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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Aaaaah, my 2014 budget hurts!
  2. If they don't have them in DX I have these to tide me over
  3. I absolutely hated the YF-29 at first but then the design just...grew on me.. It's one of my fav valks now As for the loosening nacelles, I Just glued them all on straight.
  4. The pilots look ginormous in those cockpits. It makes the VF-25's look a lot smaller, almost VF-1 like. didn't stop me from pre-ordering 4. If the underwing stores are simply enough I might start recasting them for like the 10+ Bandai's I have :0
  5. Can't wait to get mine and panel-line them O_0 Should have two in tomorrow via EMS from HS
  6. I love how Wave provides all the parts needed for gerwalk in their battroid and fighter kits. ALso, they all come with a launch-arm-esque stand that's really cool. It's the one leg up they have over the Hases. However, they are quite pricey, costing much more than the hases O_o
  7. Blegh, I'll be happy building these, then I'll pillage the hases for landing gear and underwing stores... and decals... lol
  8. after I heard about all the cracks a few months back I went through all my CF's and loosened the screw on the NUNS pads to just "finger tight". All my pads are intact without a single crack. Also, I loosened the lower triangle screws as well so they are really loose and easy to move in and out. Originally they were i so tight I thought I'd break them by moving them. Whenever I transform these suckers I pop off the shoulders completely so that the lower triangles never rub against anything. When they are deployed for fighter, I then pop the shoulder back on. So far no problems. *knocks on wood*
  9. I bought 6 armor packs for my 6 CF's,. but realize I only needed 3 armor packs.... 3 battroids get armored while the 3 fighter modes get missiles... FIguring out what I should do with the remaining 3 sets... maybe get 3 more CF's and soup them up in fighter or gerwalk? O_o
  10. November and December are going to kill my fun budget prolly until the end of February 3x Luca Packs Xbox one Ps4 3x Isamu YF-29's O_o
  11. Welp... there goes my April Fun Budget
  12. Word of Warning! Be careful when inserting weapons into the hardpoints on the wings. Stress marks show up super super super super easy on this color of plastic. I found out the hard way :0
  13. Mandarake is not trying to make money. Can't believe I missed this O_o http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1201281.html
  14. like... what did people expect? it's a VF-2G that's Brown.. it's a cannon fodder lol
  15. so I'm seeing peeps at NY are getting their parts shipped already... I paid for mine months ago and Mine are still in payment OK status..... *grumble* considering they charge freaking 100 USD for EMS on the 6-sets you'd think they'd ship faster.... I think next time I'm going to order SAL separate packets for everything to save money and make them do more work packing everything
  16. How Can you blame them? The only other config is the Micro Missile pack inner with reactions and the reactions are always outside. Besides, the two pack would force you to have have the wing out wider which might get in the way It's a compromise because no VF-1 Toy or model has had three hardpoints outside of the Hasegawas Even Yamato did it that way We'd need a proper V3 that has 3 hardpoints so we can have this in toy form (you can barely see that each missile has its own hardpoint)
  17. Prolly sounds crazy but if budget permits i might get three more 171's just to have vanilla fighters with underwing stores since my battroid pack wont need the wings
  18. Wow how the prices have fallen O_O TV Vf-1s Super 15000 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1406038.html TV 1J Super 12000 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1406037.html
  19. If anyone wants a V2 Roy Super...... http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-597609.html It'll be like 19000 yen shipped EMS to USA based upon my last few purchases of Yammy Supers from Mandarake. Their stuff is in awesome shape usually too
  20. A lot of the valks are different between the VE/VT and the VF-1D. The Wings, the nose, the canopy, chestplate, back plate, locking mechanism for the tail fins for gerwalk.... the list goes on.
  21. Buuuu, the Bandai VF-25s are still pretty good models. I can't wait to get some Hasegawa's so i can pillage then for proper decals to put on my Bandais :0 Hope Hase releases some variants with Cartograph decals, love those
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