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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have PTSD from transforming the Yammie VF-21's and 22's. I cringe at the thought of how Bandai would tackle the leg stowage. It might actually end up being more over-engineered than the Yammie take and be covered in fragile paint
  2. As of now gamestop restocked the base gray switches if anyone cares http://www.gamestop.com/nes/consoles/nintendo-switch-with-gray-joy-con/141820 But.... the privilege of paying $360 before taxes to play Zelda at launch is totally worth it...yeah..... :/
  3. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Whenever I tried doing the bottle version it turned all my space marine miniatures white O_o maybe it was an interaction with the citadel paint vs other paint brands or something but it wasn't pretty After draining the cup I use a Vallejo's Airbrush own cleaner. (the iwata / medea brand cleaner works well too) reason being Vallejo's aren't alcohol based like Tamiya acryls so you can't cheap out and use rubbing alcohol to clean your airbrush. Also you can't use windex or any ammonia-based cleaner either. If you do use either rubbing alcohol the vallejo congeals like mad and people will probably call the cops because your screams of rage over your mega-clogged airbrush will be heard for miles. Basically drain the cup, q-tip dipped in cleaner, then spray a few ml of the cleaner followed by a cup of distilled water. It's a pain in the ass but since you usually only prime and varnish a model once it's totally fine. I would never do this process for a color change though got too many models to build to spend ages cleaning the airbrush.... therefore I use tamiya acryls for my actual coloring lol If that seems like a total PITA maybe it might be good to use good-old future + flat base. It's so easy to clean lol
  4. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    gotta add that they'll probably do reissues which will take up a few of the release months between now and then
  5. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The polyurethane matte varnish is already formulated to go straight out of an airbrush (i use iwata eclipse which has a .35 mm needle) You can try thinning it with the same-brand airbrush thinner However, I've never done it. I've only thinned down primers with this stuff and it worked like magic
  6. but Mandarake's may not be brand new and not as cheap as the HLJ price for sure
  7. Zelda is probably the #1 launch title for many but yeah other than that a lot of the games seem really gimmicky like the Original Wii release (1,2 switch and Arms) Other than that I think I'll focus on mainly JRPGS. After I get finish or get sick of zelda I'll probably nab 'I am Setsuna' and later on 'Shin Megami Tensei', 'Project Octopath Traveler' and whatever 'Tales of' games they release (JP web says tales of series so no clue which one or if it's a new one) The Fire Emblem Warriors looks interesting but honestly I'm kinda sick of the whole Dynasty Warriors gameplay that really hasn't evolved in the last 15 years since Dynasty Warriors 2 on the PS2 I'm pretty sure there will be a new monster hunter game for the Switch as well
  8. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If you have the Vallejo matte varnish for hand brushing, DO NOT SPRAY IT. <---- NOOOO If you're talking about Vallejo's Polyurethane matte varnish it's pretty good and it sprays very well. <----TOTALLY OK The entire Vallejo Polyurethane series has been great for me; especially their polyurethane spray primers which are arguably the best non lacquer primers I've ever used in my airbrush.
  9. Screw it I just sold some digital space ships in Star Citizen so that I could nab a Switch without spending any new money Gamestop was a breeze and actually was surprised I didn't get charge tax or shipping so flat 299.99 before applying ~$45 I had on my powerup account. I'm sure this device will be better than my PS Vita in terms of game support. Just hope there's a good aftermarket case / glass screen protector for those peeps who go 100% mobile with this sucker.
  10. I can remember during the live steam they mentioned JPN preorders don't start until 1/21 which I found kinda crazy since a Japanese system would go for preorder abroad before it does in its country of origin. Either the Japanese market is very different and not so crazy about pre-order madness (outside of bandai toy shenanigans) , the device is aimed more at non-japanese audiences, or both? *shrug*
  11. The timing of the Preorder window seems to be so that regular non-hard core people would wake up to the news that the Nintendo Switch POs all already sold out. Nice bit a of marketing
  12. I figured the dock would've had something in it other than fans because the so-called leaked specs for the device (arm processor, 1st gen Tegra, etc) seemed really weak for a set-top console. I figured the dock would've had some extra hardware in it in the event that for some reason I wanted to buy it in the future lol So pretty much what we get is like an Nvidia Shield tablet that's been nintendo-fied and can overclock itself to become a TV set-top console... I think I'll wait until we get better info on the specs because those leaked specs just seem way too weak
  13. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, only for Bandai Web shop exclusives. I think it makes sense as web shop exclusives actually put them on the hook financially so if people flake out they are stuck with extra inventory.
