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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Sure looks nice when it's all locked together in fighter mode
  2. This is a high-stress area due to the rotation and the small surface area of plastic that was broken off. That is one nasty break. I assume that when you try to remove the screw it just spins the broken off plastic plug as well right? The hardest part of this repair is getting that little plastic extension off the screw without damaging it further. Just glue alone won't be a lasting repair. You'll need to reinforce it with something. Typically what I'd do is after getting the extension off is to glue it on with super glue and then figure out how to reinforce it. Dunno if there's enough clearance, but drilling at least 2 small holes through the extension and into the bottom plastic and gluing in two pins / paperclips cut to size would do the trick. However, I don't have my YF-29 on me to take apart so I don't know how much clearance there would be for that. (it's heavily dependent on the thickness of the plastic that was broken off.
  3. I dunno what's going on with HLJ, but another one of the 25a's I cancelled manually came back from the dead O_o Guess I don't have to look anywhere else to get my 6 25 A's (3 hlj, 1 hobbysearch, 1 ny, 1 cd japan)
  4. Which is really a shame because the 1/48's are awesome The 1/48 VF-1A has the most flush head in fighter mode of all the yammies
  5. Either the 1/48 Low Viz 1 aint what it used to be or I got lucky O_O 197 shipped O_o http://www.ebay.com/itm/221248135393?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 If this is the new norm for Low VIz 1's I may go ahead and get multiples like I always wanted to O_O
  6. Can you provide photos?
  7. I would say go for it as it would most likely be your last chance to grab cheap Altos for a long time.
  8. I am so excited for this. I loooove patlabor. Just wish I coulda gotten the 1/24 yammies *Edit* I saw the "updated Ingram design" *sad face*
  9. Only if they released the tornadoes O_O
  10. Of the 25A. Damn I thought it was the 25F which would have been funny lol
  11. Except yamato had 3 different types of VF-1's, 2 different YF-19 / YF-21 and now they're on their 3rd iteration of the YF-19 Same thing
  12. Jeez october is going to be a crazy month..... I have 6 25As and 2 25G parts on preorder.... going to be prepaying whatever I can now lol
  13. I get the feeling had they made it 1/48 scale they wouldn't have had to make so many compromises
  14. Yup it's 7/20 on the Tamashii web site for a while. Though Otacute will prolly get the much later as usual :0
  15. HLJ didn't stop people from getting an RVF in 1st and 2nd preorder windows, nor did they stop the VF-171 orders either. There are some here who get multiple RVFs or CF-171's from HLJ actually.
  16. Still up as of now http://www.hlj.com/p...t/BAN960616/Sci
  17. no extra orders here lol. I'm just keeping the extra they let me have. Besides, Already have 6 on preorder why would I want more?
  18. Just watching. They still hav a lot of stock if it's up after 20 minutes. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960616/Sci
  19. Go for it guys THank god HLJ is getting more stock http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960616/Sci
  20. I got this kit in hand. Guys, don't hate it until you got one in hand. This thing is a pretty complex kit and I'm sure it'll look great with a little love. If you give this kit as much love as you do a hasegawa, it will look pretty damn good and will transform. Honestly I could care less about the inaccurate panel lines on an imaginary plane. The nose and cockpit are more of an old-school pre-hasegawa nose that reminds me more of old-school macross if you get my drift. Just be happy we have Macross at all, and for only 4500 retai (3600 after hlj discount).
  21. HLJ said I can keep the extra vf25a preorder. Woo hoo!!
  22. Well.. it was weird. At first I had 3 orders by accident from the server errors and refreshing, so I killed two of them and only had 1 VF-25A on the account. Then 2 hours later they give me another order of the 25A under a completely new order number from the ones I killed.... I want it anyways, but just in case I'll send them an e-mail. Keeping my fingers crossed
  23. Weird... I just got another order confirmation now from HLJ for a 2nd VF-25A on my primary account O_o In the crazy clickfest when ordering my first VF-25A, I got an error 404 and refreshed the page twice...... What should I do O_o
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