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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. OMG that would piss me off sooooo much
  2. Nice to see the Micro Missile pods aren't super duper oversized like they were on the 1/72
  3. Go Crazy https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/9781-macross-display-stand.html 21.69 a pop USD aint bad at all. better than HLJ's price
  4. Threadomancy. OMG this surgery guide helped me fix my Mad-loose AV-98 I just got last week. It's perfect now woot woot!
  5. Damn you HG!!! I hate having to pay NY's scalper shipping for my web exclusives
  6. It's been an expensive non-macross month
  7. I never bought the original mac zero stuff and the price of these new ones give me a better reason to steer clear and just focus on the macf dx line.
  8. it amazes me how much better marketing this guy has than the licensed makers
  9. Scalp Much? http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r117604937
  10. I honestly don't like the michaels. Too much Blue. The Altos with red highlghts look better for me. Maybe someday I'll color the red orange to match :0 Ah snap I need to dust my photo booth :0
  11. While we'll most likely get supers, I really wish we could have Tornado or Armored YF-25's too :0 Also, hope one day to see the Leon Version. Perhaps it'll be a web exclusive?
  12. I know it'll never happen, but I always wanted a plain low viz VF-25 Or perhaps an Itasha 25F? :0
  13. It's just Fedex. All my SAL and EMS packages are going through just fine. Fedex is cooky right now for some reason
  14. Only the CF's have issues. I have 5 altos and none of them have issues at all. They are perfect, except for the fact that they're piloted by a wimpy wannabe girly boy and not somebody cool like diamond force.
  15. Man that sucks. The first thing I did when I opened all my 171's was I loosened those screws to avoid the cracks. The black plastic they used really sucked hardcore.
  16. They were 280 shipped, and each came with the super packs. All sealed.
  17. On Ebay from a very...questionable...seller
  18. BTW.... 25S supers on BBTS http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=BAN14076&mode=retail still available, 4 left.......
  19. Yeah, it sucks but what can you do? Tamashii Web Shop exclusives are made to order and aren't re-issued often, if ever. Even the V1's were never reissued as-is. They only saw re-release as gift packs. considering some of the parts have been out for over 2 years and they weren't exactly a whole lot of them it doesn't surprise me at all.
  20. Charaworks 1/144 Valkyries. They had 2 seasons of them and were pretty awesome. http://www.hlj.com/product/hap81058/Gsh http://www.hlj.com/product/hap81075/Gsh
  21. If he did I'd order multitudes of them
  22. Duymon

    Macross 30

    I'll get some pics of it up when I get home tomorrow morning (night shift )
  23. My issue with the Bracket is that it's held on by two diddly pins. It doesn't snap into any grooves for a real secure fit like any real bracket would.... Any downward force could easily dislodge the bracket connections little by little as all that keeps the bracket in place is those diddly vertical pins and their friction with the intake holes. On one of my copies, these holes are loose so the bracket dislodges super easy. Half-assed solution is half-assed. Bandai-ception!!! aside from that love the valk
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