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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. As said before, your pilot is too rigid and upright. Tiny planes like the VF-1 are def possible, Just look at a real-life example of a tiny fighter plane, the F-5 TIger 2. Thing was so tiny it could be shipped in crates. The F-5 would be a more comparable plane size-wise to the VF-1. The VF-1 is supposed to be tiny because it uses fictional alien tech and fictional fusion turbines as opposed to conventional engines like the much larger VF-0. The Hasegawa kit manages to place the cockpit tub on top of the wheel well and fir a full-sized pilot fig. It was not much different from other 1/72 Hase Kits I've built.
  2. It's a model プラキット (playmodel kit) The pic is small and blurry so I can barely make it out, but in the company section it says ハセガワ - Hasegawa Nuff said
  3. Surprised nobody else tried this
  4. Omg...pleasant surprise today. Anime export pulled through and got me my alto packs for 56 dollars they arrived today and the wrapping is the same level as NY
  5. O....M....G..... And who said Bandai hates Macross?
  6. I bought all 3 VF-22's, not because Yamato closed but because I fell *back* in love with the VF-22 while playing Macross 30 actually the 1st 1/60 yammies I ever bought (stubborn 1/48 lover )
  7. Yeah, I miss the old days of Valk Exchange. Also miss Jerry's Vf1x.com as well :0
  8. YF-21 Fastpacks are shared with the VF-22. YOu get them in a race in the 1st zone. It's a pain in the ass because you're going to double tap and boost yourself off the flight path and throw your controller out the window several times
  9. So..... I was Playing Macross 30 and on the VF-171 EX the armored bra does indeed launch missiles. It's been this way in Every artdink game that's had the Armored 171 EX> Was this artistic license or did Bandai just cheap out and make the VF-171 armored packs not as high spec as the renewals?
  10. Ikea Cabinets are the only affordable decent-looking curios out there. When a curio cabinet goes over 100-150 people will be like "but that's another valk......"
  11. Duymon

    Macross 30

    NO clue if this is news or not but there's a Macross 30 Novel coming out on 03/30 according to Dengeki Hobby http://hobby.dengeki.com/20130227/3695-news/
  12. I guess we'll see if HF pulls through at the end of June or not. Have Preorders elsewhere so I'm not really concerned.
  13. I definitely prefer the look of the YF-30 to the VF-25. The transformation in Macross 30 looks really cool too, keeping the pilot upright the whole time like in the VF-4. I hope this is a web exclusive so that I can order multiples, one for each mode
  14. Pure Awesome. All we need now is to have this sucker put into a nice photo booth for some pro-shots
  15. Actually this isn't the case. Just like in the other artdink games the more advanced valks are more powerful even when maxxed out. VF-1 main gun maxxes out around 1500-ish while the vf-22 hits around 1300, but the VF-22 fires at about double the ROF for mad DPS on a totally unrelated note.... I think the one thing that nearly gets me killed more than anything is trying to pick up all the blue loot in the middle of battle before it disappears
  16. So guys, what do you think the best valkyrie is? In terms of easy to play, believe it or not anything based off the YF-21 chassis is totally overpowered due to having dual Main-guns with a very high rate of fire. Ever since switching to it from the Macross frontier valks, even ultimate mode feels like a joke lol.
  17. Duymon

    Macross 30

    Started playing on Ultimate for my second playthrough. The aces get uber buffed but nothing really crazy to be honest.....
  18. Duymon

    Macross 30

    Nice to see the Macross 30 Ad on the main screen of the JP PSN store.
  19. NY order ended up being 300 shipped, including fast-packs. Guess I won't get the bundle till may
  20. that's an amazing price. 128 dollars O_o people better jump on this one as otacute is actually pretty good. bought lots of stuff there. With a limit of one hope it stays up for a while.
  21. There's also a block button lol. IN all the artdink games blocking supers is the easiest way to get mad points for defense :0
  22. Normal is not that challenging at all to be honest. As long as your valk is leveled properly it's easy-sauce. Funnily enough I don't even bother using missiles or any secondary guns anymore. I just put all the point into the main gun and run around in gerwalk since it's like the only effective weapon in the game
  23. Macross aired from October 82 to June 83. They got 3 more months heh heh. If it's not out by october then yeah it'll be 31st anni. However, I'd rather have a good kit later than a crappy kit now
  24. My theory is maybe it's because there's an Ozma yf-29 and Ozma's scheme is a ripoff of Roy's. I wish Roy had been in game. He's like 100000000000000000000x cooler than Ozma.
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