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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. To be honest, never seen the use for the HUUUGE stands yamato provides. Why don't they just provide Bandai stand adapters stock lol. Not like you need more than that for a v2 vf-1.
  2. Umm... dude....Take another look at the official pics. They are there
  3. It'd be funny as hell if the M&M's start at 25000 or so considering a naked Roy is 17640.........
  4. Part of me wants to buy it because I want to support Macross. The other part of me says, I already have roy in 1/48, 1/100 (hi-metal) and 1/60 (V2)
  5. I wish it came with fastpacks for that price yikes
  6. Welp, looks like Arcadia has to price these valks to get an actual profit this time around. The days of sub 100 dollar valks with fastpacks is over Btw, that stand is just the YF-21 stand I think
  7. I preordered and prepaid the very first window NY opened up for the 25F (at 150) and my order is still in payment ok. gotta love NY's order-handling lol. Anywho, I think it's only Tamashii exclusives from this point on for NY
  8. If there's a markup that I'm iffy about I don't even bother preordering. Didn't bother preordering that crazy 210 dollar VF-25 because that's like 250 shipped O_o Cancelling preorders like that and using NY as a "just in case" ordering method and then screwing them on stock they may have already secured is mean, and will most likely have them change their preorder policy to anime-export / Cd Japan style later on.
  9. DAmnit HLJ.... my wallet!
  10. i Guess i must be super lucky that i am 6/6 for qc-free 171's. The 171ex were great on QC so it makes ya wonder lol.
  11. I'd ask Santa for Cash, get a part-time job and save up enough for a HI-metal
  12. Bandai Over-engineered the kit to the point that it has a lot of flaws that are hard for me to overlook while building it. Fighter leg locking tabs in the wrong place, causing inward slant of legs in fighter mode Despite there being Tab holes on the arms facing the legs, there are no tabs from the legs to lock the arms in. This causes the arms to not be of level easily in fighter mode NO Locking mechanism in fighter for the Backpack. It relies solely on the level of the arms below to stay straight The Tail-fin design leaves a lot to be desired. The Plastic on POM connection makes it very hard to get the fins out at equal angles. Plus, one of the pom units is mounted lower than the other, leaving a lil "hole" on top in fighter mode. In all the tail-fins feel completely floppy and unstable, especially when deployed in fighter mode. The two back panels on the back of the legs, meant for "locking in parts" are tight enough to be a pain in the ass to open but floppy enough to not lock in anything at all. Bandai could have easily installed bypassed these pieces by using a tighter slider with bumps on the slider to lock in the pieces when fully inserted or extended. The Landing gear lights on the legs are kept in by tiny .5 mm pegs. They will fall out....constantly The inner leg mechanism that extends / retracts the inner leg doesn't work well. There's a small tab from the ankle joint that pushes the bottom out easily but the top has two lock positions that are hard to change. Because of two pointless slats that stick out on the bottom, the arms are a paint to get out from fighter position to gerwalk / battroid position. The flap that locks in the hips in battroid comes loose if you blow on the battroid. The neck joints are floppy and the only way you get the head in correct position for fighter is pure friction in both X, Y and Z directions. Backpack sits really uncomfortably high on this tiny, thin piece of plastic. THis part is not only extremely fragile, It's LOOSE NO Locking mechanisms in Battroid Mode Hands, if not glued together, will fall apart just about everytime you insert them into the arms for fighter mode. The Gunpod handle is super easy to pop off due to a needless rotating mechanism that isn't even USED in fighter mode. as you pop the entire assembly off when going to fighter mode The Hands cannot even HOLD the gunpod properly / easily. Not enough clearance for the index to go into the trigger nor the Thumb to WRAP around the Handle!!!! In fighter mode, there are raised areas around the tabs that log the leg panels in and these cause a large unsightly gap in the front. Gerwalk poseability is limited at best. It's not much better than the Imai 1/72s, no joke The Fit on the legs is not flush, causing irritating gappage on the legs. It' the culmination of these issues, and probably more, that has me unlikely to ever give this kit a chance again ( and I bought two.....the second one is sealed and in storage now) This kit is NOT for Gunpla Builders, it's for people who are masochists. I gave this kit the benefit of the doubt but I am absolutely sure now that it takes much less work to work on a Hase than this atrocity
  13. Dude.... they've been sending Invoice reminders all year for every other DX chogokin valk........ I already have mine all prepaid from months ago, was just wondering if people were getting their invoices just to see if this thing is really going out on time or not..........
  14. THat's crazy since it's supposed to be out in 5 days
  15. SO uh... just curious, have peeps been getting their invoices from NY on this sucker?
  16. Oh god no. Bandai would best use the VF Hi-metals as a base for a DX not these atrocities.
  17. **Off Topic** Before joining SMS and taking a VF-25 Ozma was at some point in a VF-171 and was a NUNs pilot. Just rewatch the Anime and you'll see him in one
  18. plane grey would be the ultimate.
  19. I'm about 99.9% sure this is the case. Anything that says 魂ウエブ商店 has always been an online-only exclusive. None of the other items that were on regular release ever had the 魂ウエブ商店, only the web exclusive super parts, etc, as well as all of Bandai's other web exclusives for other anime series. Also, several Japanese blog commenters are so relieved it's a web exclusive so they don't have to camp out (even in Japan! lol)
  20. Not as far as I know I always used Rakuten to buy from them and have had no problems up to this point using their Tenso Service, which is cheaper than most proxies.
  21. I have Built 8 VF-25's. I have 5 more in my closet and I just got a second YF-25 (for only 1900 yen from surugaya lol). The VF-25 Kit is way better than this kit, no joke. I HATE THIS THING. The way the legs attach is awful and is not going to last more than a few transformations. The whole leg attaches to this one tiny T-shaped piece of plastic. I don't even understand WHY it's a plastic to plastic connection considering you PUT this separate piece on Anywho, that Panel that holds the leg is held on to the body by this TINY plastic peg These "secure connections" give you, at best, this..... Here's where it gets funnier. IN the age of freaking CAD-designed models, Bandai's Lock point for the back of the leg is a full 2 millimeters to the INSIDE! This is what is causing all the inward angled legs on everyone's fighter modes. This is how it's supposed to look Unfortunately, now I have to somehow make a new lock point onto freaking piece of plastic that is only 1 millimeter thick. That gives us no space for magnets or just about anything else to correct this issue, meaning if you want a correct, flush look on the back legs by removing the incorrectly placed tab you are gonna have Imai-style leg lock on the back (ie, NO FREAKING LOCK) OH wait, I also forgot, the backpack is not locked into place at all on fighter mode. It's TOynami 1/100 Floppy baby!!
  22. I would say this build is sorta fun until the legs. OMFG THE LEGS.
  23. A lot of blogs are so-so on it. From building mine I can say one thing for sure. Bandai really tried hard on this valkyrie, but to the point that the valkyrie is too complex and too over-engineered for its own good. The amount of extra gaps, the fragile, tiny parts and the lack of secure fitting on those tiny parts means out of the box this thing will be an absolute mess to work with. I've been using tamiya super thin, putting a piece in the vise, letting it sit, and repeating ad nauseum and the kit has gone from interestingly fun to mind-numbingly boring as Bandai has made everything a billion parts. however, I gotta say if you're up for customizing Bandai has made separating the colors super super super super easy. THey could easily pop out a max / milia / cannon fodder, etc out of these molds imho.
  24. I'm going to buy at least two since I already have two each of the other 29's + supers.
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