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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Pretty sure Tamashii Metal Build is NOT macross related. It's been like 100% gundam up to this point and just like Macross releases they've been quite a headache to acquire online. Because somebody at Bandai just wants to see the world burn, they open POs for Metal builds and DXes at the same time so often or not collectors are forced to choose to between a Metal Build or a DX / hi-metal. Trying for both usually results in cart-jacking.
  2. Trust me you would have been just as dissapointed with the stickers as they are even more transparent than the stickers O_o
  3. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Some people run website monitors that allow them to see real time changes to websites. If they happen to be online when a change is made they can check it and get an order in. Issue is 2-fold with Bandai Preorders as always. On one side Bandai doesn't have high preorder numbers to start with. The second issue is many online shops are pay-later preorders so Scalpers have nothing to lose by nabbing preorders and then trying to flip them on YHJ or Amazon.co.jp
  4. I guess they went for ostrich-y colors fastpacks on that exclusive? 20 bucks would be a generous price for these pieces of doodoo. I think I paid 25 for the VF-1A like 10 years ago and it fell apart with broken polycaps very quickly. 54.99 seems like a crazy price to pay :0
  5. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Believe it or not the regult was everywhere for weeks because Japanese collectors apparently don't have the time, money or space to army build.
  6. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Keep your preorder. Mainstream stores will sell out of this pretty fast and by feb you're only going to find it in the 2nd-hand or collector shops in Akiba and they'll be marked up for sure. Only the shelf warmers stay around for long
  7. With the wave pricing model you could probably pick up a bandai Hi-metal for about the same price, no joke
  8. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Looking at $1200 USD + just for Delta 1-5 + that keith 262. So many hobbies, so little money :0
  9. Oooh, hurts too much to laugh.... so sad at the last Major ACE Combat title
  10. Why does everyone like do the DYRL version first?
  11. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow the gerwalk leg joint is way better than on the Model kits that use the VF-19 advanced joint type. I'll be in for one or two. Luckily I'm on night shift so I'll be up anyways hehehehe
  12. When you see it on the tiny PS Vita Screen It'll look just fine imho
  13. So..there's nothing special about the Run-PIka edition other than extra songs to set at BGM when playing? Like 30 bucks for 30 more tracks that are game-size and only available on your vita..... That's a pretty weak Limited Edition...
  14. Who cares about realism? We have big honking transforming robots fighting aliens with magical fold wave powers. Me like Robots. Me like planes. Planes turning to Robots is cool. Let's not even get into realism when like half the planes in Macross don't even have enough control surfaces to fly right without massive amounts of thrust vectoring (I'm lookin at you VF-1!)
  15. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wish the pin-point barriers were absent and instead they had some freaking missiles. Like nothing comes with missiles. The only reason I have an arsenal of missiles is my crazy vf-171 collection.
  16. Mobile version would be trash without blue-tooth controller support. Vita does appear to have a strong following in Japan still due to the plethora of creepy moe dating games and whatnot. I swear last time I was in Akiba earlier this year 80% of the Vita games section was Dating sims and other Moe games :0
  17. WOO HOO My Vita has a reason to Liiiiiiiive...I mean.. other than god eater, God eater 2, phantasy star Nova, Phantasy Star online 2...... And... vita graphics aren't awful. They actually have some pretty nice looking games from time to time.
  18. I think I'm gonna have to accept that Mac Delta just isn't my cup of tea. 16 episodes in and I still feel there are too many characters and too little scree time to really hey more than cusrsory backstory into the characters and whatnot. The music doesn't really strike a tune for me like Yoko Kanno's music did. I'm not saying it's bad, just saying it's not the type of music I like. At least the robots are cool; if only I could just see more of them hehehehe I honestly think Delta is like..Macross done on the cheap. Mac Frontier kinda got all the bells and whistles since it was the first TV mac series in 12 years, came on the 25th anniversary and also had pre-leman shock funding levels. Also Delta feels a lot more like all the other superficial anime that's mainstream now in Japan and I don't really think it's Bandai or Kawamori's fault since they need to cater to a certain age group whose tastes are continually diverging from the older crowd. If Only Macross could get big enough that one day they could be like Gundam and have AC and UC. AC for all the new weird stuff and UC for the "omg the horror of war I'll solve it by killing everyone" crowd.
  19. Dude it looks awesome. For a moment before clicking I thought it was literally gonna be a cringe-inducing "will it blend" video
  20. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wonder how Bandai will do all the locks on the same spots as the 1/72 model. Surely they will not have a removable front gear so the landing gear lock of the model is out...i hope....lol
  21. I can understand about 85% of the raw which is pretty much good enough to understand each ep. I would hate to have to transcribe each episode, translate and edit the video with perfect timing. It's almost as much as a full-time job. Unless people are paying for these FANsubs they really can't complain about delays.
  22. Looks like solid work. I am curious, are the decals also sort of magazine-print dotty up close as well? I swear Bandai is the only company I know that makes dot-printy decal sheets that look really meh. I would seriously pay the extra 5-10 bucks for a cartograph decal sheet :0
  23. Make sure to watch until after the credits :0 I think the recap-opening style is sorta..... blagh.
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