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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Selling.. yes. Making money? Recent events tell me otherwise.
  2. What...the...hell http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bandai-Macross-F-DX-Renewal-Chogokin-CF-VF-25A-Messiah-Valkyrie-action-figure-/321147904904?pt=Collectibles_Animation_Art&hash=item4ac5e82388
  3. Can't wait to panel line two of them and spraypaint my third grey
  4. Bandai can just scrap their R&D dept, buy the molds off of yammy and produce the right VF-1 at a cheaper price-point if they're thinking about a toy, though the Hi-metals rock imho
  5. DUDE look at the buy it now price somebody better jump on this one http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/174098171
  6. yf-29's have the pilot in the cockpit from the factory.
  7. better to not cancel otacute and find forum member in need of one. have them pay you with the undestanding that it's a 1-way trip for that sealed RVF-25.
  8. Moreover they shoulda had the guy that posed those H-metals and the renewals pose the 1/72 kit at the shows lol
  9. Ya know... I just got my hands on the hi-metal 1/100 1S and the 3 exclusive 1A's. How come Bandai couldn't have their playmodel team consult their Hi-metal toy team... the Hi-metals are pretty cool
  10. Well, We'l see what happens when the kits come in from HLJ in 2 weeks or so (have them on preorders EMS) Hopefully they are better in person than in all those photos, but we'll see. What I am worried about is the gerwalk, because gerwalk is hands down my favorite mode of just about any valk save the 19 series. Pretty much if there's no good A-stance these will be the last Bandai 1/72 vf-1's I buy.
  11. bye bye old YF-19 O_o
  12. Welp... here we go again. HOnestly though I'm not worried about getting the 25A's though because I doubt many JP fans will be getting these in droves. Question is do I get 6 of them just like I have of the 171's?
  13. I think when I get my set I'm going to need to change the mounting point of the Fastpacks and move them forward. that's the only thing that bothers me big time at the moment. 0
  14. Looks like Roy is set for September already. I wonder if they'll milk it and put out Max and Kakizaki as well http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-3527
  15. Reading these threads i understand that getting valks cheaper is nice and all, but cancelling on preorders at invoice time or even after you've paid leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think NY is going to do non-refundables from now on if this kind of abuse keeps up.
  16. well.. thank god I have an RVF sitting in my private warehouse at HLJ lol Still waiting to see how Otacute pans out though.
  17. It's already monday in Japan and Otacute hasn't sent any word or invoice. Ruh Roh O_O
  18. looks like they had to use adapter pieces to mount the gun in fighter. can't be helped I guess
  19. Stupid question. How do we pay for our otacute preorders? do they just send an invoice or something on the 15th?
  20. All my 1/48's are the same as the day i bought them. Some i have had nearly 7-8 years
  21. Rubbing alcohol does a good job of clearing out the yellow paint FYI
  22. It's a non mainline valk. The 25's are going to be different i feel
  23. The Hasegawa doesn't transform. This one does. the size of the front gear makes me think it's impossible for it to be integral which means It's prolly a plugin just like on the VF-25. As such, no problem using Hase Gears that I have laying around. Even if my vf-1s are in fighter 99% of the time, the fact that they CAN transform if I have a change of heart i the whole reason for buying these, flaws and all.
  24. Looking forward to this kit. May have to steal some landing gear from my Hases
  25. What? YOU guys don't enjoy seeing your packages stuck in Osaka for like 3 weeks?
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