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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just wish NYC would kill their spinning deathwheel check out. thing was nerve wracking and you had to be mega fast on the shipping page so as not to get cart jacked smartphones didn't stand a chance
  2. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    omgurd after that Crazy spinning death wheel at NY I got one O_o
  3. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

  4. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I swear theres literally like one dude at NY doing the homepage updates hehe. 8 new items an hour
  5. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Because M&M homage and Poke-Valkyrie syndrome
  6. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LOL i prefer it that way because I'd HATE to have two open PO's at once O_o
  7. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NY is slowly updating. Last one was a figurearts added to the new items entries
  8. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The search I use at HLJ has never missed a preorder :0 HLJ has some pretty nice filters set in place
  9. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Gonna be a long night for those waiting for NY. They started with Rirakuma figure arts :0
  10. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LMAO HLJ open from 16:05:22 - 16:06:30 JST PEOPLE YOU ARE SLACKING, OVER 1 minute? what madness /s
  11. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    West coasters got it so easy since that's at midnight. East coasters like me are going to have bags under our eyes for that 3 AM F5-athon
  12. Man... Destiny 2.... I had like 1000 hours in to Destiny 1 before I totally burned out on the contant repetition and loot grinding only to have the system change drastically every 3 months. After that I made the mistake of playing the division, another gun-grinder game I'm think I am skipping any border-lands formula gun grinders for good.......
  13. The Roll-out is gonna be pricey now since it was limited to a brick-and-mortar store exclusive release in Japan. I paid like double after fees and stuff on YJA years back O_o
  14. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just don't trust Bandai Photoshops ever since they killed the awesome Green canopy on the Anni 29. Let's not even get into the VF-19 tabs :/ Will still PO on Monday however. I'm a crazy completionist
  15. Blegh. Another re-hash of a nearly 10-yr old toy. Will wait for something new like that T-rex proto cyclone
  16. Grats. Honestly I beat ganon 3x already but just keep firing zelda up anyways to collect more Korok Seeds and finish all the side quests like Tarry Town, etc. As for other games, Wonder Boy 3 Dragon's trap is out on 4/18 and I loved that game as a kid. Can't wait to play the remake.
  17. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Gotta say the VF-31C is probably my favorite in terms of the head-unit thus far. 31F looks a tad bit alien and 31J reminds me too much of Aquarian.
  18. Now I am inspired to grab my copy of the kit and complete it. That build is so clean and beautiful.
  19. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No, You shouldn't Let Bandai get away with this. Vote with your wallets so that.. uh.... I can not get cart-jacked...yeah...
  20. noice. I've been farming dragons for a while now. if you do it right you can hit all 3 dragons in one night lol. Only annoyin one is the fire dragons since optimal spot is so far from a shrine :0
  21. I ran my switch down to about 25% and then played Zelda for about 6 hours on Anker power. My switch was at 70% after that play session. The Anker is really good even if it isn't 39W output (39W is the rating on the AC adapter and the switch will proabably never hit that in mobile mode). It's hefty but totally worth it if you don't mind carrying around the extra weight. Just make sure you buy the Powercore+ 20100 and not the regular one since the regulars won't output fast enough to charge the switch while playing.
  22. No issues with my switch and finding wifi either at home or at work, though I gotta say it downloads stuff pretty slow despite getting full-bars at home, especially when compared to my XB1 or laptop which are also on wireless. My experience might be skewed though, we have pretty robust wireless routers at work and at home I have a Pretty decent router I haven't tried it anywhere else though because when I'm not near a power outlet I'm always on Airplane mode and 70% brightness to save on battery life.
  23. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm cool with red. everyone who hate the red it please don't preorder so I can get my 2
  24. Yeah I didn't know they had a compact case either until after I was about to order mine and it popped up on amazon's similar items :0 https://www.amazon.com/Butterfox-Nintendo-Switch-Cartridge-Holders/dp/B06WLNWD29 I was also miffed that I couldn't fit the AC adapter. Really hope that somembody releases a slimmer adapter in the future so that I fit it i the case. You can pretty much alleviate the issue if you get an Anker Powercore+ 20100. It barely fits into the top compartment and can keep the switch running for quite a while. It's on sale for like 66 bucks on Amazon which is basically the cost of a game after tax :0 https://www.amazon.com/Anker-PowerCore-Ultra-High-Capacity-Portable/dp/B014ZO46LK
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