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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Heyas, have fun on the armored VF-25. They build up pretty well and lock up very well in fighter and battroid. I wish the DX'es had the shoulder missle pods line up as cleanly as the models. Just be really careful with the collar-bone connectors to the missile pods. They are easy to snap and a pain to repair
  2. Both HLJ and Hobby Search got em Official Gerwalk PICS!! It looks cool as heck, but I don't like the battroids so I'll just be getting multiple fighters
  3. That's actually a good question lol. I don't see any thrusters myself and there's no obvious spot shown in the m30 game either
  4. It says "Sticker" in the lower left corner of the sheet ya know
  5. welp..... part of me is happy to see super / strikes again, the other is like...."really? another DYRL Roy / Hikaru?" I figure price will be between standalone and the armored 1j
  6. Ah ahha...haha...haha.a... *cry* Want it to look this good? Airbrush ur 500 yen kit el-cheapo kit
  7. Official Pics up at HobbySearch Funny how they have more detailed landing gear for the smaller scale (hello bandai, just give us part-swap gear that's highly detailed on ur kits )
  8. I'm dissapointed Bandai can't give us clear plastic canopies. Solid painted / decal canopies drive me nuts. Heck, Even the Mecha Cole Cosmo Falcon Freebie I got with Dengeki Hobby way back had a clear canopy!
  9. I think it prolly has to do with the fact that Frontier had Yoko Kanno behind all the new songs that appeared in Frontier. Add to that May'n and Megumi were a pretty slick combo. Delta's music is pretty meh thus far. Like what the hell is with the cheesy playstation 1990's music that's playing in the very beginning of the episode? And why does the beginning of the OP sound like every other low-budget crappy moe harem show? on a side note, Mac 7's silliness is forgiven because Fukuyama is badass
  10. Thank god we're gonna get cool pilot figs for these, not pretty boys with funky hair and all
  11. The opening is too mainstream and resembles like every other Anime out there. However, it does have some nice footage. I really like the confirmation that Windermere guys are just like VF-27's inside. I can live with that I also like how the bad guys park their valks I hope everyone watched till after the credits. Nice to see the training valk they use... hope it leads to a DX Toy later on Overall I don't have much expectations for the show. I'll end up fast-forwarding except for the battles because they look pretty sweet and the valks are all I really care about.
  12. I leave the YF-30 front bay doors open because opening them scares the crap out of me, even now. I always feel like something's going to break
  13. They had full valk releases for Klan and Ranka and I'm sure those were limited editions. There's also Cathy and Sheryl Decals but they are super hard to get now as they were part of a promotion
  14. So........does this like take place after the starkiller story arc in the force unleashed games (that leads up to the formation of the rebel alliance) or is that sorta not canon anymore.
  15. It's probaby that elongated nose that kinda make the VF-171 a lil crazy compared to the VF-17. It's gotta fold up...somehow. Also the VF-17 is from the 90's where Kawamori made everything fat and stocky; not lanky thin like in Frontier and now Delta hehehe Fatso Skeleton
  16. I think a V3 might be going a little too far. It's kinda hard to imagine VF-1's being better than the V2 even. If they need capitol they could always do a rerun of the Elint, Ostrich and M&M's....
