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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. My VF-25's don't have that problem. It just takes a minute to get all the angles right. The important thing to make them fit together well is all with the hip joint. You have to pull the hips out a tiny bit and then angle them up.
  2. My friends in Japan who have it have told me it's basically the V1 with different shoulders, crotch / hips and a sharper paint app with a buttload of tampo. They report that the panel detail hasn't changed if at all and some have reported the Tampo is subject to easy scratching so be careful O_o
  3. The VF-25's were actually way better and didn't have falling off parts left and right. At least the 7-8 I own don't
  4. Duymon


    I've been going nuts on the HI-metal stuff lately O_o, but I'm almost done!! In the last 2 months I've picked up 2 x 1A hikky 2 x 1A max 1 x 1A kakizaki 1 x super parts 4 x Roys 2 x 1J hikky 1 x 1J max You're probably wondering... 4 roys?!?! Since the Roys have no yellow arrows on the heads some simple parts swapping and voila, instant 1S Hikky and 1S Max Well.. that's the plan once I get my huge shipment from Rinkya :0 ON the plus side, I can poach the fast packs from the extra Roys to have a fully souped up skull squadron (or Platoon as the kakizaki box says lol)
  5. Just prepaid for my order with NY for this sucker. I'm debating if I'll actually take it out of the box or just display the badass box instead........ What I might do though is take the stand out, make a template of it and try to copy it using plexiglass, my jigsaw and a heat gun.
  6. Couldn't...resist..... 12000 for a VF-1a super strike parts set with unused decals and a slightly beatup box。I called the Shibuya store on my calling card and confirmed the ヤブレ (breakage) is the shoulders, typical of all early V2's. Already got a set from shapeways on order http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1351225.html
  7. I dunno.... Nobody stuck a gun to his head and forced him to preorder everything at a price he didn't want to pay. Everyone who bitches about NY willingly clicked through the whole order process to completion so I really have no sympathy for any of them.
  8. Maybe because it was marketed as Gunpla and Bandai has a buttload of Gunpla that can be worked with after building? Bandai applied the whole Snap-together build-up and all the POM joints to this sucker, which means it's meant to be handled or at least posed. I would say maybe 5% of MW'ers actually woosh their valks around their houses and make gunpod noises. The majority of us "play" with our valks by transforming them and posing them, which this kit does Miserably. I can't believe I bought two of these lol
  9. I've seen countless J-blog reviews on this unit and pretty much I've decided this is really not something I want. The finish looks cheap, the mold is 4-years old and not up to par with the 29 / renewals / 171's and the vf-27 in general no longer tickles my fancy. Just ended up selling my HLJ preorder to one of my collector buddies in NYC who will end up paying for it tonight / monday when HLJ's invoices go out.
  10. I have one coming in from HLJ at release, but gotta say the pics make it look... cheap and V1-ish when compared to the finish on the V2's. Maybe it's the shade of purple or the sculpt, but it certainly doesn't look like a big change over the V1 VF-27. I guess for peeps who only care about fighter mode and not about super packs they can hold onto their v1s or pick up one for cheap. Gah.. they even have super gumby Brera and Ranka. Did Brera get depressed and put on the pounds?
  11. Did VF-11c's start getting cheaper? THis one is on Mandarake for 25000 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-305655.html
  12. Duymon


    There's a Roy on Mandarake for 7000 yen ! :0 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-628281.html *Edit... damn sold out. Somebody got that one fast
  13. I just did the mod to the neckpiece of one of my Alto 25's. Difference is night and day! Gonna have to go mod all of the altos now O_o
  14. A lot of people will hold onto their yammy stuff despite the arcadia releases because they could care less about toy value and dont want to buy everything all ovr again.
  15. Yeah the V1's had lot of color variation too from what I remember. Thank god I never bought them and settled for the Models which actually weren't bad at all.
  16. The V1's were Tamashii too. Nothing was ever reissued, only put into a bundle set.
  17. I have 4 ALto 171's and none of them have these issues. ALso have 6 171 CF's and none of them have this problem. THen again, when I transform I take the shoulders off the metal joint. Reason I do this is because I can tell that there will be extra stress on the the folding bottom LERX as it rubs and presses against the shoulder when you move it in or out. As for the cracked Shoulders on the NUN's section , never seen this on all my CF-171's. If it makes any difference, all of my 171's were first-batch.
  18. Even outside of macross we've rarely ever seen reissues of Tamashii limited web exclusives, hence the term limited
  19. Duymon


    I think I'm gonna recast my DYRL pilots and put them in my non-dyrl valks just cuz I can't stand the super undersized Hikaru and max figures in the TV 1J's :0
  20. Duymon


    Wish they had gone up until milia, kakizaki and max tv at least
  21. The real live-action ingram looks better than their CGI's, but I still wonder what would a vanilla ingram look like at that size?
  22. Woo Hoo Otacute sent me my payment request
  23. Just a heads up there's an Ozzy on Mandarake for 25000. prolly would bhe 28000 after shipping http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-824686.html
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