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About grss1982

  • Birthday 01/06/1982

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  1. VFs with fin funnels, anyone? TBH. it's really odd to see Sunrise do a Macross show.
  2. Only changed it now. Was quite surprised with the "very strong" requirement. The new reality I guess. Thanks to the mods for all the work they do.
  3. Fair enough. I guess what I was trying to get at was the military was actually briefing politicians about this activity and it gets reported like any other news item. IIRC, in the past did'nt the military not just outright deny the existence of this events? If that happened then by this time the Unification Wars should have been over and we would be united under one banner, right? https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/Unification_Wars
  4. An awesome nod would be if the F-18 did the inverted flying while hugging ground that Isamu did in Macross Plus. I was quite surprise by the announcement of this movie, but a part of me has this nagging feeling it might flop.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/20/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-briefs-us-senators/index.html I'm surprised no one has posted it here yet. IIRC, UFO sightings used to be just conspiracy theories but now the U.S. military actually monitors it? This news makes me wonder if the military has a transformable F-14 somewhere or a repaired alien battle cruiser just in case. lol
  6. Spot on about the mechanical details. I dig them too. By the way just saw episode 8 and I thought there was some significance to the number eight in EPISODE 8.
  7. A bit older. But you could give Cross Ange a try. Word of warning it's a bit jarring at the start. https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=cross+angie&oq=cross+angie&aqs=chrome..69i57.2335j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Also. Gundam Thunderbolt. Not exactly a series more of an ONA/OVA/OAV. But it has mobile suits.
  8. There's also one thing bothering me from FMP IV. The Alastor. Why the shock on Souske's face upon seeing two of them in the apartment with you know who? Didn't he or his team not encounter it in a "Die Hard in a boat" incident that was in the book? Or was that part not animated at all? The animation by the way is odd for some reason. Made me wish KyoAni was doing this. Heck it would even be better if the group that did FMP I did the animation. BUT, I'm still happy to see more FMP animated.
  9. Does this link in an rt.com articlecount? I can't open the actual link though since I'm at work, but I'm guessing it's harmful one so not posting it. But if I'm not mistaken that looks like a VF-25 being compared to an F-22. LOL
  10. So the Major was in fact........ Sorry I could not help myself after all the hoopla over Ms. Scarlett Johansson getting the role. All in all it was an okay movie. :|
  11. Maybe it's time we followed the Star Wars formula of Rogue One? You know something that happens between the established shows. Maybe the development program of the current VF ala Macross Plus with the Draken being the competing VF and later stolen. Or maybe a movie about the resurgence of the Anti-U.N. faction and them being behind the the war.
  12. It wont be China. That's antagonizing a huge market for this movie. Remember the Red Dawn remake? It'll probably be North Korea again or maybe the Ruskies? Or they could do a period piece like maybe the first Gulf War or mid-90s. IIRC, a new movie about the the 1980 Iranian embassy siege is going to be shown soon so going with a 90's setting might certainly be possible.
  13. Saw it myself just yesterday. I felt like more of the same. I'm curious though where they will go from this point for future sequels especially after the plot twists on this movie.
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