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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. CF's are awesome. I always liked the CF's because as a kid I could always imagine myself being a CF pilot fighting alongside the heroes, but somehow manage to not exist for the sole purpose of dying. This VF-25 CF is sexay
  2. 7 guests looking at the boards. ho hum
  3. yeesh that's a big box for the vf-1 O_o
  4. I'm tempted to just pick up a lot of 25G packs and just paint them grey. really easy to do IMHO. Also I could just polish off the tampo 04 off the SMS 04 thingies on the legs. Then again that does nothing to solve the issue of the blue parts under the hip armors that need to be color corrected.. Oh well guess I'll wait for the release after all
  5. WEll, technically they sell out in minutes, it's just their servers die to the point that foreign requests pretty much get screwed :0
  6. Yeah I've pretty much given up on Amiami lol
  7. Pre-sale page up at AMiami opening at 1600 JST http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-000804&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Ddx+chogokin%24pagemax%3D30%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  8. Images courtesy of Anymoon.com Yammy V2 http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/V2-Super-Hik-2.jpg vs Bandai hi-metal http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Bandai-Hi-Metal-VF-1-4.jpg
  9. getting ready.... AT this point... it's retail or less, or none at all for most of us. No more markup bullcrap.
  10. I thought that until I got the VF HI-metal 1J. It has a better chin and it sits more flush in fighter
  11. as VF5ss said it looks like he didn't lock it up properly
  12. To the guy that said the HCM from over two decades ago was a horror, just an fyi those were some of Best Macross toys we had for like a decade until yamato stepped onto the scene. Saying nonsense like that is Bandai Hate gone way too far.
  13. VF-25A PREORDERS coming up Monday 7/1 1600 JST Sources: http://blog.livedoor.jp/saboten_da/archives/7185914.html http://figure-no-oni.com/
  14. The gerwalk is the only mode that worries me. I'm not seeing a lot of dynamic gerwalks in all the JP blogs I've looked up on this kit
  15. Duymon


    All the DYRL guys have the dots on their backpacks. Guess when my Roy arrives I'll need to paint that dot :0
  16. it's at 275 now
  17. It looks awesome on the promo shots, but to get to those promo shots will require extensive gap-filling and sanding which pretty much is the opposite of the "fun 4-5 hour build" kits that we're used to from Bandai O_o The second build below shows a lot of gaps that are going to drive me nuts until they're Mr. Surfacer'ed and smoothed out.
  18. Duymon


    Really? I like the fighter and gerwalk modes actually, all 3 modes are pretty damn good, especially for the size
  19. Duymon


    Threadomancy!! Just got my 3 VF-1a's MISB with the correct color gear doors for retail from a collector in Japan. THese things are awesome!! O_O Already have a roy, hikky and max on the way too Such a shame this line is dead though... will need to scour for more hi-metal VF-1's to do some customs as these are the absolute perfect size for fun
  20. We already knew about this. I mentioned it a few pages back. That's why I'm gonna get magnets :0 I'll ship two of these from my private warehouse end of the month. If these don't satisfy me I've got my Hi-metals which will be my banday VF-1's If the 1/72's were like souped up hi-metals, these things would sell like hotcakes imho
  21. Dude... the antennae is awesome and not useless :0
  22. Yeah :0 I picked up 1 at 30000 yen earlier this year, my GF got another at retail, got the original window at NY for 150 and Otacute's 126 dollar VF-25. Woulda liked another one for customs though
  23. damnit the one day i goto sleep early...but then again do i really need a fifth?
  24. HIghly doubt it is, otherwise it'd be on the web exclusive pre-order section along with the 25G parts http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/a0011/b0028/ I'm betting 1st or 2nd week July, but all the blogs I have found show no preorder start date.
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