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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I dont care about the cost or the obtrusive hinges on the back. it's been like a quarter of a century waiting for an actual toy to be made so I will buy :0
  2. Damn... now I need to fit a VF-19 Advanced into my wings of goodbye shelf with both the Alto YF-29 and brera super 27 :0
  3. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeesh I feel stupid for collecting DYRL skull squadron in three different scales :0
  4. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't lose any sleep. I just went to sleep earlier than usual and woke up at 2:45AM, logged on, preordered the two i wanted and went back to sleep by 3:15AM, then continued to sleep until 6:30
  5. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    used 3800 CDJ pts. GOt the "best deal" at CDJ of all places. Picked up #2 at HS. Least Stressful PO ever. Back to bed. It is calling me.......luring me back with its warm comfort........
  6. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

  7. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    i will just get one then call it a day
  8. It's like an Itano circus but all the missiles are debits to my poor bank account
  9. Looking at the VF-19 and VF-30 makes me wish Bandai had done matte finish + tampo on all their VF-25's and 29's It's great to see how much they've evolved since the Alto YF-29 in 2011.... I wonder if next month's YF-29B will be gloss or matte
  10. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    they are web exclusives to boot lol
  11. HLJ is legit. I've rarely ever had an issue with them. my first order was in 1999 when I bought a club-M Elintseeker O_o Ah.. the good old days.... remember the OLD MW website and the real-time chatroom? OMG..... Damn i feel old
  12. High speed mode is confirmed the instant you open the box; it comes packed that way
  13. I don't like it at all. I hate it. It feels so awkward not being able to rotate the lower leg outwards. It really limits the range of motion you can get on the gerwalk without looking bow-legged awkward like in the review pics at one site shown earlier. You need to bend them slightly in the middle. like... if this is normal<<<__ __ __ You gotta do this <<<__ \__ They key is to align the tab on the top of the inner leg with the lower tab on the side of the torso. Once you do that you can install the leg armor on the back, carefully tab the arms in in their raised position, then put on the shoulder armor which has a tab that locks into the back of the leg. Anywho... It's so frustrating because it's such a beautiful bird, but there are a lot of tiny things that drive me nuts, such as the way the canards rotate. Instead of just doing what Arcadia does the canards are locked into a seprate Black peace that pulls out and rotates... well... this pretty much prevents you from doing ANY canard rotation as there should be (since the tampo shows canard gradations). Worse, the canards don't lock in at all in the vertical direction which means that all too often one side or the other will just flop down and go out of alignment. SOOOOO frustrating. Let's not even get into how the nose doesn't 100% lock all together so a slight nudge is going to make it lift up a lil and pop the bottom piece of of alignment just like this picture from IXTL
  14. It just took an abusrd amount of time to get this guy into fighter again from battroid and with supers on. LOTS of tabs, but the tabs don't hold super well and are all pure friction tabs. That means that long-term flopporama for sure >_< Sure looks purty though, but I'm not a huge fan of the bent-dick-mode the gunpod has in fighter mode... you'll know what I mean when you get yours This guy will stay in fighter and go right into the detolf lol. I think if I look or breathe on anything funny it'll go out of alignment, no joke
  15. It's all in the legs. Look at how on the chest area there's two tab slots for the legs to tab in. You gotta bend them a lil bit just like the super parts on a VF-1
  16. So I'm playing around with mine.... This is all I gotta say. Transformation is NOT for the squeamish. small parts popping off. Back Leg guards that keep popping off the minute you breath on them. The feeling you'll NEVER...ever get the fighter back to stock... YF-21 style... There are a lot of parts that just don't feel locked down like the previous releases. It feels like I'm handling the model kit and not a toy. Good luck getting it with super parts on in fighter mode O_O
  17. Just happy I have my two. One in battroid and one in fighter. Sorry but the whole VF / YF-19 series gerwalk mode is Aids......I can live without it.
  18. Oh My God that transformation... I think I'll have one perm fighter and one perm battroid and never transform them.... ever. It had better be good plastic because all those tiny parts cracking / crumbling just gives me nightmares.
  19. Really? I have like 7 of those kits and never saw any of them as pink. The white of the ARcadia 1-j is not the same as the Unpainted kits.... I'll take pics side by side when I get home tonight
  20. Roy from Clash of Bionoids was comedy Gold. How can you forget one-liners like: "Just watch Jet Jockey in Action!" or "A Man can fight when he's drunk!" Like others have said I like the ambiguous ending of Clash of the Bionoids. It just seemed way more heroic to think Hikaru kicked the bucket. Anyone else remember trying to pause the VHS to catch that one split second of Hikaru's 1s shooting in the final scene? Think I busted one of my VHS copies doin that :0
  21. I'm paranoid and will kill my CDJ order for this after I get my VF-19 lol. I think I'll only get more than 2 of a particular 29 if they release a low-viz version like in the Mac 30 game. Same here. I hated it but then grew to love it, but not enough to get more than 2 of each I kinda wish they'd release the 3 Itasha 29's (sheryl , ranka from 1/100 kits and the Mac 30 DLC). I figure if you use the same mold with a different paint job why not go baller?
  22. The white on the Armor looks different than the pinkish white on the Arcadia. On parts of the arcadia there's some "bleed" from the red paint that REALLY makes it look pink (leg fins on mine) The option parts included are just the side covers and neck cover. NO seat that I could find. Typical Yammie-size box. I'm on the fence on whether or not i really like it or not. I wish they had just used the same shade of white they used for the Model kits and the no-paint 1S. Either way the Armor is going on my spare Roy 1S that is missing his legfins like a cripple
  23. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they brought out a VF-0B Most beaufitul VF-0 Ever
  24. Even though I have two po's I'm not super duper excited about this one lol. It's just another 29 recolored. Kinda wish the B meant something (kinda like the super duper awesome vf-0B. full double seaters ftw)
  25. Holy crap my 1j from HLJ arrived yesterday in NJ and I totally didn't check....gonna go grab him when I get home
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