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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    So... I got my HIkky 1s in today from HS. For some reason it came in faster than my HLJ gbp hikky that's coming in via SAL. As a long-time Hi-metal fan I definitely can see that these have improved quite a lot in some areas, but also are lacking in others when compared to the originals. Better 1. Canopy is crystal clear in the R series. Looks much better 2. Feet are much more sturdy on the R. 3. Joints in general are tight for a toy of this size 4. Grey color is much more appealing and less yellow-prone than the pure whites from before 5. Metal shoulder joints look like a good improvement. 6. Head is a better sculpt with clear visor 7. inclusion of two extra sets of head lasers that are thin and nice looking. Worse 1. NO REGULAR FIGHTER STAND ADAPTER. 2. Little "nubs" leftover from sprue cutting are visible on parts like the wrists. REALLY? 3. NO REGULAR FIGHTER STAND ADAPTER. 4. The Head is a nicer sculpt but it's also really..really big now. 5. NO REGULAR FIGHTER STAND ADAPTER. 6. Legs don't lock in all the way in regular fighter mode. Also wings have that weird ass upward bend like on many of the VF-25's. 7. NO REGULAR FIGHTER STAND ADAPTER. DAMN YOU BANDAI. DAMN YOU!!!!
  2. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    So...um... you'd be surprised just how many people can pony up $300 +
  3. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Seems like a lot of peeps expect early 2000's yamato pricing for mad playability which is just not feasible (like, no wonder they went out if business haha?) It's a tiny toy that sacrifices some accuracy for simplicity by using swappable parts. When battroid mode is like 10cm tall what do people expect? These things have been out since 2010 and the only real change is the nosecone tip popping off, new vf-1s head and some parts now being metal (shoulder parts) Honestly dont get why peeps so upset about stuff that's been known for like 5 years.
  4. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    hy would it matter to you since you never open anything anyways ? ;D it has purty box art
  5. Lol I sold like 2 of those for like 90 each with free shipping 2 months ago. That price is obscenely bad
  6. Already got three super altos. easy pass here :0
  7. Hey Kurisama, I was wondering if you'd ever consider doing the HMM's with Bandai Mounts ?
  8. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I still can't wait to get one of these, strip it and paint it dark ghost grey :0
  9. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Just realized the Hikky goes on sale on 11/28. Right after I get my Bonus....mwahahahah...gyahahahahaa......
  10. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN963155/Sup These were the official stands as denoted in the manuals of the previous Hi-Metals They are a kagillion times better than the crappy stands included in the DX'es. I would honestly pay an extra 10-15 bucks more for each DX if they made a big version of these for them and included them instead
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    the tamashii stands are ridiculously cheap, like 3 for 10. i buy the clear ones anyways so my ocd will make me use clear one for my roy :0
  12. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just gotta say it again. I'm sick and tired of the yf-24 style transformation we've had these last 8 years. It's like Kawamori got lazy with the wings and just said fuggit, just have them fold back and stick out in order to annoy peeps
  13. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I love the look of the craft, but I don't know if I can get over the AKB48 turns Macross squadron thingamajig. I think I may end up like.... forgetting about Macross Delta's story completely, buy the cheapest (aka the "luka") of the VF-31's and then go crazy with my airbrush and the inevitable copy of VF-31 Master File. I will then put some of my spare CF-171 pilots on the cockpits and imagine I never saw Macross Delta (if it ends up being what I think it will end up as....)
  14. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of wallets suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."
  15. Man I love the rafale. is that the 1/48 from hobbyboss?
  16. Duymon

    3d Valkyries

    omg I wish we could have these in MS flight sim :0
  17. And just when I thought the respite to my wallet would last a lil longer......
  18. Not sure. The shoulder joint isnt a spot that really has broken a lot for peeps. Plus it's doubtful a 3d printed copy could be more durable than the die-cast used. on a different note.... I wish this was an official loadout for the VF-25 :0
  19. Oh God, please don't release V3. I just spent 2 fooking years of f5-slamming to get my current V2 collection. Hardpoints didn't start appearing until the VF-171 super parts, which unfortunately came AFTER the V2's and I guess Bandai was much happier just reusing their already established mold rather than doing a re-tool
  20. Model Kits without pilots have always been a pet peeve of mine. When I was a kid I used to make some purchasing decisions based on which kits had pilots lol
  21. Grats! While you're at it can you confirm the clear canopy is included or not?
  22. I checked my CF-171 fleet after a year. Most are still intact but a select few developed cracks on their shoulder triangles. I checked a lil further and it all comes down to retarded tolerances with the black shoulder piece and the metal shoulder joint it covers. All the ones that had cracks had metal shoulder pieces that for some reason weren't 100% flush so they had a .3-.5 mm seam between the metal halves. Combine this slight gradation with the cheap, brittle plastic used on the Shoulders and over time they will crack and shatter without fail. Using some super glue and accelerator I repaired all of my triangles then had to sand and refinish them with a coat of gloss black. I then sanded down the metal shoulders a lil bit to reduce the amount of outward force they exert onto the plastic shoulders due to the shoddy joint work by the factor workers
  23. There should be an option for "neither" because they are two different aircraft Which one is better overall? The answer is: Whichever you like more. I just hope the Macross gravy train keeps going, though I wish Bandai would stop Releasing crap for a whileso that I could afford to collect other crap
  24. I don't know if the 25G will ever see a re-release. The Hikaru and Roy Analogues always get more attention while the Max / kakizaki seem more one-off's I still love the plain fighter mode. So sleek :0
  25. If Military planes were glossy they'd shimmer in the sun and it might make them more visible in a dogfight. That's prolly why the majority of warplanes are matte colored. Considering that even the aging F-16's can pack JHMCS and AIM-9x's that literally can lock, track and hit targets nearly behind the aircraft everyone is always going to to give their fighters every possible edge, even if it's as low tech as a non-reflective paint-job.
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