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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. If they made 1/700 ships at least the photo etch addon kits for them wouldn't be super insane like they are on WWII kits. Just hope they do full kits and not waterlines
  2. Assuming the prequels are canon, at the time of Episode I the sith / jedi rivalry had been dead for a millenia or so so it's strange to see what looks like sith re-appearing only 100 years before the prequels. Wouldn't Yoda be around and be like "wtf?" Then again it's modern Star Wars which really hasn't been my cup of tea since basically Rogue I I too will adopt a wait and see approach. It's not that we have star wars fatigue, it's that we have meh star wars fatigue
  3. ther 1/60th transport from moderoid is already huge so the 1/35th one will need a large shelf to display O_o
  4. no clue why the VT-1 photos have that extra space on the arms. It surely wouldn't be used for VE-1 arm armor so who knows 😕
  5. You also get 10% or 15% off if you happen to be subbed at the premium tiers on the anime site. My price is $306 while the ultimate fans would get charged only $289
  6. Yeah I'm a big sucker for Greys too
  7. You know if Bandai doesn't feel like goin down the Mac7 Rabbit Hole why not do a Wright Immelman VF-22 from Mac Delta so they can get extra mileage out of most of the YF-21 mold *huffs hopium*
  8. USA gundamstore https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/macross-plus-dx-chogokin-yf-21-guld-goa-bowman-machine?variant=42693720932549 Use code: Mega10 For US-based customers depending on your taxes you can get it shipped for less than ~340 I was weak and nabbed a 2nd YF-21 despite getting one cheaper direct from Amzn JP. The plus side is if Amzn JP cancels like it has done so in the past I'm safe with at least 1 I guess.. yeah *huffs copium* In Theory you can sign up for the texts and HOPE they have a 20% off preorder deal like they did a month or so back, but the risk is you might not get one in time
  9. At that price might as well just nab it from BBTS if you're a US-based collector. I see no reason to pay over MSRP when this is going to be a world wide release so if you can get it locally might as well
  10. I'd even be ok with a swap in canopy with heat shield for battroid but whatevs. Still will get one anyways
  11. I just want my TV Kakizaki, Max/Milia 1J's and an elintseeker since the already shown that VT-1
  12. ~250 USD is a pretty steep price to pay to complete the pair 🫠
  13. I own 12 of the cannon fodders. because they were so prone to breaking I bought 9 of them at steep discounts from people who got bandai'ed. 9/12 of my units are also permanently in one mode and held together with glue and epoxy
  14. Please, Bandai, take the hit and release Kakizaki's TV VF-1A so that I can have my full early Vermillion Squadron. M&M 1J's would also be nice
  15. For stateside peeps who still want a vf-25g usa gundam has a vet day sale 20% off https://www.usagundamstore.com/products/macross-frontier-dx-chogokin-vf-25g-super-messiah-valkyrie-michael-blanc-machine-revival-ver
  16. Entertainment Earth had the Aoshima reactive ingrams on sale for $51 USD so I cleaned them out of all 3..... These kits are are a lot of fun. Now to build units 1 and 3 and then paint / decals
  17. I'm assuming the AV-98C MK III is that ingram that's in the Zoid's artwork a few posts above?
  18. We've got tons of flea markets in New Jersey and once in a while some people are selling anime goods so it was a super lucky score lol
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