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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. +1 Scalpers grab all of a toy and sell it right at release for a huge markup. I think 2.5 years in the aftermarket is well enough time for this to no longer be called scalper prices and just regular aftermarket prices. Without any official statement regarding a re-issue The Ozzy 25S will continue to command a premium. People have a right to do whatever they want with their cash and if they are ok with paying a price that may seem outrageous to others that's totally fine because that's how the market works.
  2. It feels as if there's been a shift in desire for the other YF-29's. Right after ozzy came out there's a huge glut of Alto and 30th anni 29's on Mandarake. I guess Japanese peeps that only had enough room to display one chose Ozzy
  3. I'm going to change the accents to grey on one or more. The Luca-green also is looking like a nice option if I can find the right color mix for it.
  4. YF-30 with Registered SAL on CD japan is only 217 dollars, which is pretty good. Including the 2 I have at NY I'll be looking at 5 YF-30s O_o
  5. Wow... Buyee is even cheaper than My "proxy" who demands a shipment craft beer for every shipment I get from Japan :0
  6. Weirdly, not a single NUNS triangle is broken. For the lower triangles, two CF's have tiny cracks in one of their lower triangle covers. Those were filled with super glue, then sanded and smoothed. I always take the whole shoulder pad off before I transform, but now that I have this many I never need to transform them lol. Only defect is 1 CF had a leg joint die at the gerwalk twist joint above the knee which pretty much killed gerwalk for that unit. Now i stays in fighter :0 Oh.. broken wallet too As for the Alto's 0 issues whatsoever and they are what the CF's shoulda been. I just hope the Luca is to the Alto standards.
  7. Considering how the Bandai VF-1 turned out I'm weary of any Plamo VF-30 if it comes from Bandai O_O Their VF-25 was a way better effort than their VF-1 weirdly enough
  8. So torn on how many to preorder... as somebody else mentioned I'm a huge VF-171 fan O_o
  9. The other Non-web store 29's got reissues, let's hope they do it for the Ozzy 29.... then again.... peeps still waiting on the Ozzy 25....
  10. Slowly upgrading the wall of Macross. Stupid mismatched detolf colors :0 gotta figure out what to fill the lower left spaces with. will prolly move the CF's there and make space for the YF-25 and YF-30. Also will need to figure out what to do with the guys up top to make them look better
  11. V1's break themselves, V2's break your wallet
  12. vf-1s maxes are so expensive. I just took a spare roy and used the blue decals from one of the earlier yammy unpainted kits to make my max
  13. YF-25 hands down. Looks like a real test / demonstration fighter and I have a weakness for *full* two-seaters in the same vain as the VF-0B / VF-0D / VT-01 / VE-1 / VF-1D / VF-11D
  14. So... I finally have enough valks and spare funds to justify buying 3 more Ikea detolfs, but they discontinued the beech-colored detolfs...... Anyone wanna trade some beech Detolf Top / bottoms for the Black-Brown Top / Bottoms?
  15. Which parts need photos? 5 out of 6 of my VF-171's are still alright (knock on wood) It seems Bandai had several batches of the 171, some were great (like 5 of what I got), and many came with varja battle damage. Many of my friends in JP who got the VF-171's didn't have any issues with the triangles weirdly enough.
  16. no worry those connectors are pretty sturdy. I have 8 yf-29's and not a single issue with the connectors.
  17. I never have that problem. I consider all my valks money spent and not as an investment. That's what Forex and the Stock market are for.
  18. Somebody got a sweet deal on a 30th super 29.... http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1347285.html http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1322999.html 21000 Yen before shipping...dayam that's less than what I paid for my 29 alone >_<
  19. Luckily all my triangles are intact, though I do have one VF-171 whose right leg went loose and fell off due to a disintegrating leg joint (at the twist joint) So that's one lemon out of six for me :0 Still think VF-171s are the best looking fighter in Mac F :0
  20. Goodness... imagine what'll happen if they release multiple weapon pods... people will need (number of weapon pods) x 3 for each mode :0 Hopefully the 4 I've got will suffice O_o So many people got burned waiting around for the Ozzy , and even several who preordered got burned, so I wouldn't take my chances on this one :0
  21. I think paying 60 over retail is ridiculous for something that just came out less than a month ago. Not only that, it's the same price as VF-25S ozzies I've seen on Mandarake in the past...
  22. Finally finished panel lining and adding black stripes to my 3rd Super 25A Gotta love being able to do this stuff while on quiet night shifts Just wish the shields on the super / armored gerwalks weren't so hard to deal with since they get in the way so much. Usually for gerwalk I leave the shields stowed in back :0
  23. and don't be a yutz like me and be a "responsible budgeter" by paying early. Paying early shoots you to the back of the line for shipping purposes it seems
  24. Kinda makes me wish I ordered like 50 ozzies back then to fund my collecting now lol
  25. Tamashii webshop items can definitely be scarce as they are never ever ever ever ever reiussued and the cost can go really high. Alto YF-29 packs anyone?
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