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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. But they have Roy's VF-1S with Strike Packs in the game as well as Roy's VF-0S... makes no sense lol
  2. Man, getting a YF-29 right after you get the hunter license (if you have the Limited Edition) is so overpowered
  3. Duymon

    Macross 30

    JUst bought a Ps3 to start playing this game. Poor Leon. He was just stopping by, gets shot down, then an Ouroboros aurora blocks him from folding back and he gets stuck working for SMS Ouroboros until further notice He even asks for salary lol Game is much more fun if you understand Japanese
  4. Toss up between Gerwalk and Fighter. not a single battroid in my collection except for my 1/48 GBP
  5. If Toynami bought the molds for the vf-1 1/60 v2 as peeps speculate, how would the QC be? *shudder*
  6. Yup, the shaking and tension caused me to lose at least 1 preorder lol Actually more like 8 since according to the thread you put down 197 which is the late-open (3rd or 4th) preorder window from NY with a 40-ish dollar markup from the original 151 Yup. 1600 JST is 0200 EST. I have my Japan time down 100% pat because I get calls all the time from them while on night shift for my job ()
  7. This is the procedure: 1. Check the boards everyday, particularly the DX VF-25 thread 2. Once pre-orders are announced, you need to stock up on the following: Red Bull and some food Stress Balls Alcohol (very important) 3. Lock yourself in your man-cave and make an account, complete with payment info, on all the major sites. Here's a few to get you started HLJ Hobbysearch Amiami Anime-Export Nippon-yasan Play-asia CD-japan 4. Around 1 hour before the preorder window (typically 16:00 JST) OPen up a browser window on each online store you know of and Log into your account. The time it takes to login could cost you your valkyrie. 5. Either get an autorefresh script or F5 every page until you see your target. Squeeze stress ball to release stress and tension because you'll need to be ACCURATE with your mouse. Fractions of seconds count! 6A. If you're able to get a valk in your cart and al lteh way to checkout / payment, you succeed. Proceed to Mw boards to brag about getting a pre-order. 6B. If you're like 99.9% of Mw-er's you won't get a pre-order. Go Bitch on the boards about missing the pre-order and then proceed to bitch about Bandai, Scalpers, and then more Bandai. Afterwards cry yourself to sleep while drinking lots of alcohol to dull the pain. 7. Wake up with a hangover only to check the boards and see you missed the Nippon-yasan reopen. Repeat Step 6B 8. Say "F*** it," Give in and order the long-open Nippon-yasan valk at 40-50 dollar markup because that's the only way you'll ever see this valk. 9. heal over time, return to normal. Deal with Bandai Preorder PTSD and await the next dreaded Preorder announcement. Did I get it right everyone?
  8. Yamato punch followed by wave-motion cannon blast would prolly win imho
  9. Nope. The only two times he whipped out his gunpod ironically it was shot instead of shooting.......once in Epi 7 and again in Epi 14. That's why I could care less about displaying him with his gunpod and will be stealing it to convert a 25G to a 25A. (the gerwalk bar and gun mount is only secured by friction so you can exchange the bars between the renewal 25's pretty easily.
  10. Yeah it has a gunpod in the pics so we'll prolly get one. Don't know if it'll be mountable in fighter or not though. I'm gonna steal the gunpod from my RVF to make a 25A custom
  11. NY-san's fedex prices are higher because they don't get a sweet-heart bulk-deal like HLJ does. That's why I end up using EMS to save money I don't know if it's changed but back in the day HLJ shipped like 2-3 times a week when they had sufficient volume to qualify for the bulk discount on shipping. Is that still the case now?
  12. I think the markup's are the result of sourcing the items, at retail, from other retailers within Japan and then having to markup in order to make investment worth it. I am speculating this because the VF-25F I bought from them just last-month was shrink-wrapped and had a magnetic security sticker on it, meaning it was in a retail store. This was packed like no other valk I've purchased from NY, and I've purchase many from them :0 I wouldn't be surprised if they're having a guy call-around and pre-ordering from shops around Japan. Japanese shipping is super duper cheap so it'd be easy to get the discounted brick-mortar valks (which are sold by stores who don't ship overseas) shipped over and then marked up to get the same profit margin they maintain on their direct supply from Bandai. The markup prolly also includes the time spent by their guys who are sourcing the supplies instead of doing other work for the store.
  13. Specialty collectibles for niche-markets always cost more. It's a fact of life for collectors of any genre. Yamato created it's own Macross niche, but as they set the bar higher and higher on their amazing valks the prices needed to recoup their costs and fund future projects rose as well; perhaps to the point where it was getting hard for them to recoup those costs. I mean, hell most of the MW members here have not really bought Yammies at full retail lately because the prices have risen quite a bit. The VF-17 retails for 24800 and the super pack version retails for 29600 yen. How many people ponied up 265 USD for the VF-17 at release? or even now? The fact that HLJ and other exporters keep these things in stock so long and have to put them on sale is a clear indicator they don't move as fast as they'd like at full-retail. Since HLJ has a huge warehouse in the middle of nowhere and they sell in great volume they can afford to keep the slow movers around. Can the same be said for Japanese brick and mortar stores who pay a premium for retail space in tightly cramped Tokyo? Would you rather be stocking a shelf full of slow-moving yammies that you'd have to discount heavily to sell, or would you stock a shelf full of cheap figs from Good Smile that move more quickly. This is why Akiba toy stores are stocked heavily with anime figs and gundam; because they know they can move that merch faster and hopefully stay in business. "But the export market is so strong for macross," they say. Yeah, it's easy to say that when you're on Macrossworld and surrounded by other collectors. We won't ever likely get the hard numbers and moreover, I doubt a company would base its survival on bypassing HG's trademarks via Online retailers to reach a wider audience. Anywho, I'm excited to see what the new Arcadia has in store for Macross and moreover what they will do with the Macross licenses in order to turn a profit.
