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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Dude if my bud stiffed me I'd punch him in the face :0
  2. Imagine if it has more improvements and is a V3 :0 the rage that would spew out on Macrossworld :0
  3. IT's funny how HLJ and Hobby-search had 0 issues with their servers. it's almost like Ami-ami's server is the same one they had in 2001. (It's possible! I've seen several Japanese-companies still using freaking windows 2000 on Pentium 3's.....) BTW.... F*cking http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=vf-27%E3%80%80%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC&auccat=&aq=-1&oq=&ei=UTF-8&tab_ex=commerce&slider=0'> J-Scalpers
  4. The Anime-export preorder, if it goes up tonight, is the one I don't like because you have to pay upfront and they are slooooooooooooooow to ship (took 2 months for them to ship me my alto super parts and galia 4 set)
  5. If you don't see this you didn't get it. If you do congrats!
  6. hlj has a limit of one. it showed up as red text when checking out. Easily bypassed though by having a backup account that ships to my workplace. that's how I got two Altos off another site for 126.90
  7. 5% markdown is still better than retail and/or NY markup.however,not as tasty as AmiAmi and hobbysearch markdowns :0 The only hope now is for otacute marked down VF_27 for those that want to get this valk at a non-retarded price
  8. because that would make sense. Japanese companies like Bandai are super super slow to adopt a different approach. Once they commit to one way of doing things they sorta stick to it despite the fact that they may not be doing the absolute best way. Trust me I've worked in japanese companies for 10 years.
  9. my guess is Bandai did not produce as much as these aren't as popular as the vf-25's. Let's just hope if they are ever made, the YF-25, the alternate YF-29's and the YF-30 are tamashii exclusives...
  10. otacute and hlj will pop up randomlyso it's pretty much 100% luckfor those two :0 then there's NY.... I like the VF-27 but not 230-250 dollars like
  11. Still have 6 windows open of other shops. 4.5 hours more of my shift to go.
  12. Jesus Christ I go for a break expecting the window to be at 0300 and I miss this at NY..gaaah
  13. I Just have chrome with the auto-refresh addon. You can set how many seconds there are between refreshes as well. From now until around 2:30 I keep it at 60 seconds, but then bump it up to 15 seconds near window time. On a side note, I wonder if the pilot figs will be a new sculpt or if they'll be the gummy-bear V1's?
  14. on night shift tonight. Already have 6 windows up auto-refreshing. Will get at least one I think, though goal is 2.
  15. Dude that sucks. The only thing I had was a tight ventral LERX flap (the black one that folds in under the superthin plastic strip when going to gerwalk / battroid) Had to get a tiny lil screwdriver to take it apart and lightly sand both sides so that it moved smoothly. it's gonna be hard to repair that to full functionality. Minus well make that piece closed canopy only
  16. FYI if you're still looking for one at a decent price, http://plamoya.com/en/dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf171-nightmare-plus-general-machin-p-70617.html'>Plamoya has em for 156, EMS is 32 so it'll be 188 shipped, which is better than NY (171 + 32 EMS or 19 SAL) I too have noticed the small scratches people talk about on these suckers. It sucks, but I use http://www.amazon.com/Squadron-Products-Sanding-Stick-Tri-Grit/dp/B000CDM4PY'>Squadron Tri-Grit Stick to polish out the small scratches for a super shiny finish. After that and panel lining I think I'm gonna need to get a coat of future on these bad boys to protect that smooth finish. Just debating if I should just go glossy or if I should add some Tamiya Flat Base to the future to get more of a satin finish *Edit: Sorry Guys, I seem to have just bought the last one at Plamoya for VF-171 # 7, couldn't pass up a decent deal on my favorite Mac F plane*
  17. Welp, at 4/6 now. 2 will take a while since they were shipped via SAL. I've had 0 QC problems on these thus far *knock on wood*. Now the question is how to get them displayed somewhere
  18. It isn't hard at all imho. The only part that needs love is turning the neck and head around and getting the plate between the chest and neck kept up so it inserts into the back of the head correctly
  19. WOw that's crazy! my card was completely fine after I made my preorder and has had 0 activity since I placed the order way back :0
  20. Just in case started looking around blogs and looks like no delays in the pre-order window unlike the last one for the 25F. Still set for Wednesday around 0300 EDT / 0200 CDT / 0000 PDT. Fun Fun
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