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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I dunno.....Brera feels like your typical emotionless quiet badass type cliched anime chick character...with a dick bolted on. Very shallow character imho
  2. They did the Itasha vf-171, bring in the itasha vf-25's and 29's
  3. Yf-29 anni is still one of my favorite pieces
  4. Found these old kits in a tiny hobby shop in Gunma, Japan. Super happy Found Maruyama in Akiba Mandarake for 20000, no tax Was so tempted to buy this YF-29B in tam tam tax free but decided not to since I already had two
  5. I picked up this guy from mandrake for just 20000. Pretty satisfied and think I'll only have one since most of my 171 space is dedicated to my cf-171 fleet :0
  6. I saw these in Akiba. The box is Thick, like literally the same as a battroid box and fighter box stacked together
  7. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup as Jenius says after you click in the arms and make the legs straight the backpack just sits like that. To make it worse, the joint is super loose so good luck wooshing this sucker upside down around your desk lol. I just wish Toynami would have just worked something out with bandai and licensed the hi-metals to rebrand into their Robotech line much like they did with Megahouse and beagle for the Cyclones, but who knows maybe that would have been impossible ;0 on a side note...wow the price of hi-metals skyrocketed in Japan... around 9000 for the tamashii web 1A`s and around 20000 for the Roy strike. 1.5 yrs ago I bought my Roys for 10000 max and my 1A`s for 5000-6000 each. Today I`ll hit mandarake Akiba and see if they got any good deals.
  8. Considering the VF-19 advanced can be picked up for 23000 yen here the VF-2SS looks really, reall bland at around the same price point, Nonetheless I put in my obligatory one PO at HLJ in order to support more Mac2. I hope it does well enough that they release the earthbound J version that looks oh so much better
  9. I have no clue why this guy was a general release while isamu was mail order. Just so many of these guys shelf-warming here. Either that or the online market and the general Japanese market are totally different and these guys just move slow. I have so much macross stuff here in akiba, though to be fair a lot of it is way overpriced (like 30000 yen+ for any of the older releases) Anyways, seeing it in person in the display case in tokyo i am quite happy with the two I bought online way back, though I will not be going past my arbitrary limit of 2 for each YF-29 despite being able to pick them up dirt cheap here (146 dollars!!!)
  10. It was surreal to see rods all over. Even the Isamu vf-19 can be found for retail. Just avoid Volks and their 10000 yen markup lol
  11. Rig ht now I am at laox in akiba..freaking 5 of these available...so tempted but I can't carry it all home haha
  12. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that Japanese customers are sweating bullets trying to decide which masterpiece to add to their collection /s vs On a side note I'm going to Japan tomorrow and I'm going to find some shitty 1/100 arii fighter mode kits so that I can poach their Decals for my bland hi-metals lol
  13. I usually take out the lasers and put them in near boiling water. after that I take them out and place them on a flat surface and flatten them against that surface while runing cold water over them. Has never failed.
  14. I just want a new valk design that doesn't involve loads of back kibble in battroid mode. The 25/27/29/30's all look great until you view them from the side
  15. totally new figure that's game accurate. Nice touch. I'm really stoked about the two I got now :0
  16. Interesting kit. It looks like whoever made it recasted a lot of parts from the 1/72 vf-25 kits as I recognize a ton of those parts...sadly. Could prolly make a much sturdier kit if you use the Vf-25 pieces. Would cut down dramatically on the small fragile parts.
  17. I dont care about the cost or the obtrusive hinges on the back. it's been like a quarter of a century waiting for an actual toy to be made so I will buy :0
  18. Damn... now I need to fit a VF-19 Advanced into my wings of goodbye shelf with both the Alto YF-29 and brera super 27 :0
  19. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeesh I feel stupid for collecting DYRL skull squadron in three different scales :0
  20. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't lose any sleep. I just went to sleep earlier than usual and woke up at 2:45AM, logged on, preordered the two i wanted and went back to sleep by 3:15AM, then continued to sleep until 6:30
  21. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    used 3800 CDJ pts. GOt the "best deal" at CDJ of all places. Picked up #2 at HS. Least Stressful PO ever. Back to bed. It is calling me.......luring me back with its warm comfort........
  22. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

  23. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    i will just get one then call it a day
  24. It's like an Itano circus but all the missiles are debits to my poor bank account
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