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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. This sounds crazy but even better than compressed air I use my airbrush compressor and an old crappy airbrush. Way higher PSI and there's no dust I've seen that can stick through that >;D
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It sounds crazy but I would pay to have a display stand that could pose each of those VF-31's in that formation in the poster ..... though they'd have to be creative with Delta 4
  3. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Best of luck guys. I'm probably going to sit this one out as I got way too much work tomorrow morning :*(
  4. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Why are we even debating you know everyone's getting at least one of each
  5. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Delta 4's visor sticks out top like the YF-29's. Interesting. I watched the 1st preview episode and pretty much I'll buy the valks but not watch the show lol. it was just painful watching it for me :0 Prolly going to strip all 5 and customize them.
  6. Dude you built more this year than some members have in the last 10... *looks at stacks of model boxes in closet*
  7. Yeah the Default Kit is choose one mode and build it that way. If you want to do perfect transform you get two limitations. (looks like they added this to the entry recently since i didn't see it lat time) You need to order the Experten Ratchet kit for an extra 2700 yen You cannot use the Detail parts for each mode. This includes the fighter intakes, the battroid cockpit and the Battroid alternate forearms which have better proportions.
  8. So, I read the Blog. Long story short, It's non-transforming kit. you gotta choose which mode you build it in. Each mode has their own respective detail up parts. Think of it like the Moscato Legios in terms up building (pick a mode, use those parts) 2nd, it's the Macross M3 version (5000B) that we only ever saw on Dreamcast. 3rd. It's not a color cast kit like his usual 1/100's. It's casted in grey 4th, MSRP is 25000 yen 5th, God Damnit I still want one
  9. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I am really looking forward to these, but at the same time the MSRP of the YF-30 was like 20,000 so I don't expect these to be far off from that. Prolly looking at maybe one of each tops for this series.
  10. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    That's weird because mine are all totally fine after 4 years and I have like 12 of them.
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    If Bandai included stands that would mess up their marketing strategy where they only sell stands in packs of 3, pressuring collectors to buy figures in 3's in order to "not waste a stand"
  12. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I think they changed their policy because so many people preordered tamashii exclusives and then didn't follow thru, leaving NY on the hook. It sucks because it was super convenient, but I can understand why they did it
  13. Unless giant robots become a reality I doubt realism on the controls side is really gonna matter. I'm more surprised that none of the pilots in any of those gundam shows isn't blacking out or flat-out dead from the G's they'd experience doing all that crazy maneuvers. Hell, they aren't even wearing seat belts O_o
  14. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm used to prepaying a lot for preorders several months in advanced. Anyone who collects 3A would know the feeling
  15. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    wow i guess this is gonna be a more normal thing now. peeps shouldn't really get salty how else u gonna get tamashii exclusives easily?
  16. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought the same thing until I Saw the nose pegs are reversed on the 1s compared to the 1j. PIcs when I get home. Dafuq Bandai?
  17. Wow, these look kinda "meh" compared to the awesome charaworks sets we had like 8 years ago
  18. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    New Vs Old So How does the new Hikky 1s stack up against the Old Roy 1s? Hikky wins on the head sculpt hands down, but that's pretty much it. It's personal taste but I like the old DYRL White and the lighter , greener fastpacks. Also Hikky's a whiny emo. Roy 4 life (Jet Jockey for life) Of course opinion will change once I get my Hi Metal R Roy Btw, I noticed that the hi-metal R's have a new locking tab that clicks into notches on the chestplate in fighter mode. Totally unneeded as the old hi-metals had no prob staying in fighter mode. IT actually makes it harder to transform hahaha. If you aren't getting ur fastpacks on straight like in these pics, ur doing it wrong. Just have fun freaking the hell out as you force click it into place. Memories of yammie 1/48 backpack anyone? tee hee hee *Pardon that crappy pics. Too sleepy to use a real camera and photo booth after work today
  19. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    People shouldn't expect a VF-25 Renewal level of differences. The Originals Hi-Metals were already pretty good toys already. Just be happy you can now join in on the Hi-Metal love now. An updated Skull Squadron in the new Grey and the blue-er fastpacks like on the Hikky will look nice >;D Here's the older ones for reference
  20. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's the pic of the stand adapter difference. Left is VF-1j regular fighter mode adapter. The Right is the one that comes with the VF-1s strike. Just wish they included both in the VF-1s as it'd be nice to have all the display options Here's some quick comparisons between the old and new 1J. Basically nothing different cept for the color of the plastic, some tampo, the nose and shoulder joints. The Older 1J does have something the new one doesn't; the option to use round TV hands instead of the DYRLs. Despite the chest lines being perfect horizontal they do spread wider on the older 1J which looks a tad bit better. Also has smaller kite symbols on the sides. The Arms are Beefier on the Newer ones. I'll get comparisons between the new and old vf-1s later.
  21. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    That's the wrong adapter. That's for fighter fast packs and was included in the fast pack sets way back when they were released separately. The Reg fighter adapter is more Flat and fits super snug on the fighters. I'll take a pic when I get home from work
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