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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. looks like they had to use adapter pieces to mount the gun in fighter. can't be helped I guess
  2. Stupid question. How do we pay for our otacute preorders? do they just send an invoice or something on the 15th?
  3. All my 1/48's are the same as the day i bought them. Some i have had nearly 7-8 years
  4. Rubbing alcohol does a good job of clearing out the yellow paint FYI
  5. It's a non mainline valk. The 25's are going to be different i feel
  6. The Hasegawa doesn't transform. This one does. the size of the front gear makes me think it's impossible for it to be integral which means It's prolly a plugin just like on the VF-25. As such, no problem using Hase Gears that I have laying around. Even if my vf-1s are in fighter 99% of the time, the fact that they CAN transform if I have a change of heart i the whole reason for buying these, flaws and all.
  7. Looking forward to this kit. May have to steal some landing gear from my Hases
  8. What? YOU guys don't enjoy seeing your packages stuck in Osaka for like 3 weeks?
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if they start requiring a non-refundable deposit from this point on. Cancelling preorders just 2 weeks before during the invoice period is not good news as at that pt it's too late for the retailer to back out of obligations it's made on behalf of the customers
  10. I only cancelled my NY preorder a month ago because I got both HLJ and Otacute for 50 bucks less each. People suddenly expecting price-drops at release date might be surprised when Bandai lowers production again due to a huuuuge deadstock of 171's.
  11. The original "Cool to have" Yammie be grey
  12. I got two on preorder with parts sets from HLJ. Will let you guys know when I build it up. Got too many Bandai kits in the queue :0 3 VF-25's, 3 1/35 Ingrams, 2 cosmo zeros and soon to be two vf-1's O_O
  13. Taking a second look at that photo. The tag for Alto and Ozma Super parts says: 受け付け終了, which basically means no longer available. True to their tamashii web exclusive ways they do not look to be doing reissue of the armored parts and presumably the super parts as well. Alto's tag lists the re-release date with (re-release) in parentheses after it. Ozma's tag does NOT have that. So therefore no plans to Re-issue Ozma just yet.
  14. The decals on the bandais are terribad. I've built everything from Revell / Monogram as a child to hase's, tamiyas and even kinect and trumpeteer and never have I see decals that sucked so bad as the Frontier ones. The trimming isn't the issue, it's the dot-matrix printing and utter lack of white backing that makes them look awful.
  15. I've got a few on preorder. have a ton of hasegawa decals to use in case the bandai ones suck balls.
  16. Wow... bummer that the 171's dropped in price this much but oh well, that's the market for you. Did I overpay for the 171's I bought? No, because I was willing to pay the marked up price at the time of preorder because they were worth that much to me. I think after this a lot of retailers may start requiring down-payments on preorders. With Scalpers hogging up huge amounts of preorders Bandai misread the queues and produces more 171's to meet the artificially increased demand. Now with all the scalpers gone they're stuck with a crapton of deadstock. Or.... bandai could always freaking change how they manage their preorders so that we don't have this bullcrap in the first place
  17. I would assume they are used for transmitting sheryl / ranka's songs via the fold crystals. After all wasn't that the whole point of the YF-29?
  18. It's up at NY for...around teh same price as AMIAMI O_O http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/5304-1-60-vf-1j-valkyrie-macross-30th-anniversary-color.html
  19. If anyone hasn't noticed it's up at NY for decent price. CHeaper than HLJ! http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/5304-1-60-vf-1j-valkyrie-macross-30th-anniversary-color.html
  20. Tamiya Extra-thin is nice but I wouldn't use it as your first glue. Stick with testors liquid cement. It's a little thicker easier to work-with. Don't get the tube crap, get the model-master one that has a long metal nozzle Also avoid the non-toxic versions, they don't work for crap. Use only a little glue, just enough to cover the parts you're joining. Eventually you'll get the feel for it and after you're proficient at using thicker glues you can move onto the thinner glues like tamiya extra thin.
  21. Tenjin should stick to valk paintings and not Valk paint schemes O_o
  22. My second 29 + packs, which I preordered in March, are still Prep in Progress. Freaking NY....
  23. Nail polish is the best solution. Just put a few coats on until you get a tighter joint. On the other hand, one of my other friends just glued his engine pivots straight so they'll never, ever pivot again lol
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