  14. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    i already got 2x spartans to ensure that doesn't happen. These "cheaper' non vf figs are what i've been waiting for as even the 1/60's were too big to army build
  15. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    It will be the start down a slippery slope. One day you'll cave in and buy that Random VF-1 on sale and then you'll be like.. "he needs friends" Then wallets will scream in agony
  16. Back in the day before the VF-25S reissue was announced people raided BBTS cuz they had Ozzie and Alto Armor parts sets for sale... AT RETAIL O_o It was a glorious day for the opponents of wallets everywhere
  17. Wow if the dock is just a cooler that's really lame. Something tells me I'm better off skipping the Switch because I got burned by the no-game cube and the Wii u
  18. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ordering these things at 2 AM and having to perform a flawless checkout in under 20 seconds is BS. I agree. Sadly my unreasonable desire for Macross toys increases my BS tolerance by a factor of infinity
  19. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If you do use future then yes, mix it with a flat base like Tamiya's acyrlic flat base. It works very well. on a side note.. I am very weak. My Wife is in Japan for a month so I nabbed a VF-31J (reseaeld, damaged box but no toy dmg) off Suruga-ya for only 21800 shipped to her parent's house weirdly, after I paid the order the price at Suruga-ya jumped up by nearly 8000 yen because they only have new ones now... craaaazy
  20. This will sound crazy but I would probably jump on this only on 2 conditions. 1.) Every game can be played 100% in mobile mode 2.) Nintendo allows the console to charge separately from the dock and also sells a barebones no-dock version for us people who want to play it 100% mobile I would seriously consider it then because if you go mobile I could care less about any graphics or hardware comparison to the Xbox Scorpio or PS4 pro since they can't go mobile at all.
  21. One of the absolute best tools is reverse-action tweezers for tiny parts. Traditional tweezers require keeping pressure on the tweezers while holding which can lead to unnecessary handshake and loss of fine motor control. if the grip isn't enough you can still squeeze forward of the handle in order to increase grip strength as needed.
  22. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Image Anime is a real store and only a few blocks from where I work. They are legit. Their mark-up is retarded but they usually always have stock because of said mark-ups. I saw some poor soul buy an RVF-25 for $250 back when they were released and didn't say a word out of courtesy to the shop owner (i always buy model supplies there because it's cheaper than paying for shipping for a 5-6 dollar item)
  23. I normally use Tamiya Extra-thin cement for all my models, It's very fast but also can destroy models if you spill it or use too much. If you're just getting into models I would suggest model masters liquid cement It's much more forgiving than tamiya extra-thin and has a longer work-time. The applicator is very small and allows you to put only small amounts of cement which prevents over-gluing. I would seriously tape the metal cleaning rod to the glue bottle so you never lose it because you'll need to use it a lot if you forget to cap your glue after a long session. For Clear Parts, I would suggest using just white glue as it dries clear. NEVER use super glue on clear parts as the cyano acrylate can cause frosting on the canopy as it cures. However, if you don't mind paying a little more testors clear parts glue works pretty well
  24. god hands are really nice but i would never buy another one. it combines nipper movement with a very sharp single action blade but the problem is it dulls pretty fast and even by the 5th model kit they feel dull. After mine dies I will go back to my trusty tamiyas and precision pen knife. being able to cheaply replace a snapped or dull blade is huge.
  25. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    All the DX paint for plastics thus far has been alcohol based and is super fragile (the die cast paint seems to be lacquer). Had they opted for more expensive but durable lacquers I'm sure we would've seen a mere fraction of the paint issues.
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