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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. lol i always thought they were the same.... just shows you how little I ever do with those two haha
  2. I doubt this would sell for more than 20,000-ish, but then again it is wave and their 1/72 macross kits weren't exactly cheap
  3. Man I wish the MG Heavy gundam hadn't been based on the ancient Perfect Gundam kit. No clue why they didn't at least use the Gundam 2.0 base like the FA did. Hell, even the OYW Gundam is way better than the Perfect gundam
  4. Is it bad that I only want the naked fighter for now due to ease of display? Will need a tripod for the gerwalk monster
  5. I just got my Web-shop Ingram 3 in. Was surprised to see it also came with Ingram Unit 1-style head and shoulderpads so that you can have the early Unit 3. I might buy another Ingram 1 cheap off amazon just so that I can display unit 3 early type. Sure the tiny license plate will be off but whatev :0
  6. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I will buy these armor parts just because I loved the armored VF-25 and it looks pretty similar. Though the way the side missile pods are mounted on the wing boosters look ridiculous in Battroid they look good in fighter. People will love this armor pack just for the alternate official weapon pod imho
  7. Yeesh.. I prepaid both my Stick and Rei ridearmors AND attached my 2x HMR Elintseekers as well to the order. Now I won't get them until freaking mid-year.....
  8. Just finished it. I liked it overall and it was nice to see a nice cyber punk TV show that's dark and bladerunner-esque. They prolly coulda toned down the T&A a bit for a wider audience but I wasn't turned off by it too much.
  9. Dear Lord :0 Huge step down from the CGI turtles on Nick
  10. man it sucks so many peeps have had trouble. These guys have been my source for P-Bandai gunpla forever. their el-cheapo SAL is slooooooow, but when you have a model backlog like me there's no difference between 3 weeks or 5 weeks to be honest..... never tried toys though.Prolly wouldn't since other sites mark them down and are faster to ship
  11. so hype for dark souls on the switch. it needs to come bundled with a lanyard so that people who rage throw their switches don't break them. Also excited about Ys
  12. I used to have the same issue but then I just dropped my PSI down to around 20 and my clearcoats starting becoming normal. Usually I do my acryl paints at 30 PSI. Funny enough everyone else I talk to has a different setting they use for their clear coats. It all depends on your airbrushing style.
  13. I would actually buy a standing pilot set.
  14. If he doesn't want to watermark he can put a logo or something into his Photobooth Background. it'll be way harder to edit something like that out.
  15. Yeah in the Advert it said they improved the S-Gundam frame proportions by changing up the Shoulder, Chest parts and also giving the special deep-striker head that doesn't have the Incom. Still on the fence if I really want this. YOu can nab it at USAGUNDAMSTORE for like 175-ish. With the usual 10% they always have that'll be 157.5 then + $20 flat shipping in US will be $177.5, which is the best deal I've seen thus far. The question is, how many years will it sit in my backlog lol. I opened the box of my EX-S MG and I was like "F-- dat" . I can't imagine how I'll react to 39 runners lol
  16. I will wait till it hits stateside shops. The shipping direct from JPN will be a killer. Also at that price point I kinda hope it comes with parts for the S Gundam as well, much like the GUndam Fix figure hehehe
  17. IT'd be hilarious if Bandai Trolls everyone and makes it P-Bandai
  18. If the S-gundam is re-used as part of the Deep Striker I'm kinda on the fence as that S-Gundam kit will require a bit of love to look nice. Thankfully there's multitudes of aftermarket kits for the S-Gundam to look better...but still.... :0 On another note, just snapped up the P-Bandai GM-II (Unicorn ver) and was pleasantly surprised it came with a GM Kai head so I decided to experiment hehe. He'll look way cooler than the Other GM's for the .5 sec he survives before getting Zapped
  19. Mark Hamill's face after the premiere should have served as a warning It wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Nobody knew about the Twist with Vader and Luke at the end of EP 5 until the premiere and the actor for Vader didn't know his voice would be entirely dubbed out in EP 4. TLJ seems like the Macross Delta of Star Wars for me. Not gonna bother raging about it. TOo much other fun crap to focus on
  20. It's nice that Robotech fans get some better quality toys but don't like how it looks like an Arcadia ripoff with some extra panel lines.
  21. It's like an MMO. The End-game is always evolving
  22. I just don't like that I can't get the phat discounts I get on regular releases To compare, I paid ~60 each for my MG GM Command units, but only $29 each for the Mass release Ground version preorders coming out in January. Literally the same model sans the Beamgun and backpack of the space version and for half the price :0 Also bought all my regular GM Sniper 2's for under $35 while the P-Bandai one costed me ~$60 each as well
  23. I didn't quit collecting but I did quit over-collecting. I used to buy any Bandai Macross thing in multiples whether I liked it or not, just because it was Macross because I'm so used to the Macross Drought from mid 1980's --> mid 2000's. It was addicting and very financially taxing. Macross Delta wasn't my cup of tea + the valks are way too expensive so it was easier to quit the Macross Addiction. I also sold off everything in storage because if it isn't being displayed it's not worth having. It was surprising how much money was spent. All the money went into my Retirement accounts right away so that it was locked away and I wasn't tempted to start collecting something else with the windfall. Now I am strict about my collection. If I don't have space for it I don't buy it and if I want it badly enough I'll need to sell or give something away to make space for it. It's really made me trim down my collection to what I actually love / can't live without and I think it's way healthier than it used to be.
  24. Why Bandai? Why torture us with more P-Bandai? I could deal with it if the TR-1 regular was a normal release and the titans was P-Bandai... but both P-Bandai when the kit is like 85% new is crap
  25. I would be totally into this if I didn't already in the past collect.... 1/60 VF-1 V1 1/48 VF-1 1/60 VF-1 V2 Hi-metal VF-1 Hi-metal R VF-1 ...... too any VF-1's :0
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