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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I am so happy my 2 of co-workers are going on vacations this month. Even though I'll be working 4 weeks straight without a single day off at the NOC it means I can nab these YF-19's guilt-free and then some savings for multiple YF-21's if they ever get made
  2. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  3. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    GOt my confirmation too. Shleeeeep
  4. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    CLick Fu was weak. Cartjacked at HS :/
  5. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    welp. that was ez
  6. It looks like they're recycling the Sniper custom chest on that GM Guard instead of having a unique chest that has extra cockpit armor and the twin vulcans in it :/ Also looks like the front skirts are Sniper Custom recycles. Not really salty though since I don't bother with 1/144
  7. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    How many will be defeated by the Spinning Death Wheel at NY this go around?
  8. Seeing all these pics makes the wait extra painful for me..... Mid June at earliest assuming Rey isn't delayed again :/
  9. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I think I'll pick up one for the Foldildo and the missiles. As for the Arcadia YF-19 vs the Bandai VF-19, I think it all came down to preference. For me the big decider on which one to keep was the Ankle Joint. I prefer the Bandai's Ankles to the Arcadias.
  10. Narrative Gundam looks so naked :/ Luckily my wallet is safe as I'm a fan of almost all the stuff from from 0079 <-> Gundam ZZ and anything from Gundam F91 on so any CCA stuff will be skipped. Will even skip those 1/144 GMs will be skipped since I only collect 1/100
  11. Welp. I will just wait until the next time I goto visit my Wife's family in Japan... I will bring an empty suitcase...just for this :/ no joke for the price of this kit + Shipping you can buy a cheapo tkt on china airlines from US -> Japan
  12. NY just updated release date for Ley. 5/31. I'll get my pair in June i guess...lol...
  13. Why not go full crazy and get MG AOZ? Break the bank more
  14. MG Immortal IVth P-Bandai.... Wallet not Immortal
  15. If the mold is on the back then this is an easy fix. I'm just going to spray paint the front chrome and then clear blue. Problem solved
  16. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    My theory is a lot of the Proxies that NY uses saw how fast the VF-31A was going and backed out in order to get more cash
  17. Bandai is doing so many P-Bandai lately. I swear I purchased more P-bandai than I did regular stuff last year. Just last year I nabbed the following P-Bandai kits MG GM Cannon North American Type MG GM II Zeta MG GM II Unicorn MG GM Sniper White Dingo MG GM Command Space-Type MG TR-1 Hazel The only new regular release kits I bought last year were... MG GM Sniper II MG GM Sniper Custom It's almost like MG Fed Grunts Bandai's new P-Bandai Cash Cow :/
  18. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    considering NY's retarded markup on shipping HS and amiami were prolly the best deals.
  19. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    got 2x at HS. screw NY
  20. Visor won't bother me. Since it's gonna be opaque anyways with that chromed inner paint nothing is gonna stop me from sanding the visor smooth and then painting it myself. After sanding it Should be an easy coat of chrome topped with clear blue. I actually already have experience with this kind of work when I customized some Halo Play Arts Emile figs into Olive Grunt Evas like the one below. It's a very similar shape
  21. Figures Bandai would finally find a way to cash-in on the figures market while still using their injection-molding manufacturing methods. Maybe they were inspired by Max-Factory's Minimum factory stuff and decided to crank it up to 11
  22. Just got an e-mail from NY saying release date is bumped to 4/30 for stick
  23. Looks interesting. Will totally watch. No way it can be worse than Mac Delta's 2nd - half hehehe
  24. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Welp gotta grab 2 of those I really love the HM-R Line especially after I got into Gundam again. So nice to have same-scale Macross / Gundam stuff. Just wish the line would do better so that we could get Mac F / Mac D / Mac + Stuff in the HM-R Scale too My Body is ready for the.... for the..... NY SPINNING WHEEL OF DEEEEEEATH
  25. This has been an entertaining thread full of cringe. I wonder if this thread is more entertaining than the actual Comic. I don't know if I want to find out now. Plus I feel like if I read these books I'll forget how to close my mouth and display my Pearly whites ALL THE TIME cuz... dramatic yo
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