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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. It was up for less than 10 seconds the second time... 1 refresh later and it was gone lol (my auto refresh is set to 10 seconds)
  2. The only thing I truly can't stand about this kit is the Yammy V1-style removable nose-piece for the legs. That one just drives me bonkers, but then again there's prolly little they coulda done in 1/72 scale to prevent that without some mad durability issues and/or compromising the leg gimmick.
  3. Just went back up! *EDIT .. And back down O_o yeesh the 25A must be much more popular than the CF-171. This one was up for maybe 45 seconds before it sold out at HLJ.....
  4. SaitouSad is prolly going to kill me. I preordered the Ryuohmaru just to see if it would show up in my orders section, then I cancelled it O_o Was just running some tests because i was so worried about the Vf-25A not showing up yet :0
  5. Perhaps the guy that put it up forgot to put the discounts on. It would be interesting how they'd handle something like that when people already preordered at full price.
  6. Order confirmations in. It's in my Queue for October. No discount *cry*
  7. Got confirmation for one but not the other. The discount was abysmally small on the VF-27 at HLJ (compared to AMIAMI and hobbysearch). Wouldn't be surprised if HLJ didn't discount it at all.
  8. I have another account set up on remote desktop at my Parent's place so that #2 is shipped to a different part of the country :0
  9. Well.. got two since I got all the way to the end. Just pending order confirmation now
  10. HLJ UP GOOOO http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960616/Sci
  11. Yeah so wierd i just saw it pop up already sold out
  12. THank god I got all my RVF's from HLJ / otacute O_o GOt burnt bad on the CF-171's (especially since I got 6 lol) Never again *shake fist* Might pull the trigger for a 4th (for customs) if it's still up on Friday when the fun-budget refreshes.
  13. If your whole inventory sells out in minutes would you discount them?
  14. I have 6 CF vf-171's without any issues. Guess I got lucky lol
  15. I'll be using my own color scheme as well. The vanilla DYRL isn't even done right with the 1/55 style chest stripes
  16. Never had an issue with Amiami, but I always contact to them in Japanese so I guess that helps lol. Nippon-yasan seems to respond much faster to English than Japanese, however, which is really funny.
  17. How did you get two at hobbysearch when they only have a limit of one per household? unless you have separate accounts sent to separate addresses?
  18. Wow the passion faded quickly for this one. NY is still up after 40 min at only a 12-13 dollar markup. guess Too many people got burnt on the vf-171's
  19. I think peeps are slower to throw caution to the wind now since the CF-171, RVF and ALTO 25 have opened up at later dates for retail or better...
  20. I think Lupin did... he got 4 lol I've been lucky I'm on night-shift at ti's not busy at work whenever there's a preorder :0
  21. It's pay upfront. Don't think it's up yet though
  22. To be fair if it's not a 21 or 22 raptor isn't interested
  23. Not as much J-scalping it looks http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?auccat=&p=vf-25a&tab_ex=commerce&ei=euc-jp Was way worse on Vf-27 day :0 VF-25A brings up no good hits on rakuten japan.
  24. CD Japan was up forever for a renewal...like freaking 35 minutes....funny how they were up forever but anime-export sells out like hotcakes despite their super super super super super slow shipping and service :0
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