  14. Bandai is already proving to be a little flexible with the Mac Frontier license, already having extended the license to hasegawa for their 1/72 line which is sure to be awesome-sauce. I'm assuming they only did this because their 1/72 model line is dead as no new molds have been made for anything since the 1st frontier movie (tornado packs. The exclusive VF-25G tornado was just a rehash of tornado and 25g kits) It makes no sense for them, however, to give the rights for toys to another company right now when they are still actively producing toys. I mean, do you see drug companies sharing their formulas while they still have drugs under patent? NOpe. they milk it as much as they can until the timer runs out.
  15. Wow pre-orders closed even at $199. I guess either people really love the RVF and/or bandai didn't produce as much. Hope everyone gets theirs in July
  16. Wow that price shot up fast O_o but even at 200 it's still a better deal than all the other places..... though... playasia's $212 included free shipping which woulda been sweet :0
  17. Ya know with WM working on this thing you realize the Bandai kit rocks...well..except for the fragile joints lol. I have a bunch of these 1/72s but have never had a wing break. The only valk to break was the Super parts one I built a few years back after throwing it against the wall out of frustration lol
  18. Wow.... just Wow Lupin. I guess all the people who bought Joon's Valks or the all-plastic 1/55 VF-1s'es back in the day are shitheads too, right? Back in the days when Yamato was still Toycom we macross fans were more concerned about anything macross, even if they weren't official Takatokus or officially released kits. Back in the day before hasegawa released their VF-1 weapons set mw members (some who are still here) recast Club-M Pilots and weapons so that we 1/72 fans could have decked out vf-1's. Are they Shitheads too? How about CaptainAmerica (aka Moscato). All of his kits were based on macross and not a single cent went to Kawamori-san. Is he a shithead thief bastard for having filled in the huge void of 1/72 Macross Mecha over the last 10 years? I guess you need to throw in that guy who's making the 1/72 monster too. Anyways, getting back on topic... Tonight will be Monday Morning in Japan. NY has a record of releasing new pre-orders at a slight markup the next business day after a Bandai Pre-order and assuming NY follows that pattern they might be putting up new RVF preorders tonight for like 20-30 bucks more. Good luck to those that decide to camp out and watch the site.
  19. We have no history of Hobby-fan with the V2's because they did not offer V2's until the CF-171 and REissue YF-29, which aren't out yet. Bandai doesn't ship directly to them because they, like 99% of other anime stores in the US use whole-sale distributors that Bandai does ship to. Sorry, hard for us to know when you previously wrote: Helpfully point out what? By talking out of your ass about a company you've never used? I'll gladly TOFTT and chance it to see if HF can or cannot be deemed a reliable source for V2s. I've shopped from them on and off for 10 years for many legit bandai and kotobukiya products ranging from toys to pvc figures to model kits (Yeah I also bought a few recast resin kits too ). I haven't been burnt by them yet. Worst case scenario they just don't get the pre-orders to fill everyone's (or anyone's) orders and oh well live and let learn. This really isn't helping your case of trying to "help" the MW community. Exploding in epic-fashion and being direspectful to everyone isn't helping you accomplish anything.
  20. Who KNows I might want 5 RVF-25 is my fav valk and I want to customize a few
  21. I don't think so. NY ones are guaranteed. The Hobbyfan ones are just a gamble and I already put the money aside to see if they are good on their preorders or not.
  22. What's important though is that you're willing to commit to all of your pre-orders should they be fulfilled. I already set aside about $800 to cover the RVF-25's just in case all my orders go through. I also already prepaid my pre-orders for my 3 CF's that will arrive sometime in May. People who don't intend to fully pay for what they pre-order shouldn't be pre-ordering in the first place. But if they are committed to buying all that they pre-order I could care less if they order 1 or 899. It's their money and they can do whatever they want However, if they preorder like hell and flake out it's a real dick-move, especially if the store is able to fulfill all of part of their order.
  23. I've bought plenty of legit kits and toys from Hobbyfan without an issue. They may have started as a garage-kit dealer but they do sell lots of legit stuff....
  24. who knows. Still have 2 from NY so if Hobbyfan goes through it's a only a bonus
  25. the 3 from hobbyfan cost the same as 2 from NY. Minus well If the Hobbyfan ones pull through I'll keep 1 for super and 2 for customs. Then I'll pawn off the NY's at cost on Mworld. The Elint-type valks are my favorites. I have like 5 1/72 RVF-25's
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