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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I like the Idea but wallet says Hell no. I pulled a spanner and have 3x of each variant, so that's like 18 VF-25's I'd need to sell and replace O_o
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I am basing my opinion on the super vf-31J that's out for the 1/72 model series. I build mine up and it just doesn't look as good as I thought it would lol. By the time I built my super J I had already PO'd and paid at NY so I'll just keep 1 set around in case my opinion changes in the future lol.
  3. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Even if they release a 31j messer web exclusive I wouldn't buy super parts for it. Super parts look pretty ugly imho. The just don't fit the valks as well as the VF-25 Super / ARmored parts did
  4. There was a garage kit conversion for the VF-25 Kit, but the VF-25 Kit is an iffy kit and I'm not sure you can transform it with the conversion on.
  5. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yeah he prolly would've gotten it had it been a slow seller or a no-limit item. I know some people weren't as lucky and just got straight suspended, losing their other hard-to-get preorders in the process. With a 262 and a 31F on PO I didn't want to chance it on a Valk that I don't really want/need 3 of. I bet the 31J Messerized will be a web exclusive anywho and it'd be awkward to have so many J's already
  6. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Too bad you can't double-dip at HLJ for these 1-offs. I got the original PO so I'm going to play it safe and not order it :0
  7. Splatoon 2 gameplay and explanation video (Japanese) Was lots of fun to watch
  8. Today I got to try the switch in NYC, was only a block from one of the train stops I Use in midtown. waited 2.5 hours to get 10 min of playtime. Thing is heavier than I thought, but it feels pretty solid. I think if you marathon game in mobile mode you might want to use table-top mode unless your arms are buff. I couldn't find an important thing for a mobile console: a metal hardpoint for a wrist-strap. I know the thing is a hybrid but I would really prefer to have a hardpoint for wrist-strap when playing on the train or something just in case sombeody bumps me and I lose my grip on the switch. Wrist strap has saved my PS Vita 100x already Today I asked about storage capacity, the staff member said switch can support up to 256gb Micro SD's in addition to the internal 32gb. Zelda is supposedly like 16-ish gigs so 15-ish games can be stored on mem if you're using a 256gb micro SD and the internal storage. Add to that one game in the cartridge slot and any other carts you carry around in your bag. Quite a big of gaming you can carry around. I with other major companies used standardized memory formats in their mobile game devices*cough*screwsony*cough* Anywho, super excited to get my switch in 6 weeks or so. Will then instantly trade in that $90 dock,hdmi cable and charger set towards a game purchase (got my own usb-c chargers anyways)
  9. Just watched the Japanese stream for Mario Cart... 40 Chars, 48 tracks.. ability to play 1-4 in either TV or tablet mode and it looks to run real smooth O_o Funny enough I find these Japanese-only events much more enjoyable
  10. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    See? this is why Spanner just buys 3+ of each so he gets less paint chips since he won't ever need to transform anything
  11. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    AE's shipping rates are pretty good. They also have a private warehouse function much like HLJ. You always pay for the item first and they store it for you until you make shipping requests.
  12. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    every store has their quirks amd weird rules. maybe having another CS guy would eat into their profits so they make rules like that to cut down on their backend support tickets if their 5th rate grab a refund and order the parts from Anime export so you don't have to support them
  13. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    maybe it's just too niche of a product for them to carry officially and they don't appear to be lacking in product to sell thru their fulfillment partners. even if Amazon.co.jp had these officially it would be a pain to order for internationals who by a large majority would have to use a middleman.
  14. I'm watching the Japanese livestream right now Pretty cringey but so much easier to understand what's going on and what they're saying without the english interpreters lol Luckily nobody is speaking mega fast like Suda51 so it's easy to understand. THey are mainly showing casual gimmick party games right now though.....
  15. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    But what happens to Hi-Metal R sales when SH9000 runs out of space to store all the boxes?
  16. Th Th Th TH Th Threadomancy~~~~
  17. Hasegawa has taken liberties before *cough*TVSDF-1*cough* so it's not a huge surprise. Still it looks like a pretty nice kit. I'd totally grab one if I had any space to display 1/72 models (display space all filled with DX'es and other models and all macross quarantines to man-cave by wife)
  18. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have PTSD from transforming the Yammie VF-21's and 22's. I cringe at the thought of how Bandai would tackle the leg stowage. It might actually end up being more over-engineered than the Yammie take and be covered in fragile paint
  19. As of now gamestop restocked the base gray switches if anyone cares http://www.gamestop.com/nes/consoles/nintendo-switch-with-gray-joy-con/141820 But.... the privilege of paying $360 before taxes to play Zelda at launch is totally worth it...yeah..... :/
  20. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Whenever I tried doing the bottle version it turned all my space marine miniatures white O_o maybe it was an interaction with the citadel paint vs other paint brands or something but it wasn't pretty After draining the cup I use a Vallejo's Airbrush own cleaner. (the iwata / medea brand cleaner works well too) reason being Vallejo's aren't alcohol based like Tamiya acryls so you can't cheap out and use rubbing alcohol to clean your airbrush. Also you can't use windex or any ammonia-based cleaner either. If you do use either rubbing alcohol the vallejo congeals like mad and people will probably call the cops because your screams of rage over your mega-clogged airbrush will be heard for miles. Basically drain the cup, q-tip dipped in cleaner, then spray a few ml of the cleaner followed by a cup of distilled water. It's a pain in the ass but since you usually only prime and varnish a model once it's totally fine. I would never do this process for a color change though got too many models to build to spend ages cleaning the airbrush.... therefore I use tamiya acryls for my actual coloring lol If that seems like a total PITA maybe it might be good to use good-old future + flat base. It's so easy to clean lol
  21. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    gotta add that they'll probably do reissues which will take up a few of the release months between now and then
  22. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The polyurethane matte varnish is already formulated to go straight out of an airbrush (i use iwata eclipse which has a .35 mm needle) You can try thinning it with the same-brand airbrush thinner However, I've never done it. I've only thinned down primers with this stuff and it worked like magic
  23. but Mandarake's may not be brand new and not as cheap as the HLJ price for sure
  24. Zelda is probably the #1 launch title for many but yeah other than that a lot of the games seem really gimmicky like the Original Wii release (1,2 switch and Arms) Other than that I think I'll focus on mainly JRPGS. After I get finish or get sick of zelda I'll probably nab 'I am Setsuna' and later on 'Shin Megami Tensei', 'Project Octopath Traveler' and whatever 'Tales of' games they release (JP web says tales of series so no clue which one or if it's a new one) The Fire Emblem Warriors looks interesting but honestly I'm kinda sick of the whole Dynasty Warriors gameplay that really hasn't evolved in the last 15 years since Dynasty Warriors 2 on the PS2 I'm pretty sure there will be a new monster hunter game for the Switch as well
  25. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If you have the Vallejo matte varnish for hand brushing, DO NOT SPRAY IT. <---- NOOOO If you're talking about Vallejo's Polyurethane matte varnish it's pretty good and it sprays very well. <----TOTALLY OK The entire Vallejo Polyurethane series has been great for me; especially their polyurethane spray primers which are arguably the best non lacquer primers I've ever used in my airbrush.
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