What's weird about this scene though is that the glass on Alto's helmet shattered....could that be an indication that the VF-25 is going really fast and was doing some very crazy manuevers?
  19. I don't know Graham. Looks like the right arm is a goner, AND the upper torso separated. I don't know about the rest though.
  20. Crusader of THAT Animeblog has posted some of his thoughts on the series. I though it might be relevant to the topic here. http://that.animeblogger.net/2008/10/01/ma...es-and-verdict/
  21. Amazingly enough...if played in its normal speed I only caught the VF-27 gunpod.
  22. So..about the EX-Gear....I guess it safe to say that when you are using the EX-Gear its not actually your actual hand that is seen but a mechanical hand controlled with the joy stick thingy. 3 pic sequence captured in slow mo.
  23. :lol: :lol: Thanks. AND as Chief Guld Goa Bowman said earlier in this thread: Anyways...So I'm guessing were gonna finally see Episode 1 by next week. I can't wait.
  24. If SK does go the DYRL route...I hope we have a re-imagining of the battles in Episode 7, 14 & 25. That would be totall awesome.
  25. OK.....So I started early in my Macross Frontier Re-Watching Binge so I was wondering.....did anybody get the homage of Alto screaming "ATTACK?" I seem to recall an episode in SDFM where he Hikaru screams the same word, but for the life of me I couldn't remember which episode it was. EDIT: Falcon PUNCH, FTW!!!! Man...that part of Episode14 never gets old.
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