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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. /Face Palm.... Look at how the gunpod is stored in fighter. I noticed it was hanging low in that video and it reminded me of how they mount the gunpod in the VF-25 Armored and tornado releases. Then....... DAMN YOU BANDAI for not figuring out how to mount a gunpod without extra HUGE UGLY grey Parts! Will be installing magnets in the arms and in the gunpod so I can stow it normally /nerd rage
  2. You know guys, the nose doesn't look weird to me anymore. I will get this sucker and the options pack, but keep it naked since I don't like Bandai's strike packs (they mount farther back than the yamatos and it looks funny)
  3. THey didn't fix the white skull on white. FAIL!!!! But I still have 2 incoming
  4. yeah, the Battroid scares me with all the extra weight on those wings swung back. but fighter and gerwalk will be awesome with the packs.
  5. At first I was the same way about the super packs, but after playing Macross 30 for a while and falling in love with the 29 I took the plunge and don't regret it one bit. later this month will get 2x super packs and 1x YF-29 30th so in total I'll have 4 super YF-29's Funnily, none of them will be in Battroid. Just fighter and gerwalk
  6. I just put down 150 shipped for Alto Super parts from Mandarake Wallet is crying, buy now both alto 19's will have super packs
  7. Wow that's earlier than the others :0 People who are planning to pay for this with their late-month paychecks are gonna have some financial maneuvering to do
  8. Hasegawa can do it because slapping a sheet of cartograph decals to the same old kit is their m.o. Getting new decals and a box is easier and less costly to do.
  9. I don't get it. What part of this VF-1 kit shows that Bandai doesn't know "how real aircraft work" I'm at a loss here.
  10. I know it's a slim chance but i wish they'd release a repaint of the 171ex in cf colors and with the nuns pilot. Beats having to mask and paint my altos :0
  11. Almost all my mac f valks are displayed using that mode
  12. Now that I think of it I can remember all the rage when Hasegawa released the VF-1 over 10 years ago and did a new take on the vf-1.
  13. I've been flip-flopping on this one after seeing the pics. But the unreasonable hate for Bandai here makes me wanna go buy one and make it look good.
  14. Need more pics guys I must be very lucky, because i've only had 1 lemon out of 10 different 171 / 171 exes. One Alto 171ex i got had no boob plates :0, but he's in gerwalk anways so I don't care :0 If you can't already tell, i love 171's
  15. It's pretty much 100%. I've bought toys for years abroad and have never paid import duties to US customs. I've had invoices as high as 1400 dollars from Japan and didn't get pay a single cent to US customs.
  16. TOys and model kits have always been 0 for US customers. GOtta love it
  17. You can't blame NY. It's Bandai's policy for parts, where you have to send the ENTIRE toy back in order to get a complete one. NY has had very good service. One time they sent me 171 armored parts instead of the 171 valk and they sent me the 171 valk and let me keep the parts for free.
  18. If NY has leftover super parts after all cancelled pre-orders process i"m gonna pick up my third 30th 29 + parts so that I can strip off the yellow paint with Rubbing alcohol and give the valk a nice coat of ghost grey.
  19. A lot of 171's for some reason had the shoulder verniers deployed, which prevented the wings from sitting flush. Trust me 4 out of 6 were like that.
  20. *looks at 1/48 Yammies in display case* Sorry....won't be needing this. I was cautiously optimistic about this for the longest time but now... not anymore. Considering the other Bandai Releases like the RG GP01, I am upset a kit of a mecha that costs nearly TWICE that of the RG GP01 doesn't have the same polish
  21. The Girlfriend thinks it's cute that I buy her Kinder Surprise eggs all the time. If only she knew the truth Also, who do you think wears the armor pack better? :0
  22. Finally got them all together. SAL took ages and I think I'll never, ever use it again.
  23. Other than the nose the rest doesn't seem to be too hard to correct.
  24. fall 2013. Ooooh, this is gonna be tough as I already have a ton of Bandai 1/72 25's on my shelves :0
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