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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. You can't blame NY. It's Bandai's policy for parts, where you have to send the ENTIRE toy back in order to get a complete one. NY has had very good service. One time they sent me 171 armored parts instead of the 171 valk and they sent me the 171 valk and let me keep the parts for free.
  2. If NY has leftover super parts after all cancelled pre-orders process i"m gonna pick up my third 30th 29 + parts so that I can strip off the yellow paint with Rubbing alcohol and give the valk a nice coat of ghost grey.
  3. A lot of 171's for some reason had the shoulder verniers deployed, which prevented the wings from sitting flush. Trust me 4 out of 6 were like that.
  4. *looks at 1/48 Yammies in display case* Sorry....won't be needing this. I was cautiously optimistic about this for the longest time but now... not anymore. Considering the other Bandai Releases like the RG GP01, I am upset a kit of a mecha that costs nearly TWICE that of the RG GP01 doesn't have the same polish
  5. The Girlfriend thinks it's cute that I buy her Kinder Surprise eggs all the time. If only she knew the truth Also, who do you think wears the armor pack better? :0
  6. Finally got them all together. SAL took ages and I think I'll never, ever use it again.
  7. Other than the nose the rest doesn't seem to be too hard to correct.
  8. fall 2013. Ooooh, this is gonna be tough as I already have a ton of Bandai 1/72 25's on my shelves :0
  9. who knows maybe Amiami came upon some new stock. Too bad I already got 7 of these, no more room for more :0
  10. A quick look at Rakuten Japan and Yahoo Auctions shows that shops are charging more than NY is, sometimes by quite a margin.
  11. well.. two (one from hobbysearch, one from HLJ) but I wanted a third to have all three modes
  12. Still waiting for my paints to come in before I fire up my Iwata to do the same on my spare 171 ex
  13. It's prolly for the better. My wallet already is gonna take a hit getting the hobbysearch and HLJ preorders. The third one will not happen I guess
  14. Ah come on Master? ONly 3? We thought you'd buy like 12 since you have like everything else *edit* VF-171's for life! Can't wait for my last 2 (shake fist at SAL shipping)
  15. that middle of the night thing was a fluke. Otacute has only opened it at 11:00 EST once, and that was a re-open. Do some searching around. there are even official statements from Otacute on when they open preorders usually. I predict we won't see anything happen until Sunday night.
  16. I'm pretty sure otacute aint going up anytime soon as it's already nearly midnight on a Friday in Japan...well..unless somebody is at work. There's only one other instance I know of when preorder for macross stuff went up around midnight japan-time and that was in the middle of the week, not a Friday.
  17. This is just sick that NY can secure that much locally. The Japanese Mac Fans must be pissed they can't get valks anywhere lol
  18. the nimrod that designed it also did the vf-17 for yamato
  19. The problem we're facing here is scalpers have pretty much nothing to lose by hogging up preorders, except if they preorder up at up-front pay places like Anime-Export. They have literally no skin in the game and have 2-3 months to flip these valks for a profit. If they can't sell the valks, they just let the preorders die for 0 penalty. Even with account cancellations nothing stops them from getting a new e-mail addy and opening a new account.
  20. Just look at the YF-29 30th (10 units left at 20000 yen) and the VF-171 (28 units left at 16000 yen). Both were pre-ordered to high hell and just before release they dropped down to nearly retail at NY.
  21. Yeesh the fighting at NY is so intense over these. it's still only 40 above retail, which is not as bad the alto which hit 70 over retail and is now finally sold out.
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