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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    May the F5 be with you kekekeke
  2. 1:48 VF-1A Low Vis 1 for life. No other yamacadia valk has appealed to me as much as this one thus far...some 12+ years later The 1/48 is like the new Chunky Monkey for many of us Not as refined and beautiful as the new stuff but who cares when you have a bigass valk?
  3. I think it's more the plastic used on the CF's as well. They broke apart like nothing. Zero of my Alto,Maruyama,Luca 171's have any QC issues at all, and I do have a lot of them. Kinda sucks I had to get shapeways replacements for all my Battroid / gerwalk CF 171's while the good shoulders and triangles were given to the fighters
  4. The 1/72 is no replacement for the DX, but they are infinitely easier to acquire and with a little elbow grease you will get a nicer-looking single pose valk at a fraction of the DX price. However, if you wanna play, the models are a big no-no unless you hate yourself and love suffering. Just ask any married man (j/k, just recently married) Now that we know Hayate's custom cockpit allows him to fly without a helmet, does that mean we won't get a generic helmeted pilot figure for our VF-31J? If so that sucks, because I wanted to make a non-canon VF-31J. The Models are great bases for custom jobs which is why they appeal to me, despite my huge DX collection.
  5. Looks like Dengeki Hobby put up pics of the S ver, complete with oversized headlasers http://hobby.dengeki.com/news/190854/
  6. This is pretty cool. We get a crapton of spare parts, including an extra TV-pilot Also, new Phone Background lol
  7. Also kinda concerning is that's a new sample and the red pinstripes are already chipped. Mine are like 4 yrs old and still solid
  8. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    vf-1a will be easy to get in Japan. Never had any issues getting one post release
  9. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    It's that tiny. The legacy hi metal hikaru and max had this microscopic tv pilot. They are reusing the mold it seems
  10. I think the reason I'm not enjoying this series is the music, believe it or not. The non vocal background music is cheap PSX / Ps2 jrpg generic music while Mac Frontier got the full Symphonic orchestra treatment much like Mac Plus. The non-vocal music in Mac F gave it a sense if epicness that I just don't see or feel here.
  11. There were early pics that showed the gunpod. The stand hooks into the gunpod and there's a removable filler piece to flush out the gunpod for those who won't be using the stand
  12. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, it looks like the VF-1A is getting two new headsculpts. The legacy Hi-metal 1A's head has a stubbier antennae and the Markings on the Chin are distinctly different. Also, the angling of the black eye piece on the new one is a little more aggressive. I hope we see the rest of DYRL skull squadron sometime soon. (I can't believe I got my MAX 1A with fast pack addon set for only 7500yen on Mandarake)
  13. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The VF-27 and Rod YF-29 were glossy though :0 But yeah, any actually new chassis since the YF-30 have been matte which has been great. Way more premium feel
  14. HLJ sends payment request when item is ready to ship. Since you PO'd what looks to be a May Restock, you won't be charged until May The Rod and Alto are basically the same except for the Pilot fig and gunpod. Don't remember if the two nibs on the head are reversed on the Rod like they are on the Anniversary "roy" 29.
  15. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    New-ish pics of all the CG valks on the official site http://macross.jp/delta/mechanic/
  16. A few hours ago this popped up on the official site http://macross.jp/delta/mechanic/
  17. Best deal I ever got for alto supers was 4500 yen, loose, in akiba last month
  18. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    What? You aren't satisfied with like half the Yamato 30th anni roys in the tri-state area?
  19. I'd really like to see a Macross series where the main character is already a military pilot like Mac 0 so that we could skip the whole recruitment thing. At 17 years old it's hard to imagine Hayate as a drifter that's experienced many jobs and places. Actually, if they just added like 5 years to everyone's age in Walkure and Delta I'd find it a lot more believable. Then again... mainstream macross has always featured young high-school-aged pilots so whatev
  20. Weirdly enough i found it easiest to tab the boosters in battroid mode. Way easier to manipulate everything. As for the calf armor in back, nail polish that part like yesterday before you start losing hair.
  21. It's like the Wave 1/100 kits; You get fighter and battroid separately and then there's parts to make gerwalk. Seeing as the Fighter and gerwalk parts have little T-sliders on them I highly doubt it's a permanent thing.
  22. Tomytech are pretty easy to make. I am sure they'll use polycaps so that we can switch between gerwalk or separate fighter / battroid kits
  23. Size comparison vs DX yf-29 and 1/100 F-15 gaaah, BANDAI, Y U STILL USE CRAPPY PRINTER
  24. The Pins are annoying but they were made to facilitate the parts swapping. I kinda wish Bandai just released the valks all with the hardpoint wings as default like on the VF-19 and YF-30. Then they could have used a more solid and permanent wing mount. However, on the CF's the wings are the least of our concerns.... actually they are one of the most stable parts on the CF's haha
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