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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Dunno but I don't feel the need for two like I do with everything else. I might if I just had to both an ALTO yf-29 vs super vf-27 and an Armored Alto 25F with Vanilla VF-27 display.
  2. Landing gear? Who uses landing gear? Strike valks in flight or bust
  3. It only took like what? 15 years to top the Club-M strike? But then again, the Tanmen sculpts feel more VF-1-ey than anything Hasegawa released so I guess for many people the Club-M is still king.
  4. At least he has kids. My fiancee cannot so I have no choice but to fill my time with cats and macross
  5. Not at all. I called NY and got a paypal refund within 5 minutes.
  6. Luckily I just called into NY and got a credit slip immediately. FUnnily enough their Staff is better able to handle English speakers than Japanese speakers, which is funny for a Japanese company....... welp, at least I can apply that credit towards my VF-25A orders next month
  7. I think they are just finding dead stock. I grabbed that ve-1 on NY just now mwahahahahahahaha
  8. CAn't wait for this to show up on shapeways
  9. If anyone still needs a Vf-27, THey are available for 21350 yen (only 1350 markup) at Plamoya (255 shipped via ems to USA) http://plamoya.com/en/dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf27-lucifer-super-parts-set-p-81173.html?cPath=25
  10. Not a bad deal for a loose valk with FP imho. Though it is missing a leg wing It'd be a great valk to scavenge for parts while you use the FP on something else. http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b148514404
  11. Hmm, was about to jump on this but somebody grabbed it. Looks like a 1st V2 release VE-1 for 20,000, but used (though 99% of the used stuff I've bought from Mandarake was still MIB) http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1035457.html Would that have been a good deal?
  12. Rubbing alcohol eats future like no tomorrow in my experience. Future is just am acryl clear coqt so treat it like all other acryls when it comes to which chemical compounds to use
  13. It's included and it's great.
  14. We're all happy with the box and leaving the super scratch-prone sucker (judging by all the plastic wrap on it) in the box cuz the box looks better
  15. Weirdly, I paid for SAL shipping but NY gave me EMS anyways The 30th anni valk has so mach plastic wrap on it to prevent scratching I'm afraid to take it off and display it However, beautiful box
  16. I'd have to go home to take more pics :0 will do that in the morning if nobody else has yet heh heh
  17. I Disagree. the Super parts are Awesome on the 29's. I have no issues with them on my 2 altos and 2 30's. At first I hated the look of the 29 and the packs, but after playing macross 30 for a while the design just grew on me. WIll need to order supers for each of my Isamu's :0
  18. Wow, the FIrst Yamato valk that will need Micro-sol to look complete.
  19. Playmoya has the rvfsfor like 136 usd fyi
  20. Looks like an online exclusive at the premium Bandai Hobby online shop. And there's a milia next to it. Kill those 1/72 kits with fire!
  21. Please no more VF-1's...... There's already HI metals, 1/48's and V2's in my display cases..... YF-30, YF-25 would be preferable.
  22. Considering alto was re-issued we can only expect an Ozzi reissue. How they intend to handle the super and armor parts will be a different story.
  23. Thanks! your 1J was my inspiration for this one Here's the battroid shot. The lasers are still only primered so I'll need to put some gunmetal on those later. Also need to install his shoulder "lamps" .Then I need to dirty this sucker up before I put the flat coat on
  24. A while back I got this junker from YHJ for less than 90 bucks It came with no gun, pilot or accessories, just as is. It finally came in and I proceeded to make repairs to it. I always wanted an Armored Battroid Ozzie so I glued the wings in 'up' position, then I pinned the joint with a paperclip to creat sort of a shelf that fit under the wing. After that I just glued the wing on, added some epoxy, and then put a little kotobukiya detail panel above it to conceal most of the repair :0 Now I have a permanent Battroid Armored Ozzie along with my super and armored fighter ( )
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