  17. I pulled up some JP macross blogs and twitter... the japanese feedback in regards to AKB-similarity is pretty funny ================== AKB0048の3期が始まったかと思ったwww I thought the 3rd season of AKB started lol マクロスの放送時間だと思ってたらAKB0048だったんだが。 It was time to watch macross but I was seeing AKB 歌姫が戦うせいで、すごくAKBっぽい っていうか、今の河森がやりたいのがああいうことなのかな? Battling Songstresses, totally AKB-like. Is this the direction Kawamori wants to go? むしろ、女だけのマクロスは見てみたいな ただ、AKBみたいにするのは勘弁な Like really? It's like all girly girl macross. Making it like AKB48...Gimme a break. AKB0048を思い出すなあ。 やっぱヒロインは2人位がちょうどいいです。多すぎると覚えられない← Reminds me of AKB0048. Two heroines are prolly the best. If there are too many it's hard to remember AKBをパワーアップした感じ It's like AKB got a power up なんでAKBの画像があるの? Why am I seeing AKB? アニメのAKBみたい マクロスっぽくない This cartoon is more AKB. Not macross-y これAKB0048ってやつだろ? This is an AKB thing right? マクロスじゃないとしても、逆にAKBっぽくって珍しさもない It's not macross, it's more AKB and not so special なんでAKB0048混ざってんの Why they mixing AKB0048 (with macross) ? とりあえずAKB0048みたいにはなってほしくない。 For the time being I dont' want this becoming AKB0048
  18. To me Macross is more of a space opera. Many Japanese seem to agree since Macross and Macross F pop up in the space opera categories of even many Japanese websites. Sure, there were silly moments in Macross, but that doesn't detract that it's still a war story and it fits right along with other 80's sci-fi series like Southern Cross or Mospeada. Of course just because I see it as that doesn't mean I expect others to as well. I think that instead of defining the franchise for us and telling us the Macross we like "isn't Macross" (that's pretty arrogant) and calling us "oldtaku", maybe some people need to think of Macross as a diverse franchise that has individual parts / aspects that appeal to different audiences. A lot of people got into macross via DYRL, Mac Plus or even Mac F so it's not really a surprise they like different things about the series. with that in mind..... Macross Delta's first episode just didn't have anything that really grabbed at me. I'm sure it's half because I'm not a AKB48 fan and I don't like the idea of girls with mystical musical powers also being smack in the middle of combat blocking and dodging missiles, but I'm also sure it's half because they crammed too much into the first episode. I don't feel like there's enough time in 25 minutes to have any meaningful character interaction or story development when they introduce like 15 primary characters (delta squad, walkure, Aerial Knights) and already have them battling their arch nemesis before the end of the first episode (at least Mac F waited a bit before Alto and Brera really began to fight and Brera had that mysterious vibe going for him for quite a while) Add to that Hayate is an unemployed (within the first 5 minutes) slacker prodigy pilot who's not really a likable character (yet). Oh well, it's just one episode. It's not fair to compare complete 36-episode (SDFM) or 25-episode (MacF) series to what's currently out yet for mac D. I just hope I'm not rolling my eyes still at Episode 25
  19. Yeah, shipping costs are Crazy for the Bandai valks. There's a lot, and I mean.. A LOT of wasted plastic on the Bandai sprues. When I was just getting into my Macross Frontier phase I picked up a bunch of bandai Valks and a pair of trimmers while I was in Japan. I then cut every piece off the sprues and managed to carry home 5-6 VF-25's ziploc bags and it was glorious.
  20. Oh, I'm sorry... I totally thought SFDM was a dark, gritty war story where the entire population of an island is forced to flee on a spaceship, wander the earth looking for a place to accept their refugees, only to end up being the remnants of humanity after space aliens nearly commit a full genocide of the human race. My Bad. I suppose DYRL was supposed to be a comedy too right? We have to forget Macross 0 as well. That was goofy as hell when weird stuff like pilots getting splattered in their cockpits or shot after they crashlanded happened. I was like... totally ROFL the entire time. Even Macross Frontier has serious overtones as a macross colony comes close to being totally wiped out by ancient space aliens, only to be saved by the foldwaves created by two songstresses. Macross 7.... er.. ok I'll sorta give you that one.
  21. The Armored and Tornado kits are solid and totally worth it I know there's legit reasons to hate the regular and super VF-25's but the armored and tornado 25's are legit in fighter and battroid mode, though gerwalk is still kinda finicky
  22. *tosses Seto Flame Suit. Ducks down into Fallout Shelter.
  23. Girls jumping out of valkyries and having sailor moon transformations, floating around the battlefield and doing ridiculous things like riding on valkyries by simply holding onto a cord just kills the whole thing for me. Even Hayate dancing around in his work destroid or the "busted" VF-171 that by some miracle transformed without a hitch just had me rolling my eyes. I'll still buy the valkyries, but i'll probably take my sweet time watching this show.
  24. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You'd think they could just sacrificed the inner-leg missile ports and gone for regular landing gear instead like on the YF-29. The VF-31 landing gear scare me, especially if they happened to have painted knees / shins.
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