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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. This is why I never got rid of my J-bank account and have trusted friends I can mail crap to within Japan. The cost of transferring 500-1000 dollars at a time to my Japanese Bank acct is waaaaaay less than what these proxy services charge :0 Then I just use either a bank wire or the credit card from that bank to pay for crap, then I pay my buddy shipping plus a little extra for his trouble.
  2. I think NY only cancels all if you don't PAY for your preorder by the due date. Cancelling way in advanced is no issue.
  3. NO love for the VF-171 I guess. If I have spare funds after this month and it's still there I might pick up more, but already got 6 in the pipe O_o VF-171 is my fav Mac F valkyrie >_< Have to have 3 in battroid and 3 in fighter like in those pics O_o
  4. We're really, really making this more complex than it really is guys. This is not some crazy weird system NY employs to get more money off you guys. If an item is 18000 yen, When you preorder and prepay, you pay exchange rate at time of prepay. NY gets 18000 yen right there. When you preorder and wait to pay, NY will readjust the USD amount to the current exchange rate. NY still gets 18000 yen. Either way, NY gets 18000 yen. The exchange rate only affects the customer, not NY. They always get 18000 yen. It only gets wonky if you have an "old" preorder and the exchange rate has changed dramatically and you prepay before they readjust your invoice. Changing your invoice to yen and paying in yen through Paypal forces the exchange fee onto you, the buyer. I have always paid USD to NY and they seem to do the exchange internally.
  5. 購入後、一度だけ変形させた後は、コレクションケースに入れていたので、状態は良い方かと思います。 暗所にて保管してましたので、箱も焼けもなく状態はよろしいかと思います。 あくまで開封済みの中古品という事をご理解の上、 ノークレームノーリターンでお願いします。 新品同様の商品を希望される方、傷などが気になる方は入札をご遠慮ください。 発送は福山通運の元払いのみになります。 ---- Only Transformed once and then put in display case so it's in pretty good shape. Toy and Box were in dark place so they should be in good shape. (guess he's referring to sun-damage) Buyer understands this used goods and not-sealed. Sold as-is, no returns. If you're looking for new stuff, please refrain from bidding. Item will be shipping via Fukutsu (Fukuyama Transport) prepaid. ---- 全体的にタバコ臭ヤニヤケがありますのでコンディション可にしております予めご了承ください. USED外箱開封済み品です。. 箱:中古品ですので多少のキズ、ヨゴレ、うっすらヤケはありますが比較的良好な状態です。. 内容物:説明書2部、訂正表、デカール2枚付。本体、パーツ揃っておりヤケがある他は使用感少なく良好な 状態です。 ---- In all, because it smells of smoke and has cigarette burns it's important for you to undertand this beforehand. It's used goods with an unsealed box. BOX: Since it's used it has Scratces, a little dirt and is a little color-faded (from the sun). However, it's not too bad. Contents: Instructions, revision sheet, decals x2, aaand.... I didn't feel like translating the rest but it says pretty much the item itself and the parts are lightly used, but have slight yellowing / fading. --- I could be wrong on some points, but I think I got most of it.
  6. NY has no limits on the marked-up CF's. Case and point I have an order for 3 since like 2 months ago.
  7. For everypreorder NY has always recalculated at time of invoice, which is about 7-10 days before release. At that time the preorder could be more and less depending upon the change of the Yen-rate. It's hit and miss. I'm 99% sure the CF will be cheaper upon release than it was at pre-order, but the same cannot be said of the ALto and RVF as we have no clue what'll change in 3-4 months. I'm going to prepay for my ALTO and rvf's once my tax-return is in, just to lock in the price and not deal with the drama. Only Pre-order if you're willing to pay that price up-front
  8. The RVF's should be coming up again soon. The VF-171 cancellations are opening up new preorders and I assume the RVF's should follow suit
  9. It's still up at NY. 17000 yen is not an awful price, that's only 2000 yen or so above retail.
  10. All my valks are bought in cash. I actually run my own business on my days off to finance my macross collecting lol. Luckily i have no interest in the 1/60 v2's (1/48 for life!) And the only mac7 valks i care about, the vf22's, i already got. prolly the only yammy I will buy now is maybe another Gamlin or two and a a second-release yf-19 so that my yf-21 isn't so lonely.
  11. this is really weird. I had seen the HLJ preorder for the RVF on my phone on 04/05, clicked add to cart but decided the PC was faster. Ran to PC, and RVF was dried out, but I got the VF-171. Last Night, opened up browser on PHone and noticed I was still on the HLJ page, with that RVF in my cart. Figured what the hell what have I got to lose? Went ahead and logged in, and completed my order O_O Got confirmation e-mail and everything. Pretty whacky that the preorder dried up on 04/05 but I somehow was able to process my order on 04/06. Bug? Luck? Who knows. I wonder if my order will really go through lol
  12. glad I checked hlj lol. got prolly the last vf-171 cf finally have 4 reserved for that diamond formation pic
  13. great price. limit of 1 so that we all can get one thank god
  14. over the last 10 years I bought one of every 1/48 sans the weathering and macross chronicles exclusives, over 20 hase VF-1's, the revoltechs, the 1/100 hi-metals, and I'm still psyched about this valk. I mean, cmon it's the VF-1 besides, I'm gonna buy a ton of these to support the franchise
  15. This only affects 1st release yf-19's right? So the new box ones, the weathered and the double-nuts and Bird of Prey are just fine, right?
  16. At this point, paying more than 21000 yen for a preorder makes no sense when that is what current, in hand first issues go for on yahoo auctions imho Well, you do have to have a Japanese contact to get them though
  17. If they prog scripts to get their toys props to them for prior planning lol. Well, unless theu do it to ebay them.
  18. NY just e-mailed me, for retail-price you're only allowed one per. For the marked up you can buy unlimited..... lol..... Might be another retail alto coming up in a bit on NY -Duy
  19. NY is up again at same retail price! *Update* and it's gone...... lol
  20. You Know that ordering online from the US is a stressful experience since even I, who have a freaking direct 10 GIG link to Japan at my workplace, was only able to use my Ninja-reflexes to get NY that even closed out in about 15 seconds from coming online, no joke And Bandai ultra-trolled the V1 collectors by giving them the final VF_25G tornado, followed by the renewals the very same year Trollololololo
  21. I've seen used 171's with armor set bundles go for 13000-14000 on yahoo auctions It wasn't hard to find them at retail in Akiba when I was last there in December, and they were marked down to like 12000 - 13000 MISB
  22. Case Study: Yamato Seriously. They produced amazing toys but people just weren't biting, even MW'ers, until they were enticed by HLJ sales and huge discounts, so inventory moved so slow that Yammie folded.
  23. It's def delayed to 04/27. Tamashii web shows: 価格(税込): 14,700円 発売日: 2013年04月27日 対象: 15才~ 価格(税込): 14,700円 発売日: 2013年04月27日 対象: 15才~ Perfect because my fun-money pay-day is on the 22nd of every month
  24. /sturmvogel5 back
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