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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. My friend in Japan told me about a 25S at Mandarake that had just been sold by a collector. It hadn't even been listed yet and while the toy was totally mint the box had a ding on one of the corners causing a markdown. Paypaled him 22,000 yen instantly and he gave it to my gf who delivered it today when she flew over (Of course I was happy to see her too but I got a chance to photograph this while she was in the bath) debating if I should panel-line it or not as I already have other 25S'es :0
  2. Thanks, though I'm nowhere near as ambitious as Physioguy, he made the YF-24 O_O I got my 25A sets in yesterday, I like
  3. Getting any paint to stick on the VF-25 is really tough. Even with primer and clear coat a lot of parts are gonna get scratched during transformation and the original colors will show through. We have seen a few easy mods like a simple line recoloring. I modded one of my altos to be grey :0
  4. NY doesn't charge up front unless you choose to pay up front There's a pay-later button below the paypal button when you're making an order *also, if you have to pay and have to use credit for some reason, if you put your order in USD you can use *bill me later* via paypal if you qualify. NO Interest 6 months on orders over 99 USD
  5. Screw speculating, I just picked up a 4th 25S for only ¥22000 through one of my friends in Japan, and my g/f will bring it over for me next week when she comes over to NYC (Shipping only costed 1100 dollars for the plane ticket......) If only they'd release an ozzy tornado pack :0 Maybe I'll display it naked in gerwalk next to these suckers ;p
  6. Dude... the Magnetizer is one of the best lego sets ever made, hands down. I still have the one I got waaaay back in 4th grade lol
  7. THIS!! I have spent far too long looking for a little flight stick that went flying on the floor. Thank god I didn't have Carpet.
  8. Meh... They should release it in Low Viz Grey and some weathering. The grey low viz 1A is still the best valk ever released by Yamato Imho
  9. The out of control Prices of the 1/24's made me happy to stick with my 1/35's. Luckily I got two of the 1/35 command car kits to boot :0
  10. Nope Nope Nope. the extent of my photo etch experience is tacking on pre-printed eduards panels together and making cockpits look dope. Wouldn't touch this with a 10-ft pole unless I really hated myself
  11. Except that Arcadia doesn't make Macross Frontier stuff
  12. Despite what people may think, Bandai is what we call a Business. Businesses have to make money, so it's normal for Businesses to take less risks and focus more on things that actually make them money. One only needs to look at Yamato to see that catering to a niche market is financially risky. SO it's no surprise that Bandai focuses on Gundam because there are way more gundam fans than Macross fans, despite what people may believe by participating on Macross fan site.... Hell, Preorder crap aside I'm happy there's more than one company making Macross toys at all! Back when I first Joined Macross world last millennium (there was another mw-world board before 08/2003!) the Macross landscape was desolate. All we had were out-of-reach 20+ year old 1/55s that could go up to over a thousand dollars (MIB 1/55 elint anyone?), Garage kits that were pricey, or reissued Arii / Imai kits. Hell, when Yamato released their crappy 1/60 V1's we bent over and took it all because we were just so happy to have macross anything back then. Just appreciate that Somebody is supporting the franchise and making a risk to provide Macross Toys at all.
  13. Yeah I was really surprised too. Luckily I didn't jump at 1st and bought one for like 13000 Yen a few months back :0 The lack of Panel lines made it hard to break up those huge slabs of purple :0
  14. Last time I checked the VF-25A and RVF-25's weren't super popular Hero valks
  15. The Preorders were up at like 06:00 ET (03:00 PT) .... you went to sleep right when they came up
  16. Every site was messed up last night. Ami Ami died as expected at 0300 EDT - around 17500-ish Yen Hobby Search went next around 0310EDT, got cart jacked. - around 17500-ish Yen Cd-Japan was up for what seems like an eternity, no discount. Bought one with SAL shipping 23100 Yen *yay* Fell asleep. Woke up at 5:45EDT NY Started updating FIgure arts figs on their site, and YF-30 went up around 06:00 EDT. Got Two via separate accounts at 19200 Yen each before SAL Shipping. NY was nerve wracking because the site was uber slow during the preorder window of like 45 seconds. Yay, got the three I wanted. Sleeeep. Good luck on Anime Export and HLJ, I doubt HLJ will give a discount much greater than the tiny 800 yen discount NY put on the YF-30.
  17. I never thought I'd see the day when we'd see printed photo etched on macross models...... It's not eduards, but getting closer
  18. If you want 1/100 spend twice as much on a VF hi-metal. Those were freaking awesome.
  19. Blame the designer, not the Toy maker kawamori's fault
  20. Part of me is sad to see no YF-30, part of me is happy July will be wallet-friendly
  21. I guess people in japan are skeptical of a VF-25S re-release anytime soon when a scratched up used ozzy goes for 250 http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-886852.html
  22. considering how slow it's setlling at NY at 10 bucks above retail you can bet these will be around during release time for retail at least.
  23. Yeah, like OMG they're charging 10 bucks above retail which is prolly what it takes to break even after preordering it from another brick and mortar
  24. So I guess my prediction was right that these would be easier (in relative terms) to score than the Ozzy 29's
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