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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    how big is your vacuum cleaner mine wouldn't be able to fit an entire DX valk in it for sure
  2. If it's not cheaper than the Hi-metal Max 1J that just came out it's a super easy pass since the Hi-metals can easily do that same pose
  3. Why settle for regular Ice Cubes when u can have MACROSS ICE CUBES
  4. Honestly... no clue whatsoever. I'd buy Macross or Gundam anything at this point for the switch, especially considering how easy the eshop works.
  5. I know right? I hate how fanbois keep telling me it had to be that way for 2-player. If I had to choose between using buttons as a dpad or using a dpad as buttons, I would've chosen using a dpad as buttons hands down as the better compromise. At this point I am holding off buying any sort of extra control peripheral for my switch. Maybe one day they'll release an L D-pad Joycon. More likely, we'll see a 3rd-party front-cover for the L Joy-con that uses a D-pad to hit the 4 contact pts vs an individual button for each. I wish more mobile game platforms had Amazing D-pads like the Neo Geo Pocket. That clicky 8-way thumb-pad was friggin amazing.
  6. Agreed. I bought KOF 98 just to see how the button dpad works and it falls very, very short lol. basic back-forward charge moves on Garcia were hard enough. Trying to use Ryo and his ryu/ken moveset was nearly impossible.
  7. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow the 31J's just keep going up in price even on Madarake eh :0 Guess Mac D must be more popular than we thought
  8. Dang I already bought most of the New Geo Games on my JP Account. Cool thing is it all auto-downloaded to my SD card and I can play ALL of my content from either American or JP Nintendo account on my switch just like on PS3 / PS4 (screw u vita) edit: Now that I think about it I bought wi-fi Vita at launch with 32gb mem stick and it was like $350 in 2012. Makes my Nintendo switch feel like a stellar value in comparison.
  9. Was hyped for sale. Only Macross on sale is super parts for the one and only valk kit I threw away ages ago because of how bad it is Oh well :/
  10. I had to unbox my dock and see what all the chatter was about regarding BoTW docked feeling choppier than BoTW handheld. I could certainly tell the gameplay felt a lot choppier (pretty sure it wasn't my TV - Vizio 120Hz @ 1080p) I'm sure many who wanted to do the couch experience with the pro controller might be a little miffed but I'm totally chill with it since I'm playing handheld only (dock's already boxed up again. Couldn't trade it in at phail stop ;/)
  11. Yeah I don't want to goto the Theater myself either. Plus the Theater near me charges $20 bucks for a Medium Popcorn and a Large Coke... really? For the cost of two tickets , 1 Popcorn and 1 Large coke I can actually get a very respectable dinner..... in Manhattan O_o Sorry I win the totally oblivious Asian Guy award. Totally forgot about the whitewashing lol. I think I was too busy last year to notice all the internet rage ;/
  12. Like 14 shrines finished here. I finished these really hard Strength test shrines that had guardian bots. One dropped a 30 dmg axe. I then broke that axe to kill the next shrine boss that dropped a 68 dmg axe O_o. I haven't used it once because I fear it will break before I actually do need it. The weakest weapon I have is an Iron sledgehammer that I only ever use to break rocks and Stasis slamming. You can keep getting replacement sledgehammers from Kurikiro Village or whatever. It respawns every few days. I used to keep an Axe for trees but bombs take out trees. Bombs also kill most low level crap especially after you upgrade them. Low level Goblin? Bomb Chuchu? Bomb Bats? Drop Bomb, dash, detonate, collect loot School of Fish? Bomb Trees? Bomb Wooden Crates? Bomb New enemy? Try Bomb First. I will actually climb mountains just to roll bombs down on strong mobs. Bomb Everything, because Bombs are infinite. I didn't have to buy Bomberman when I can play Zelda: Bomberman
  13. If they were 100% faithful to original we'd have Scarlett J. goin full Birthday suit (woooo robo titties) in that iconic window entry scene. It would prolly drive the rating to an 'R' and make the movie an instant target for all those SJW feminists. I think I'll watch the movie after it goes on streaming. Too much of a cheapo to pay NYC movie prices (cuz I spend all my money on toys...) and wifey doesn't like movie theatres at all because "they're all so ikky" (-_-)
