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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I found an Aoshima ACKS 1/43 ingram on sale at a flea mkt and picked it up. The kit is surprisingly good and a better build than both the 20+ yr old 1/35 MG Ingram and Moderoid's 1/60 entry. Unfortunately Aoshima has only done ingrams and they've already released the most common variations, except for TV Ingram Unit 3. They're last entry for Patlabor was the Reactive Armor units in Dec 22 and nothing else has been announced afaik so despite being amazing kits it's a hard-sell to have just ingrams in an off-scale (1/43) That said I'm hooked on these now and am going to go and buy TV unit 2, 3 reactives and the double car set because I'm an ingram addict.
  2. We all know the answer
  3. so I assume we're getting the YF-21 full set first, and then 3 years later they'll release the barebones version for 1000 yen less?
  4. This just popped up on taghobby MOSHOWTOYS的微博视频.mp4
  5. thet Max VF-1s Should come with two sets of wings so you can model the snapped off ones after he rolls
  6. I just nabbed the last set of Hazel + Hrududu parts on AE. $240 ain't bad for the entire set. Just have to pay shipping in April. It'll by my 4th metal robot Hazel but can you really have too much Hazel? I think even with shipping the exchange rate makes it cheaper to buy from Japan since Bamco still tries to charge ~ 1usd = 100 yen in P-bandai US
  7. The Exchange rate is so good you can now buy Metal Robot Hazels for cheaper , after shipping, from Japan than it costed to order locally from P-Bandai USA O_o
  8. If any of you US based collectors are still wanting to preorder locally USA gundam store has a flash sale on preorders, like 20% off today
  9. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I bought the yf-19 full set at release and sold eveything outside of the fast-packs and foldildo for $70 bucks and I stil have more than what this renewed YF-19 comes with O_o
  10. I nabbed a copy of Macross Chou hyoka while I was at Kinokuniya in NYC. was pricey but it was just 5 bucks more than amazon jp after shipping
  11. No worry. Macross won't become gundam until there's an Angsty Teenage kid who hates adults and is forced into a super powerful valkyrie to survive. And then the kid slowly spends the show realizing he has to fight a war he hates and the best way to solve the problem of adults killing eachother is to just kill all the bad guys
  12. introducing Macross Builders! Brave middle school kids customize their own valkyries and fight virtual battles... *cringe*
  13. I hope the show cuts down on the number of idols to 1-2 and introduces a new style of Valkyrie that isn't based off the yf-24 or yf-30 styles. Gib valkyries that don't have tons of back-kibble, much like teh old-school valkyries
  14. Yeah definitely sunrise. Hope it turns out well
  15. The official Macross account just posted this vague entry on twitter It says "A new Macross Animation is in the works. The animation studio will be Sunrise" Now the spectulation Begins
  16. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    firesale yamato V2 prices aren't my baseline for macross anymore
  17. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Did that red stand come with the Hikaru standalone? I got one at release and I don't recall getting one of those stands O_o
  18. The way Hasegawa could steal all my money is if they made 1/48 battroids because building an army of 1/48 battroids at ~$50 usd a pop would cause hasegawa macross backlogs to explode
  19. If anyone still needs this Amazon.co.jp has somebody selling it for ~131 usd shipped at this time https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/HI-METAL-Fortress-Macross-Valkyrie-Die-Cast/dp/B0BRX6H6GL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1P48J0FOUAOP3&keywords=vf-1j&qid=1684680903&sprefix=vf-1j%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1
  20. Really looking forward to those econo ingrams. I actually even went out and bought both color sets of the hercules and boxer just to support the line. really hope they bring out more schaft stuff like the saturn and phantom. surprised the brocken hasn't been announced tbh
  21. If anyone is still on the fence for the Moderoid Hal-X10 it's 35% off right now at usa gundam store. Really fun kit. I loved building mine https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/patlabor-moderoid-hal-x10-1-60-scale-model-kit
  22. Good smile is great at getting you to buy the same kit 3 times
  23. Reactive Ingram is an amazing kit. With the included parts you can build - Reactive armor units 1-3 movie 2 - Standard armor ingram 1-3 movie 2 - Standard armor / decommissioned ingram 1-3 movie 2 (no badge, license plates or patlamp) - Unit 1 - 2 from tv or movie 1 - Unit 1 - 2 from Patlabor WXIII. (special WXIII glove sprue and shielded unit 1 faceguard included.) you will need to repaint unit 2's back headplate for WXIII ver. Basically, Outside of lacking TV unit 3 parts this is the ultimate av-98 kit imho
  24. Isn't that just the ancient soft-vinyl kit again? That sculpts been around forever
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