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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. This is weird, but after looking at all three of my 171 EXes I noticed something. THe plastic on the shoulders, the head and the nose is a slightly different white than the off-white used on the wings, backpanel, etc. THis is driving me nuts, I can't unsee it now
  2. Duymon

    Japan bound toys

    How many Japanese toys are manufactured today in Japan? very little if any. It's all manufactured in China now so the perception that Japan-bound toys are better is out of date. I mean, If Japan-bound toys supposedly had better QC how could Aoshima let the Legioss remakes turn out oh so badly O_O
  3. All these numbers don't seem to be that much imho. Back in 1999-2001-ish we wouldn't flinch when MIB 1/55's would go for 1000-1500 USD easy Yamato made Macross collecting waaaay cheaper. God... I feel old now.. I still remember when Macross world had a chatroom :0
  4. Oh God. Not more miniatures, my closet is full of unpainted miniatures O_o
  5. HOLY CRAP. I have two of then and I've never seen this white skull on White (maybe that's a testament to bandai's fail) Where is this white skull? (I'm at work I can't check them right now lol)
  6. If they release a CF VF-25 my bank account is over I have a soft spot for CF valks >_< In the meantime having fun with my custom 25F Just have to source another pair of alto armor parts now for the altos I reserved from Otacute and NY
  7. That first image is not a YF-30, that's a fictional plane from Ace-combat. Think it's the CFA-44 Nosferatu
  8. That screeny i took is from ep 14, when the vf-171's unload on the capships. Upon further inspection, the reaction missiles are as long as their shins , which is already larger than the sms reaction missiles from the armored 25 sets. It is hard, however, to tell the girth from the limited screen time
  9. Machida is Angry and wishes to punch Bandai for oversized reaction weapons and wrongly-colored armored parts
  10. Who knows. Maybe the reaction missiles carried by the 171's were bigger. Maybe SMS uses a smaller version of the missile *EDIT* SCratch that, just looked online and those reactions warheads are def too big O_o
  11. Armored parts haven't really jumped that much in price since the ALTO announcement. Usually you were looking at around 150-160 shipped. Now they're around 170-180 shipped. Picked up my 2nd alto armored set since I customized the 1st one :0 While I won't say never, I have yet to see any Tamashii web-exclusives be re-issued. They didn't do it for the Alto YF-29, doubt they will for the armored parts. Other non-macrossTamashii web-exclusives are rarely re-issued, if ever.
  12. The hardpoint wings actually fit super well and are really tight. No way those MDEs would bend the wings unless they're made of pure lead or something.
  13. My bluray player says 1 hr 54 min ish I uploaded some more screenies
  14. AT around 1:14 of 2nd Movie. I just took a screeny for your reference. DAmnit these packs better be GREY Looks like they're equipped on stations 1,3,4,6 and are pretty long
  15. since those who purchase are gonna have spare underwing stores, wish we could slap them onto our renewal 25's :0
  16. Just get an airbrush and paint it grey ;p My little Iwata airbrush is ready Just kinda blagh that I have to do this 6x since I got 6 CF's in the pipe O_o
  17. They've got like 47 VF-25's left as of right now. Just put like 100 in the cart and it'll automatically adjust to how much stock the have.
  18. the 11% markup is prolly because NY is purchasing it from Bandai's webstore at retail I assume. Would not be worth their time if they stocked these and sold for no profit
  19. I have to buy 6 of these O_o. The MDE and reaction warheads are pure awesome. The only thing they could've added would be the Varja Implant missiles
  20. From this point on I will always just buy in Yen unless it's something small like the YF-29 fast packs. They just changed my order to yen. I just saved 80 dollars lol
  21. for those that ordered round 2 at 16000 yen in January the exchange rate change between then and now would save them about 20 bucks per Valk. The exchange rate right now is 99.35 O_o crazy
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