  14. switch has been a lot of fun, but there seems to be quite a few users who got a bum unit based on some YouTube vids. luckily I have nit experienced any issues thus far. screen protector wise, hori screen protector is the bomb. Just like on my vita original and vita slim hori made a really good protector that fits super well. I was thinking maybe get a glass protector but as the switch screen front is shatter proof plastic most people really only need worry about mad scratching on the fragile plastic (it's like 1990's gamegear all over again lol) I am super enjoying Zelda. as Mommar wrote I am also miffed by weapons breaking so fast. srsly on some fights I replace 3 of my weapons with drops due to durability. Some Shrine fights vs guardians drop like 60+ dmg weapons and cuz I am a hoarder I almost never use them out of fear of losing a trump card...therefore I Kite almost everything and bomb spam cuz bombs are free
  15. You can play portable mode with joycons detached or even attached to a grip no problem. Only issue is they won't be charging (as they're undocked from the unit) and that the kickstand of the switch is probably the weakest part about it (it feels kinda scary to put it in kickstand mode tbh)
  16. There's a Teardown of the switch that shows the modularity. I really hope there's a better battery for sale some day considering how easy it would be to swap (after you manage to open it after taking off a lot of screws) Joycons also have easily replaceable batteries too. Just happy that crap isn't soldered in. https://www.engadget.com/2017/03/04/nintendo-switch-ifixit-teardown-joy-con/ As for Zelda docked vs Portable, the screen is so small that honestly, my eyes can't see graphical issues with dropping down to 720p when going portable. Game still looks great on portable and the most impressive thing for me is the speakers in portable mode. They sound so loud and nice compared to my PS Vita Slim. As for portability... I admit the switch is noticeably bigger than my vita. My messenger bag has a padded pocket for portable and the switch will fit only if I detach the Joycons which seems like a hassle. I'll have to get a decent hard-case for it and put it in the main compartment of my bag along with my tablet I guess.
  17. The Pitt-road Car has 2 versions. The Pre-buit painted version retails for like 9800 Yen. The Kit version is like half the price. Both kits come with all the figures pre-assembled and painted. I bought the pre-built when it was on sale waaay back and It's a great purchase.It really complements the 1/24 Ingram I have.
  18. I just finally ordered the Ingram 1 (cuz saturn needs a friend, i was waiting for non ingram labors to start poppin up before investing in a new Patlabor toy line) Once it arrives I'll have a comparison to the CM's Brave Gohkin asap. If only CM's hadn't messed up its budget line with the mediocre peacemaker and abyssmal broken....... (I picked up a blue and red broken each at $20 bucks and still felt jipped)
  19. Wow. Kaiyodo did a lot of the 1/35 - 1/24 soft vinyls GK's for Patlabor. I have one of the 1/35 helldivers which was actually pretty nice. It doesn't look poseable though. 18,000 isn't actually an insane price for a 1/24 labor but I wonder if it's actually a new piece or a re-print of the ancient 20-yr old kits
  20. Dude I would go SAL on everything if I could.. but nooooo... too many people "losing" packages via SAL on big-ticket items made HLJ adopt an EMS / Fedex only policy on big ticket items :0
  21. Failstop finally charged my paypal acct so I guess my switch is shipping today. Really looking forward to Zelda but I'm torn on the accessories, probably due to the sticker shock. I'll probably settle for just a good case, screen protector, etc for now. The compromise on the left joycon that replaces the dpad with a set of buttons for a standalone controller might make fighting games difficult in full mobile mode. Maybe one day they'll have an upgraded left joycon with a dpad. Has anyone else seen the teardowns of the switch on reddit? The innards look pretty modular and the batteries on both the main console and the joycons look stupidly easy to replace since they appear to use simple pin-connectors.
  22. Man that saturn labor is beautiful. Preordered.... I am weak for Patlabor
  23. Considering how much had to go into to make the various modes work while keeping the robot mode poseable I'm not surprised it's a little more expensive. After all they didn't have 99% of the R&D already done for them like they did with the VF-1's
  24. sorry everyone is taking forever with N-Y. hope yall chose el cheapo SAL i never get fast shipping anyways unless mandated by the store like HLJ
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