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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon


    Skull Squadon is complete
  2. Never thought of proxy fees. I have a bank acct in japan from when i was an expat and a buddy who mails stuff for me provided i get him beer (he loves trying american craft beers) I could have it for less than 210 for sure
  3. Hot damn did the 1J CF drop in value? THere's one for 13800 on YHJ with Buy it now. I'd buy it if I had any interest at all in the TV valks http://page3.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/c394283172
  4. Their business won't be afloat too long if they expect us to fund them by offering the same product at an 8000 yen markup with just a stand and decals to add to the value. To put it in perspective, the VF-1 30th annis were 9800 yen. An 8000 markup on a 9800 yen product is an 81% increase in price just for the stand and decals. The VF-1J 30th I've already preordered and prepaid because it's a limited release item but I'm on the fence on these.
  5. I have four altos and 6 cf's and none of them have this issue with crappy plastic. Must be that a good part of the 171's were made in a different factory or something to cause all this pain
  6. THe screenshot looks like it was taken while the PS3 was still loading textures. The fully textured YF-29 isamu looks way better. just look at it in the hangar bay instead.
  7. Duymon


    Time to order like 4 boxes of Tamashii Act 5 stands 4160 yen for 12 stands doesn't seem so bad
  8. That's a real shame :*(. Oh well, it's not like I care any ways I got a bunch of earlier realease (non 30th anni) bundles for less than 16000-ish each so I've no need to really chase after these Arcadias as much as I want to support them. If people wanted beautiful art they'd buy the book, not add 3000-4000 yen to the top of their valk purchase imho
  9. Not to beat a dead horse, but I recently began to look at prices more since I ignored the 1/60's (because I have a large 1/48 collection and was burnt out on VF-1's) I'm still at a loss as to why a stand justifies around 8000 yen increase in MSRP over the 30th ed option parts releases that were MSRP 9800. Even the super bundles retailed at 12800. At these price points, I wouldn't be surprised if the Fast Packs retailed for 7000 / 8000 yen plus. Is arcadia basing these price points off of what some overzealous macross collectors are paying on YHJ?
  10. Duymon

    Macross figures

    Tempting to get some figures to flush out my displays. Just wish we had some more SMS in pilot suits :0
  11. THe VF-25A has always been at 14000. HLJ did not discount it. that's all. Not discounting is not a markup
  12. It was 14000 yen, so base price. HLJ never marks stuff up afaik
  13. VF-25A REOPEN HLJ GOGOGO http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960616/Sci
  14. hot damn It's still on at HLJ lol. Shelf warmer?
  15. My theory is all the tampo is to take your eyes off the almost bare surface detail on most of the valk save the engine nacelles.
  16. LInk to instructions for the YF-27 posted on bandai's support page with Added instructions on transformation and things to look out for. http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/files/pdf/4543112814173.pdf
  17. I would prolly chalk the Hobbysearch experience off as more of a one-off than the norm. Besides, even if it was the norm it only matters for the like 4 people that can get an HS order in.
  18. My VF-25's don't have that problem. It just takes a minute to get all the angles right. The important thing to make them fit together well is all with the hip joint. You have to pull the hips out a tiny bit and then angle them up.
  19. My friends in Japan who have it have told me it's basically the V1 with different shoulders, crotch / hips and a sharper paint app with a buttload of tampo. They report that the panel detail hasn't changed if at all and some have reported the Tampo is subject to easy scratching so be careful O_o
  20. The VF-25's were actually way better and didn't have falling off parts left and right. At least the 7-8 I own don't
  21. Duymon


    I've been going nuts on the HI-metal stuff lately O_o, but I'm almost done!! In the last 2 months I've picked up 2 x 1A hikky 2 x 1A max 1 x 1A kakizaki 1 x super parts 4 x Roys 2 x 1J hikky 1 x 1J max You're probably wondering... 4 roys?!?! Since the Roys have no yellow arrows on the heads some simple parts swapping and voila, instant 1S Hikky and 1S Max Well.. that's the plan once I get my huge shipment from Rinkya :0 ON the plus side, I can poach the fast packs from the extra Roys to have a fully souped up skull squadron (or Platoon as the kakizaki box says lol)
  22. Just prepaid for my order with NY for this sucker. I'm debating if I'll actually take it out of the box or just display the badass box instead........ What I might do though is take the stand out, make a template of it and try to copy it using plexiglass, my jigsaw and a heat gun.
  23. Couldn't...resist..... 12000 for a VF-1a super strike parts set with unused decals and a slightly beatup box。I called the Shibuya store on my calling card and confirmed the ヤブレ (breakage) is the shoulders, typical of all early V2's. Already got a set from shapeways on order http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1351225.html
  24. I dunno.... Nobody stuck a gun to his head and forced him to preorder everything at a price he didn't want to pay. Everyone who bitches about NY willingly clicked through the whole order process to completion so I really have no sympathy for any of them.
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