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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Dunno why this thread went totally off but I'll vote for whoever gets me a preorder
  2. Bought this one on impulse. I'll actually be putting the armor on a VF-1s that appears to be missing one of its leg fins (bought it used along with super armor for like 8000 yen last year off Yahoo Auctions) As for grey visor... Nothing a little paintbrush and lacquer paint can't fix.
  3. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Dude I wish Arcadia could package their stuff like this. that armored 1j artwork rocks
  4. Pretty crazy to see the Alto YF-29 for around 200 bucks now http://www.anime-export.com/product/25613
  5. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's a scale comparison. 1/48 --- 1/60 --- 1/100 --- 1/144
  6. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Def not 1/144, but not 1/100 either. They were something in between those two.
  7. I always thought Shizuoka was more actual hobby-based, not toys. I don't recall Yamato or Arcadia every going to these unless my memory I spotty
  8. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I think the same. The hi-metals are impressive for 1/100 but people shouldn't be expecting DX chogokins or yammies despite the preorder shenanagins on this cheaper toy.
  9. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I guess the next question is... what color will this 1j be? TV white or DYRL white/grey? Here's the comparison of the old hi-metals
  10. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    aaand. it's gone again. This wasn't using the "trick", I was actually just searching by hi-metal and it popped up as add to cart O_o Get the feeling there will be many unfulfilled orders if people keep making bogus orders
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ is open again! https://secure.hlj.com/product/BAN966524/Act GOGOGOGOGOGOG
  12. Neither. They should all by Low Viz grey or gtfo.
  13. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    If that's really the production shade of plastic they are using it'll be really nice as it won't be the same strong white used in the 1st hi-metal 1J, which was super prone to yellowing.
  14. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't even bother trying to Preorder since I already have 2 1J's heheh. Maybe I"ll pick one up on Mandarake after release. No real rush here
  15. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    It's exactly the same mold to me. It's just the photoshop power and the other pic is a bad one.
  16. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    They fixed the pilot figure. YES!!!! but at the same time it looks a lil funny seeing a DYRL pilot painted in TV colors
  17. If you've ever built the VF-1 Kit you'll see it's pretty much a no go as the piece that locks the canopy in is secured by two pegs which are glued in. Pretty much removing that piece requires an exacto knife at min and you're not gonna get it off without some damage and maybe even slicing the pegs.
  18. Feels like Evolution Toy is the unknown kid that asks the pretty girl out to Prom out of the blue. Whether he ends up being a prince or crashes and burns in epic fashion, I guess we'll need to wait until the dance to find out.
  19. Any hobby is a money sink. I Just tell my SO that she should be glad I don't collect cars or something Back on Topic, it's gonna be fun having some CF's around. I wonder if they'll at least include the transparent green canopy like on the brera?
  20. My Plan when I get mine is.... Had lots of luck removing tampo with it before, and it's worked on Bandai tampo (i tried it on a spare 171 CF wing and it stripped it easy) afterwards I'll whip out my Iwata airbrush and masking tape
  21. I'm not really gonna rant about luxury toys that have no bearing on our survival or well-being. I'm just happy and fortunate that I can still obtain these toys while fulfilling my fiscal responsibilities ($$$Bills bills bills everywhere$$$)
  22. The answer hasn't changed after 11 years I was a broke Exchange Student in Japan and spent 3/4 of my months' food budget on a Low Viz V1. (14,800 yen wasn't a bad price though) NO Regrets. I was too fat anyways. *on a side note, anyone else done the "Macross Diet" ? teheheheh
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