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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. The Alto 171 is just fine. the CF's were the ones with the huge issues. Let's just hope they went back to the Alto Plastic as my altos are all intact. not gonna bother with buying any extra parts for luca. I have three boxes of CF-171 packs I'm not using and will just tack the armor on those
  2. *Tears* ---- Hello Thank you for your message. We still have not received all our stock for this product. This item will arrive on next Monday therefore we will ship your order next Monday morning. We apologize for the time it might take. Kind Regards Nippon-yasan.com Customer Service ----
  3. O...M...G... Must...buy.... Please have the ALto Triangles, not the Crappy CF ones >_<
  4. It's amazing you guys are getting your items shipped so soon. I paid for mine in February and that was probably my mistake for thinking NY's shipping priorities made any sense.
  5. Got my 3rd 25G > One in super, one in Tornado, one with speaker pods and Ranka :0
  6. I don't even care about when my stuff ships out. I went SAL lol
  7. Considering the prices of 25g's these days 250 shipped doesn't seem so bad for a new copy. http://www.ebay.com/itm/DX-Chogokin-Macross-F-VF-25G-Messiah-Valkyrie-Michael-Bran-Custom-Renewal-Ver-/331196936149?nma=true&si=Hxqlb33wPTmbb3bDd%252BKz1UspdaI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 finally got my third one gyahahahahaha
  8. I don't know why everyone says transforming YF-29's / 25's is so hard or boring. They obviously haven't been handling their VF-22's / YF-21's lately
  9. i don't agree the gunpod should be the same as the 25A. they should make it game-accurate which is actually a light grey. Also, it looks like the weird lerx painting is also on the Game model (the weird lerx paint right after the intakes, on teh hip-guard.) Lastly, the skull-placement is game accurate and I think the fault lies on whoever designed the game model, not the toy-maker who recreated it
  10. And this is why I never go with EMS from NY. If I want it now, I go fedex because they usually always do fedex first. Otherwise I just go SAL because they never ship on time lol
  11. Just a small point the Kotobukiya store was not limiting purchases to three, they only got three Ozzies, Period. The sign says: 誠に申し訳ございませんが入荷数は3個です。 次回入荷は未定です。 -コトブキヤ秋葉原館 What it means: We're really sorry, we only got 3 ozzies. Next restock still in the air. -kotobukiya akiba branch When a well-known brick and mortar's akiba branch only gets three that's something indeed.
  12. Actually, the outside lol. So easy to do. You don't even have to remove it from the valk. There is a stubborn bit in the front inside windshield, use a Q-tip to clean that nook out/ Gonna keep it clear until I get some blue food coloring to add to some future floor polish
  13. Took the front fins off, masked the black and the dark grey on the sides of the cockpit (to protect teh tampo) before stealing some of my GF's cotton pads and whipping out the rubbing alcohol. NO sanding required, just rub....a lot...lol
  14. what just blows my mind the most about the lerx mismatch is that we know bandai had the color matched shade of grey paint for all the diecast parts of this valk yet they couldn't use that same paint on the plastic lerxes...
  15. Bandai valks have no sticker sheets. What you see is what you get
  16. The lerx light grey is painted over black. No clue why it's not a matching dark grey.....
  17. Looks like HLJ decided to ship via EMS despite me picking SAL... gonna get my Ozzies today :0 Now i need to work on un-blueing the canopy... that's the only thing that bothers me. If they had kept the blue to the same level as the vf-25A's, which is just a very subtle blue, that would have been ideal. Also, looks like Ozzies are really HTF. This is why everyone goes crazy over pre-orders because the popularity of a macross item is a real crapshoot for Bandai post release it looks. *Edit* walked downstairs and GF got my ozzy from the front desk when she was bringing back the laundry Cockpit is still really blue, but not opaque as other pics may have shown. prolly was the flash There's a tiny bit more Tampo. Notice the grey warning behind the canopy and the emergency rescue markings below the lerx This ozzy is way darker than the 25S If anyone wondered how it looks with 30th anni fastpacks Battroid head is awesome. Be careful with the antennae, they come as hard ABS Stock, so no bendy bendy. Comparison with 25S Ozzie. You'll notice his head is a lot smaller than the 25S
  18. Amazing that HLJ can deliver the ozzies via EMS at USD 181.44 shipped
  19. My Ozzies from HLJ haven't shipped yet, and I don't really care because they're shipping via SAL As for super packs... dude it's like 35 bucks before shipping. Just buy them to be safe now instead of regretting later if you change your mind (Alto packs anyone?)
  20. Glad I'm getting Three of These
  21. I will not confirm, nor deny, the truthy-ness of that statement.
  22. Actually, you know what? I don't hate Bandai. I hate myself. Because I allow myself to get reamed by Bandai on a monthly basis with their preorders. As horrible as Bandai's preorder practices are, I just accept them and bend over at 3 AM, pressing F5 like Mad like some crazed and abused crack junky looking for the next hit. It's not Bandai, It's me. I hate myself. Signed : Pretty much everyone collecting Macross Frontier at Macross world
  23. When in doubt some super glue with a very fine-tip applicator. I always cheated and sometimes even used clear paint to put on PE parts to plastic, but i've never attempted an all PE model like this potential nightmare of a project
  24. Yeesh since when did the 25G's get so expensive? they cost more than 25'ses at times.... http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1045621.html
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