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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. NO worry, just wait for the resin B-Club hand parts that are way more detailed and only cost half as much as the kit itself /sarcasm
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Dude I'm relieved these will be out near the end of the year. More time to save up for 2-3 of each hehehe
  3. OMG, another fan of the grey valkyries. Cheers Grey 1/48's + stealth packs = 1000000% awesome Next Generation :0
  4. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    that's the bandai model-kit gerwalk. Let's hope the DX isn't the same.
  5. I got super lucky. My Wife's hometown is in Gunma where there are still tons of old-school mom and pop hobby shops that are cramped and stacked to the ceiling with model kits. It was like being a kid all over again as I'd search each store for an hour. I didn't care that everything was full retail price; anything to support the old-school model shops so that maybe one day if I had a kid they could experience the same awesomeness Hasegawa makes it too damned easy to mass-buy their stuff. Considering each model kit is like 2000 yen and takes around 10-20 hours to build you can get 30-60 hours of enjoyment out of 3 kits, which is more than most mainstream videogames, and you get to enjoy a cool as hell valkyrie. I think I'm done buying 1/72 VF-1's for now unless I somehow run across a stash of Sonicbirds. Those kits are absolutely evil, allowing you to mimic a navy squadron with both low-vis and high-vis CAG setups via the dual decal set.
  6. Wave 1/100 Macross VF-1's all have a nice DYRL pilot. GO buy one of those, then buy some casting materials and make ur own lol. That's what I used to do for the beautiful Tamiya 1/48 F-16 pilot so that I could have accurate airmen in my US fighter planes
  7. Dude... it's coming out in 3 months... I totally want to buy a few because the models always are fun to build, even the crappy VF-25's. But...but.. I Have a HUUUUUGE backlog of hasegawas I need to build...my last trip to japan didn't help... at all, as evidenced in the below pic
  8. All they need is the same solid locking that they put into the armored 25's and the vf-27 fighter modes later in the model line. If they do that i will bite.
  9. Man, I wish this had been more popular. I wanted super parts for this sucker
  10. Weirdly it was the same guy that did the VF-17 for Yamato AFAIK. Kinda crazy how the designs feel so divergent
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Online store sales don't necessarily reflect the popularity of the item in Japan. You're talking about the rest of the freaking world competing over the stock of just a handful of shops, while nearly all the macross fans in Japan have access to loads and loads of brick and mortars in Japan. When I was in Japan after the Hikaru 1J release they were as scarce as the DX Chogokins. A few weeks after the Regular release I come again and I find stacks of regults at: Yodabashi Camera Softmap Laox Volks Yellow Submarine Even some tiny figure stores like robot robot and others in the Akiba Radiokan building. This is just in Tokyo. I find quite a few more in Chiba just 30 min away on the sobu-line. (I was visiting hobby shops like hell to track down older OOP hasegawa limited VF-1's..i even scored a Max / Milia VF-1 twin-set circa 2003 at retail ) Japanese Macross fans just have different collecting habits I guess. They don't have the disposable income nor space to go apesh*t like many of us do here on Macrossworld
  12. The Maruyama came with missiles, or are you talking about a different unit?
  13. I know what you mean. Despite how much I liked it I only ended buying one because lol
  14. The Maruyama is the most expensive since it's a gift bundle with super parts and was a web exclusive so no cushy wholesale prices for retailers. I still found one for 20,000 in Mandarake right after they were released, however (retail is 24800) The 171 Exes all are solid with no exploding parts so they are all safe to buy. The CF's are hit and miss hehe. Whenever I feel like buying another I have to factor in the cost of buying shoulders off shapeways ($8-15 per pair depending on quality) I absolutely love the 171's and have a total of 18 VF 171's / 171 exes O_o Just wish they'd released the CF Ewacs version too :*(
  15. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Let's just hope the new regults are just a Tamashii webshop exclusive, or that they just release the conversion parts for the missiles for even cheaper since there are still a crapton of regults floating around Japan's toy stores.
  16. Man ever since I spent 150 bucks on 10 pairs of high res triangles at shapeways my VF-171 fleet has been totally fine....well..except for the two perma fighter-mode dudes with busted knees
  17. They are already up for Preorder and the prices are in line with all the other 1/144 TOmytech stuff; around 25-35 USD a pop on average. I've seen other Tomytech stuff in Japan and it's very, very detailed. However, too pricey for me. It's basically just a snap-kit with a crapton of Tampo printing. Proportions are always a little miffed because parts need to be structurally sound in the tiny 1/144 scale.
  18. They are all over the place. Check Yellow Submarine in the AKiba radio Building 6th floor (across street from Station with bigass yellow and red sign) or check Volks store which is on the main road and a minute or two from the station. They both had craptons of these things for sale. ALso a ton of HMR regults. Source: I just checked before I left Japan on 3/12
  19. I already have too many vf-171's :0 don't make me buy more lol
  20. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    There are stacks if regults all over akihabara ready to be sold for like 58 dollars usd. Wish i could buy them all but no space :*( Cheapest is volks, followed by yellow submarine
  21. In japan for a week visiting the wife's parents. Found some tiny model shops around her hometown in Gunma and brought home a few gems Pretty much only interested in oop stuff this trip since i grabbed all the hase vf-25 stuff online.
  22. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Only volks has them cheap. Only other place i saw them was yodabashi camera but they were 7130 or so.... Make sure to flash the passport for nontax over 10000yen They also got like 20 vf-2sses.......and vf-4 reissues for 27000
  23. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Dude, the regults are so cheap in Akiba. 6120 yen a pop at volks (53 usd) guess bad guys not so popular? (I know regult army builders will cry at this)
  24. Forget everything else. 1/20 VF-1 ........ drool....
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