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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. If they make another pass on the CF VF-171 maybe they can fix the canopy mold. In the Cartoons the canopy is more round and flows with the lines of the nose for a smooth, beautiful silhouette The DX'es canopy juts out and breaks the silhouette
  2. This fig is an insta buy. Robot Damashii has been a pretty solid line the last 5-6 years and I also don't have any TV-ver ingrams
  3. New or Used the early supers will pop off like hell. The Also and Ozma Super Armors have a retarded Thigh design that just holds on with two teeny weeny nubs while the Later Super parts use the same intake snap-in like the armored parts.
  4. Look at the fighter mode sprue. I can hear the screams of modelers who try to clip off piece #5. Those fins be crazy
  5. If you have the pro-modeler VF-25F and you've never built a VF-25 Kit before, I would shelve the kit and buy a standard release first. Reason being, the pro-modeler is molded in clear plastic and clear plastic in general is much more brittle and less forgiving than polystyrene. Even the clean-up of each piece is stressful as clear plastic doesn't cooperate so well with clippers and knives. Sanding also requires multiple grades in order to remove nubs and blend and buff them into the clear plastic. Also, the decals are VERY unforgiving. You will need to coat parts of the interior ABS with a gloss clearcoat otherwise the decals will just wrinkle and slide right off. As for the regular VF-25 Release, it's way easier due to how forgiving regular polystyrene is. You still need to be SUPER careful though, because the joints and moving parts are all thin and fragile ABS and once ABS breaks it's really a pain for most people to make a clean and stable fix. Here are some examples of the regular VF-25's I built for fun like almost 8-9 years ago. Again they are nice looking models but not toys. Also, if you happen to want some standard VF-25 Ktis, the armored Version or even the Limited Edition YF-25's, I have some for sale still Here
  6. That wont happen until a certain company no longer can have legal claim to the macross name and block macross products outside of japan
  7. We really need to stop posting pictures of other products in all these threads. If it were a side by side I'd understand but it's getting a little out of hand now ;0
  8. I used to have the entire set. All of them interlock and each set includes different factory gizmos. WHen you interlock them the rails also interlock so the gizmos can go down the entire "line" of factory stands. They also include little figures too, but they are obviously not to scale as all the macross models in this line are like 1/170th and the proportions are all very crazy 80's
  9. Removing the Itasha would be 10x easier for sure but it's a little bit more expensive since the maruyama is still around 20,000 for the set, while I can source the alto and supers together for around 15500. If I ever add more to the Fleet I'll prolly go the maruyama route since it's just a simple tampo removal and then painting just a backplate.
  10. I know the feeling. Generic armored parts would be awesome. Back in the day Alto Armored parts were dirt cheap because there were no reissue VF-25 renewals back then and nobody liked the idea of paying 300+ bucks for an Alto 25F I made a set of custom parts from those and use them on either my VF-25G, YF-25 or VF-25A depending on my mood
  11. Really looking forward to these kits. I won't be building them up as Delta Squadron, I'll get the DX'es for that. I really hope the Draken includes clear canopy like the VF-27 Kits, Renewal DXes and the Gimix Draken.
  12. We're visiting family in Japan. I saw this in a used toy shop. Loose Alto YF-29 with Super Packs - 19800 Yen Loose RVF-25 with Super packs and Ghost - 14800 yen Loose Isamu YF-29 with Super Packs - 14800 yen Wife just bought all three for my Birthday.
  13. i doubt they will re-release it. They rarely reissue limited edition decal kits I agree though the Black Aces kit is AWESOME
  14. Thankfully I fixed it with plasticweld. I keep it in naked battroid just to be safe. On a different note, I finally got to painting the hip pieces on my YF-25 Super. Was getting so sick of the Blue hips breaking up the orange.
  15. All the renewals are totally fine. I've had some displayed for over 3 years without any issues. I do have one VF-25G with a broken wing joint though, but that's only because scumbag cat knocked it over :0
  16. I'm curious how the legs fold out the sides like that in cruiser mod. At least it's not as half-assed as the macross Quarter though transformation, if the DX toy was any indication.\ I still wish somebody would make Battle 7 and Battle Frontier. I love the design and how closely resemble each-other.
  17. Different kits for Different folks. Some people actually enjoy the snap-together toy-kits
  18. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    With how nice those Super 1/72's look I'm really debating if I really need to participate in the DX shenanigans considering one DX costs as much as 3x valk kits and I'm not shy of using my airbrush....
  19. something tells me I might skip the entire DX line if these models are solid in each mode (might just buy 3x each and secure them into one mode each. way more affordable lol)
  20. Gotta milk the molds, hasegawa style :0
  21. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Nobody likes paying extra months after. I guess it's time for NY to change to a system like HLJ or AE. Pay for item, then make batch shipping orders.
  22. If you want a CF VF-171EX, you have two options. 1.) Get a Maruyama Custom and remove the itasha-print using a solvent 2.) Get an Alto Custom and convert the red stripes to Grey. I'm a cheap bastard so I picked up a VF-171EX Alto used for about 12000 yen and an armored pack for 3500 yen off Mandarake. Figure that 15500 yen + shipping is way better than paying the 20000 yen that the Maruyama custom commands....right? Let's just say the next time around I will just get the maruyama and remove the itasha print lol. Masking some of the lines on the VF-171EX are an absolute pain because it's really hard to line up light masking tape with the off-white color of the VF-171EX in order to go up right against the red. You gotta get REALLY creative with the ankle guards in the front since there's only like .5 mm of white plastic for the masking tape to hold onto, and at an angle in the middle to boot :0 Painting commenced using Tamiya acrylic dark grey mixed with 50% acryl thinner. Used Iwata Eclipse airbrush @ 20 PSI. After everything dried I brush-painted on some future floor polish mixed with Tamiya flat-base to give the paint a little extra resistance. After all painting was done, Just had to add a CF Pilot, of which I have many due to my CF-VF-171 collection. And Voila, CF 171EX without the Itasha print. This is how it stacks up vs the Maruyama Custom
  23. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    The Roy with Stand box is gigantic. It's literally double the size of regular HMR Box
  24. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. I used tamiya dark grey and then used tamiya flat black to expand the black lines on the chest. The stock paint had the black chest lines way too thin imho Lol indeed it does
  25. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my VF-1S Roy by SAL finally. Totally forgot about this... I have like 3 roys already from the legacy line so I whipped out the airbrush and made some changes I then gave the stand to my legacy roys. Also experimented with Flory's Model wash (WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE???)
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