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Everything posted by Duymon

  1. I like how it looks when they're both plain. I'm sure I'd also like how they'd look if both had Tampo too hehe. I really like these figures. My only gripe is they didn't include gallants like on the 1/10 figs. Maybe somebody can upload one to shapeways?
  2. Duymon

    Hi-Metal R

    Ok somebody was sleepy in the packaging part of the factory. This is crazy.
  3. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Honestly, I hope that regardless of what solution they make for the folding radome, they have it be detachable and also include a one-piece radome. At that point I'd just pop on the permanently-deployed radome and call it a day.
  4. I would legit pay for a 2-hour robot-chicken Boba-Fett Movie.
  5. Duymon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    no interest at all in the 31F Hayate. I want my armored parts for 31S
  6. I've been on a GM Binge lately. Been barely doing any Macross collecting due to all the P-Bandai. I still can't believe I got 5 White Dingo Sniper kits.....
  7. gyahahaha all those scalpers can go sukkit. I hope they sell well again so that we can get a blowsup
  8. Damnit I got psyched that they were going to release a 1/100 GM Cannon II from 0083.. but then I realized you were talking about that weirdass Guncannon Detector from Unicorn / Zeta :0
  9. A review of the F91 in English, also from a Korean dude Can't wait for them to be available locally in the US in a month or so. On a side note, my ADV hazel just shipped from JPN
  10. Yup. All 4 of them O_o I already fixed the issue though with a tiny applicator and some super glue. The way the back wheel was a tiny few degrees off from perfectly parallel with the front wheel when in armor mode was triggering my OCD
  11. Awesome photos Saburo. I love my 2 sticks and rays. Btw, anyone having an issue with the back-wheel being kind of whobbly? It feels like it's not entirely secure on the metal rod :0
  12. Duymon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Markings, Cockpit opens differently and the feet are different. A lot of people bought the VF-19 because it was close enough to the YF-19 they really loved. Now they get a chance to get what they really wanted.
  13. A solid RG is the gundam MK-II. The Titans version is cooler imho. Avoid the RG Sinanju and the RG Zeta unless you are extremely patient. Once you feel more comfortable you can challenge the RG Unicorn.
  14. Prolly a total thread de-rail, but Shinji Aramaki is coming to Anime Next in Atlantic City next month, which is only a 2-hour-ish drive from where I am. I hope my Stick and Ley arrive in time so i can go get them signed
  15. Nippon-yasan is always gonna inflate their shipping sadly. I always do bulk combined orders in order to justify it since other shops in Japan automatically force EMS over $100-200. Sometimes I use kurama online shop from JPY for single items because their single item shipping is pretty cheap compared to NY. http://www.bandaionline.com/hg-1-144-ground-type-gundam-parachute-pack-ver-plastic-model/ As for US stores, they don't custom order with large preorder windows. They decide how many they think they can sell and choose to stock whatever amount they order. Often times they sellout their preorders, but when they don't sometimes that stock just sits until somebody picks it up. I've bought old slow moving P-Bandai kits from all 4 before and all were legit.
  16. I am legit debating on having a fire-sale of my entire backlog of unopened 1/72 VF-1s and just get one of those fighter-modes in 1/20
  17. I believe BBTS.com and usagundamstore.com also take preorders, though they are really pricey. I end up getting the best prices from NY or Anime Export :0
  18. Honestly I'll be happy if it just comes out at all. Also I hope it sells well so that maybe we can get a Z-Gundam version and maybe even one day they'll separate the Base Jabber from the MG Uni Ver Ka so that we can have an easily obtainable unicorn jabber too :0
  19. oooh, lots of new goodies being shown at Shizuoka Hobby Show. Only thing I'm really interested in is the new MG Gundam Storm Bringer from Build DIvers. Looks like it borrows heavily from the GM DOminance mold, which means it's another GM SNiper II frame. (that's like the 6th kit using the GM SNiper frame thus far)
  20. 9 of 12 CF's had parts breakage, mainly the triangle parts (both the shoulder triangle and the under slide-out triangles) and the knee joints. 1 or 2 also had really brittle canopies that had to be glued back in and one of the fighters even had a chest swing bar that broke apart and required the unit to be glued entirely into fighter mode. All of the CF battroid and Gerwalks have Shapeways shoulder triangle replacements and their slide-out triangles removed. The fighter modes were given all the intact triangles and all the broken knee joints since they don't need knee articulation. It's been rough but luckily I didn't pay retail for nearly all the CF's. the 171 Exes are all perfectly fine without any Parts breakage.
  21. Omg i remember that. One of the two Mworld dudes I have met IRL lol
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