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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I Just cleared the Trials final set. The lynels were a total non issue if you grab the 9 or so ancient arrows earlier in the trials from the secret chests. Just one shot them and moved on lol
  2. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe scalpers are skipping it since it's still pretty easy to get on PO night
  3. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    6 minutes at HLJ for initial window and the fact I could click a link at AMI and see the add to cart button .... if only DXes were this easy
  4. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ LIVE http://hlj.com/product/BANN17742/Act
  5. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Woo hoo I got up when my alarm went off. 20 min till go time
  6. Playing hard mode now. After I got the Amiibo sky-loot falling down the game is way easier
  7. The decals don't look so bad. I prefer smaller decals because I'm lazy and don't like buying multiple pots of Microsol
  8. Today I just got an e-mail from NY saying my Saturn Labors are being released 10 days earlier on 7/21. Woo hoo. Can't wait for my pair of Saturns to arrive The Brocken labor is awesome btw. It doesn't have as good leg mobility as the Ingrams but it's still 10000000000000x better than the CM's piece of doodoo. I really hope after the AVX-0 they delve into other Schaft labors like the Griffin and Phantom. Also hope we get a release date on the Econo Ingrams , Ingram unit 3 and hopefully some news on the Helldiver.
  9. The prices for these things is ridiculous. BBTS had the Max 1J super on sale for 54.99...... that's about what I paid for my HMR 1J from NY before shipping O_o At this point Harmony Gold should let Toynami die and license HMR's from Bandai lol. I wouldn't mind marginally higher prices and robocrap packaging if I could get HMR's from Stateside online shops without the red-eye F5-athons I was mildly entertained when I got my first DYRL VF-1A back in 2007 or so when toynami was the only 1/100 game in town. Ever since the HM's came out in 2010 and the HMRs in 2016 I'm puzzled at how Toynami cankeep releasing the same product with the same QC issues (horrible bursting polycaps everywhere) at even higher prices over and over
  10. Let's you have a custom teleport point pretty much anywhere you want so you can restock on meals, etc. I actually think it's shitty they pay-walled such a useful feature
  11. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    to put it n perspective...this is a 1/100 valk with dx-vf25 v2 pricing. I hope the price is cuz it's such a niche valk. Bandai better not go all Play Arts Kai on us with the pricing >_<
  12. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    I hate you all. Why did I have to check this topic? Now I need to stay up late on sunday
  13. Master Trials are awesome. The Travel medallion is also easy as hell to get and absolutely game changing. I'll try out Hard mode after I finish my 2nd play thru on my new switch. I just finished getting all the available amiibos so the daily sky-loot will make the game really fun
  14. A super tiny Hobbyshop called Negimo in Gunma, Jpn. Basically in the middle of ButtF--king nowhere , but only ~100 paces from my Wife's family home. At first I thought being away from Tokyo would suck for my hobby shopping, but I've found the best hobby shopping I could imagine far away from Tokyo where there's way less competition.
  15. Wow... amazon has the Brocken with free same-day for $58 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MSTCVZP/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498137793&sr=sr-1&keywords=robot+spirits+broken Glad I cancelled my HLJ preorder lol
  16. Honestly I don't see myself picking it up right away. Gonna wait until Pavonis makes LW2 compatible with the new DLC first. I can't go back to regular x-com without Long war mods
  17. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think the DX VF-31A will be impossible to get. Army builders gotta build
  18. Lol as i was watching that totally caught my eye too!
  19. lol that's over 2x the MSRP. Pretty retarded since I picked one up for a friend for like 24800 last year in JPN
  20. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yap pretty much. If you pay from your paypal balance you always end up using paypal's conversion
  21. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I did, and that's why I have the paypal rate below. I paid Yen to NY which was only 240 USD. I just wanted to let everyone know that NY's built-in exchange rate sux
  22. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So.. I was paying my VF-31C mirage Preorder today (just to get it out of the way) and I noticed NY exchange rate is not great. Here's NY's exchange rate vs Paypal's. I guess the lesson learned is always check which rate is better before committing. P.S. I have a Hi-Metal R Spartan combined with this PO which is why it looks more expensive than it really is
  23. Woo hoo. I managed to secure Switch #2 so my wife and I can play Mario Cart VS without split screen. I stopped by Best Boob in Union Sqr NYC to pick up something else and they had one left calling my name O_o. Maybe NYU college kids too poor to buy them since they pay like 60k+ a year just in Tuition alone and living in Manhattan is expensive as hell.
  24. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wouldn't go as far as say people are shilling. I tolerate NY because they have the cheapest preorders and I've been lucky enough to get all three VF-31 1st window PO's. I don't care about service or speed when I get a VF-31 shipped for less than $175 USD For anything exclusive or aftermarket I use Madarake, Jungle or Anime-export instead. Anywho, let's get back to talking about VF-31's. VF-31's rock. I can't wait to see how they manage Chuck's folding radar dish.
  25. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is why I never order fast shipping from NY.
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